Are the holidays sexy?  Do you have that special someone... or two... or that new person? Or are the holidays full of family, food, stress, busyness, travel and you can't find the time to feel sexy let alone have sex. Well never fear in this week's episode I am going to share my top advice on how to maximize time for yourself and optimize that sexual connection time. So grab a glass of eggnog, a gingerbread cookie, and settle all in for a fun episode! I have also created a Happy Holiday...
Published 12/16/21
NEWS FLASH! None of your partner's body parts vibrate 200 times a second... And that's OK! If you've ever heard "you have the real thing right here, why do you need that 'thing'"? Or you've been shamed because you have pleasure products.  Never fear this week's episode will solve all your problems (or at least point you in the right direction). This week we cover what to do if your partner has sex toy tantrums, the conversations to have, the options to explore, and what to do if you're at a...
Published 12/09/21
There are thousands of pleasure products to choose from and that can get a little overwhelming.  If you're buying for the first time or looking to upgrade your current collections. In this week's episode, I share the questions to think about to ensure you get the right fit for you. And then I dive into the lovely world of lube and review the three main categories so you know which slippery stuff is best. The holidays are coming and pleasure products are truly the gift that keeps on...
Published 12/02/21
Have you ever faked an orgasm? More than a few?  Maybe you're hitting double digits? And maybe, just maybe you've pretended to enjoy a position that you hated because you thought that it would look hot or you thought your partner liked it? Or maybe you get anxious thinking about having sex? Chances are you're stuck in the performative sex trap... And it's ok many people just like you are AND that's why I recorded this episode to help you break free! In this episode, I will share what...
Published 11/25/21
Transforming your sex life is a journey... I'm sharing my journey over the last 2 years of working with clients and evolving as a sexologist. And sharing the journey I can take you on over the next few months to transform your sex life. If you're interested in becoming a Founding Member click here to learn more: www.sexlifeunleashed.com/foundingmember What I do know is it will be 12 weeks, starting Feb 1st.   weekly live classes/assignmentsweekly live coaching monthly events one on one...
Published 11/18/21
Would you like to uplevel your sex convos? Become masterful at communicating your needs, wants and desires?  Don't we all. In this week's episode, I share the most popular communication technique that I have shared speaking across North America and on national TV.  And it continues to be one of my most requested communication strategies. I also cover how and why it is necessary to carve out time to talk about your sex life with your partner(s)... and then a fun way of communicating your...
Published 11/11/21
Do you get tongue-tied when it comes to talking about sex? Have you avoided awkward sex convos?  Do you shut down when hearing anything less than YOU'RE A SEX GODDESS or YOU'RE A SEX GOD? Out of all the weird, wild, wonderful things that we can do with our mouths when it comes to sex talking about it is the most powerful! But we suck at it. In this week's episode, we cover why we struggle so much with talking about sex, the different timing of conversations, paralinguistics (fancy word...
Published 10/28/21
Do you want to have great sex? OF COURSE you do!  But in order to do that, it's important to really understand yourself.  What were the messages you received growing up that impact you today?  In this week's episode, we start to discover why you are the way you are and begin to understand your Sexual Blueprint I'll review the three types of formative instances that shape your current sexual reality and so much more. If you're struggling in your sex life or want to take it to the next...
Published 10/21/21
Kink can be an access to keeping your sex life alive and exciting but... kink can be intimidating or even scary for some.  In this episode, I demystify kink by tackling common misconceptions, review terminology, and provide you with a simple and inviting way to look at kink...  and maybe even try something new.  Along the way, I share a few stories about my learnings and adventures.  Here is the link for your Sex Menu: www.sexlifeunleashed.com/menu Want to win a $50 Amazon gift card? As a...
Published 10/14/21
Orgasms can be elusive, difficult, and downright frustrating.  In this episode. We cover some of the most common challenges, the causes of those challenges, and what you can do about them.  Cause let's face it no one ever complained about too many orgasms.   As always,  I'll share insights from both my professional and personal life. And then I share a specific example of a woman I worked with and how I supported her to enjoy more pleasure in her life. This episode is for you wherever you...
Published 10/07/21
Have you ever wondered if you're normal? Let's face it, you're not alone. In this episode, we cover ways you can embrace, explore and celebrate all of who you are... even the deliciously wicked ones! Join me as we discuss the importance of being authentic and trusting yourself in all that you do! This episode is a must-listen if you want to understand better what it means to be an erotic outlier and find more confidence in who you are! Here is the link for your Sex Menu:...
Published 09/28/21
Get to know what you can expect from Sex Life Unleashed and a little about Stephen.
Published 09/22/21