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Serendipity of Science
Saving Lives - for iPod/iPhone
Can you think like a scientist? Can you turn a bad result into a good hypothesis? Scientific thinking changes the way you look at the world. Science generally involves long hours of painstaking lab work as researchers refine their carefully designed experiments in response to their results. However, occasionally, it all goes wrong and the outcome isn’t quite what was expected. That’s when thinking like a scientist can help turn a bit of bad luck into a new discovery. From the Big Bang, penicillin and radioactivity to Teflon, Velcro and Viagra the history of science is littered with these...
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When Alexander Fleming came back from holiday he noticed that mould contamination on an experimental plate had killed a pathogen. Fleming wondered 'Why?' Careful observation, rigorous scientific thinking and painstaking experimental work led to the discovery of pencillin.
Published 09/04/15
When Alexander Fleming came back from holiday he noticed that mould contamination on an experimental plate had killed a pathogen. Fleming wondered 'Why?' Careful observation, rigorous scientific thinking and painstaking experimental work led to the discovery of pencillin.
Published 09/04/15
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