In this podcast Dave answers some frequently asked questions that people have as they dive deeper and work through the Servant Leadership tools.
Published 08/25/17
Over the last sixteen podcasts we have introduced a series of tools that when used intentionally can help us to become more effective leaders. These...
Published 08/15/17
We need to learn to communicate and express ourselves in a way that breaches the barriers to communication. Clarity comes through humility, asking questions, and...
Published 08/08/17
Communication is the tool that ties the rest of the tools together. Without it we will not be able to effectively share our There with...
Published 07/25/17
We always have a choice, and although we can’t control most things in this world, we can control a few. When we choose to allow...
Published 06/13/17
There are two different systems that we use as we operate in the world around us. System one, which is instinctive, a learned behavior, an automatic...
Published 06/05/17
Our emotions are our first responders, they are there to tell us that something is happening, they aren’t good or bad in and of themselves,...
Published 06/01/17
There will always be conflict, no matter what role we are in. Conflict doesn’t have to be bad, but the way that we handle conflict...
Published 05/24/17
Sharing truth is important, it can help us to gain clarity and perspective on our current reality, and in turn help us to act-learn-adjust along...
Published 04/25/17
Awareness of our Here can motivate us and help us to move towards our There. The Project Mood Curve is a tool that can help us to...
Published 04/05/17
The point of leadership is not control, the point of leadership is influence, it is casting vision and influencing others to lead themselves towards the There. In this podcast we talk about boundaries and consequences, and how, when used well, can be a powerful tool that empower individuals into self-governance.
Published 03/28/17
There are many different leaderships styles, and they are all effective in different settings. As we influence those we lead into ownership of the There we use the leadership styles to empower them. Listen in to learn how you can become a more transformative leader.
Published 03/22/17
If leadership is influencing others to get There we need to learn how to steward the power we carry in order to influence those we lead. In this podcast we talk about the 5 types of power, and how when used effectively, we are able to influence others into living towards the vision.
Published 03/14/17
As humans, our default is self. As such, it is easy to lose focus of our transcendent There (which is others oriented) and set our gaze upon serving ourselves. Only after we learn how to differentiate between the me There and the we There can we die to self in order to serve the greater good.
Published 02/28/17
In this podcast we talk about the value of SMART Goals. Goals setting creates focus and intention, and is a tool that will help move you along the path towards your There.
Published 02/21/17
Journey with us as we dive deeper into the meaning of our existence. We touch on the value and importance of having a Transcendent There or Vision. When we have a Transcendent There we are able to live an integrated life, instead of a compartmentalized one, living towards something greater than ourselves at home, work, in our relationships, etc... Listen in to learn more.
Published 01/18/17
In this podcast we talk about the meaning of life. We touch on the value and importance of having a Transcendent There or Vision. When we have a Transcendent There we are able to live an integrated life, instead of a compartmentalized one, living towards something greater than ourselves at home, work, in our relationships, etc... Listen in to learn more.
Published 01/09/17
Welcome to our podcast. In this first episode we will be talking about the definition of leadership, the framework of life, and share a story from the history pages that illustrates the value of influence in leadership.
Published 12/12/16