Brother Keith Daniel speaks of the need of sound doctrine in the Church today with a strong warning message. He speaks of a time where believers will not endure sound doctrine. Keith highlights the Incarnation of Christ as a fundamental the fact that God was made Flesh, which many sects are denying in our day. Lastly he speaks of Christ as Saviour and coming Judge.
Published 06/04/21
Keith Malcomson shares a sobering message to the body of Christ to prepare for the Lords coming. He shares for us to seek to gather inner oil of the Holy Spirit, and speaks of the danger of merely outward show or seeking outward ministry and not intimately knowing the Lord. May this message encourage you to seek the Lord like you have not sought Him before.
Published 01/13/21
The spirit of glibness, instantaneous experiences and gratification, and superficiality has entered our spiritual lives. This message gives us the pattern of God’s way with His servants in the world. God’s Spirit not only leads, but also to give us a check. The Lord is leading us to a relationship that we will know His voice and when He speaks, we will go. We must crucify our flesh, our fears, and just follow Him. Art gives examples both from his own life and Scripture of the Spirit of God...
Published 09/03/20
In this message brother Aaron Hurst gives us a clear warning about the second coming of the Lord. He speaks in light of what is happening in the world to keep our lamps lighted with the Holy Spirit and repentance. He shares and exhorts from the letters to the churches in revelation to keep our walks with the Lord free from sins and false teachings.
Published 05/02/20
Warren Wiersbe gives a very simple but profound teaching taking us into the life of the Apostle Paul and his decision making. He paints a picture of his choice to go to Rome and potentially the way he choose was a detour. This message can be a help and warning to us in the Holy Spirit to desire God's best direction and will in our lives.
Published 03/01/20
Francis Chan unpacks the importance of Communion (Lord's Supper) and how it relates to the body of Christ and also how it centers the Church upon Jesus Christ Himself. He shares how the pulpit has replaces the focus on Jesus and how we can adjust our Church gatherings to focus on the Lord more. A powerful challenging message for the evangelical Church.
Published 01/08/20
Alan Baker gives a passioned plea with North America believers to wake up and do the works of God in our generation and time. He shares from the key verse: "I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work." Do we have tears for the Lost? Do we have intimacy with the Lord? Do we need personal Revival? Are we ready for persecution?
Published 11/21/19
Pastor Jim Cymbala shares an excellent message on having true religion that God approves of. In especially a time of Lent in the Christian Calendar this is a searching message to ask ourselves if our priorities are right. When Fasting are we still quarrelling, full of strife?
Published 03/23/19
Leonard Ravenhill expounds of the passage by St. James, "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." And applies this to ask for a life of surrender and repentance. Excellent message to introspect and consider your life as from the dust and to the dust, let us surrender our life to the Lord.
Published 03/06/19
Bishop Stewart shares his passion for a work of revival. He speaks clearly on the main goal and focus of revival namely, Jesus Christ Himself. He speaks on how the traditions of the Church reinforce this and speak of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross and its implications in our own lives. He also shares the role of God the Holy Spirit in revival.
Published 02/27/19
Francis Chan speaks on a very important subject of Church Unity and the sacredness of the Church. This message warns as the Scripture does: "If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred." In the body of Christ in North America especially there is a great need to hear this message. To see God's people as holy and all of us as a body of Christ together and not to bite and devour one another as we are wounding Christ Himself who we share in.
Published 11/21/18
Ignatius, who is also called Theophorus, to the Church which is at Ephesus, in Asia, deservedly most happy, being blessed in the greatness and fullness of God the Father, and predestinated before the ages of time, that it should be always for an enduring and unchangeable glory, being united and elected through the true passion by the will of the Father, and Jesus Christ, our God: Abundant happiness through Jesus Christ, and His undefiled grace.
Published 11/19/18
You don’t want revival—it will ruin your schedule, your dignity, your image, and your reputation as a person who is ‘well balanced.’ Men will weep throughout the congregation. Women will wail because of the travail of their own souls. Young adults will cry like children at the magnitude of their sin. With the strength of My presence, the worship team will cease playing. Time will seem to stand still. You won’t be able to preach because of the emotions flooding your own soul. You’ll struggle...
Published 10/13/18
Pastor Fitch shows that once God has revealed His will to us we should do it and nothing else and if you have not heard specific instructions from the Lord then we are to do what the Word of God commands. Once God had revealed His will to us we must do it regardless of the consquences.
Published 10/10/18
This is a powerful sermon on "drinking the cup" and baptism of the holy spirit in a way far different from the meaning that is often heard. It's a long sermon but it's worth the hour. Luke 12:49-50 "I have a baptism..." "I am come to send fire on earth." Ravenhill speak in this video of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Baptism of Christ sufferings. This lecture was spoken at last days ministries to a crowd of students. This is a very convicting and passionate video of Ravenhill it is...
Published 12/11/17
At a Brooklyn Tabernacle prayer meeting, Pastor Cymbala presented an exhortation about being led and controlled by the Holy Spirit. A excellent message sharing the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church and His role in the life of the believer. Cymbala shares 3 different aspects of the work of the Holy Spirit.
Published 11/29/17
Joe Root challenges us with this powerful message given at a large youth gathering. The almighty sovereign God has given us the gift of our own will, but God is a God of relationship. He wants us, out of our own will and choice, to hand over the keys of our will to Him! He's waiting! What will you do with the keys of your will?
Published 11/08/17
Dean Taylor speaks on the biblical subject of non-violence following in the spirit of Christ and His teaching. Hear again some of the wonderful commands of Christ from Scriptures. He gives encouragements on becoming a soldier of the Lord to follow Christ passionately.
Published 10/16/17
The decline of obedience to the moral laws of God in society and in the church will ultimately bring upon themselves the redemptive judgments of God. Art examines the root of the offense as seen from God’s viewpoint in His dealings with Israel in the time of Phinehas and Moses.
Published 10/15/17
Are our hearts focused on Christ alone or other things? Paul Washer shares the ultimate important goal of Christian life is to experience and know God Himself. We should never allow ministry or gifts or other experiences to take away from our devotion to God Himself. Christ is the true vine, He is our source of life, fulfillment and joy.
Published 09/07/17
William Macdonald shares on the topic of backslidding. A great searching message on this needful topic and a warning to us lest we feel we stand, we fall. This message will be a safety and encouragement to your walk with Jesus Christ.
Published 08/06/17