This episode is filled with candid and empowering discussions. From debunking societal norms on female desire to unraveling the mysteries of sexual compatibility, no question is off-limits. For more information check out Stephen on istagram @drdewit
Published 05/29/23
Published 05/29/23
Welcome to our podcast where we dive into some of the most pressing and intriguing questions related to love, sex, and relationships. In this episode, we tackle some of the most common questions that people have when it comes to intimacy and pleasure. Have you ever wondered why you can't seem to reach orgasm with your partner? Or maybe you're struggling with falling back in love with your first love even though you're married. How about the age-old question of why some partners won't go down...
Published 05/02/23
I'll be answering your questions and discussing how to talk to your partner about sex when you don't want it, the pros and cons of being a boss in your life and submissive sexually, and how to get rid of the shame and guilt you may feel after kinky sex. Plus, we'll tackle how to "make" your partner more open-minded and spice things up, how to handle "regrets" after "settling down", and where to find a partner that will prioritize your pleasure.  Come on in and let's get started! If you're...
Published 04/10/23
Every two weeks I love to bring you the answers to your questions: Whether you're struggling with a sexless marriage, learning how to stimulate a circumcised versus an uncircumcised penis, introducing new toys to your bedroom, or dealing with body insecurity, I'm here to help. Tune in as I provide frank and honest advice to get you back to enjoying a healthy and pleasurable sex life. For more information and to become part of the community follow here.
Published 04/03/23
Welcome to this episode of my podcast! In this episode, I am going to answer four questions that many of us have been asking: Can men have sex for two hours? What tips can femme doms and male subs use? Is it okay to have a relationship with a second cousin? Is it ok to cry during sex? What if I have less experience than my partner? How can we sustain erections naturally? How can you navigate kink and non-monogamy with herpes? So, don’t miss out on this episode and join me as I answer...
Published 03/20/23
Join me as I discuss the ins and outs of giving and receiving orgasms, how to identify and navigate romantic and platonic feelings, and when to know you're ready for an open relationship. From tips on anal sex to understanding the normalcy of different levels of sexual activity, I'm here to provide guidance and advice on all your orgasmic questions. Buckle up and get ready to explore the depths of sex, pleasure, and relationships in an open and honest way. Work with me one on one. Ask...
Published 03/06/23
Welcome to my podcast episode on sex and kinks! We're going to explore all the naughty bits you've been wanting to know more about. Join me as I answer all the burning questions you've been too embarrassed to ask publicly: is there such a thing as being 'too horny'? How to explore kink without a partner? What's the difference between being attracted to someone and being transphobic? How do you share your preferences without insulting others? Is self-pleasure for women bad? We'll also talk...
Published 02/20/23
This episode dives into the tricky world of relationships, sex and desire. We explore the questions of: - how to approach a situation when you're not turned on by your partner and don't feel the same level of desire. - how to prioritize comfort over performance, and how to explore different implements of impact play. - effects of porn on sexual performance and the importance of self-reflection and honest conversations with your partner. Lastly, we look at the myth that dimples above the...
Published 02/06/23
We're back and looking to crack open the conversation around sex!  In this episode, I share where I've been over the past 6 months and what we will explore in Season 3! Glad to be back and glad to have you along for the ride. Click here to submit your sex questions - Hey Stephen, please answer my question! For more information visit sexlifeunleashed.com Join us every second Tuesday for your new episode.
Published 01/19/23
Nicolle Hodges is a unique blend of philosopher, practitioner, and facilitator of deep human connections. From interviewing men in bubble baths on what it means to be a man to curating events for women to experience BDSM as a healing modality to writing books on the female orgasm in Dr. Seuss style Nicolle is not your average woman.  I call her a sexual superhero. In this episode, we explore what is on the other side of sexual shame, the immense power of community, what eroticism actually...
Published 06/09/22
There is so much jampacked into this episode.  You might want to take notes.  Heather is a sex educator, therapist, and coach.  In her work, she aims to start practical conversations while honouring the complexity of the world around them.  Heather's also the person that I turn to when I need support.  She is a brilliant mind, a beautiful human, and as straightforward, honest, and funny as they come. In this episode, we discuss what Heather deals with in her private practice and how to go...
Published 05/26/22
Have you ever been tied up or tied someone up?  Or maybe just curious about it.  This week we have expert tier, Anastasia shares about the world of Shibari. Shibari is the act of tying up a person for aesthetic purposes— in a pretty or intricate pattern, typically by using some form of rope. And while shibari can be used for sexual pleasure, it's also used as a form of meditation, relaxation, and trust-building practice between two partners. In this week's episode,  Anastasia share's the...
Published 05/19/22
Are you curious about what happens behind the dungeon door? Do you want the inside scoop on what the life of a Dominatrix is really like?  This week Lady Pim generously shares the ins, outs, and nuances of being a professional pleasure/pain/fantasy collaborator and provider. If you've ever wondered... What does a dominatrix do when she's having a rough day and doesn't want to go to work? What does a great day at work look like? How do you vet clients? How do you navigate between...
Published 05/12/22
If you're curious about kink and what it takes to create a really healthy power exchange relationship..... Kathleen tells all from her early mistakes and missteps to her current D/s dynamic. In this episode, you will learn how to spot red flags from far away,  how to avoid the most common pitfalls submissives make, how to set boundaries with your Dom, how to find other play partners to join you and your partner, how to deal with people who kink shame you and so much more. Kathleen has...
Published 05/05/22
Carlyle Jansen is a sex therapist (RP) and the founder of Good For Her, a sexuality shop and workshop centre in Toronto.  She is the author of Sex Yourself, a book on self-pleasure for cis-women, and Anal Sex Basics, a guide to anal pleasure for folks of all genders.  And so much more... In this episode, Carlyle shares how she went from being terrified of a penis to becoming both an anchor and beacon of sex positivity in Toronto and North America. If you're curious about having "sex worth...
Published 04/28/22
Have you ever met someone that appears to have lived several lives in one lifetime? Shirley Rivers is one of those magical people. In this rollercoaster of an episode, Shirley shares the highs and lows of her personal journey and how she used that to propel her professional success. From a Gynecologic Teaching Associate to a Midwife to providing training to private medical providers, medical schools, VA Hospitals, universities, and rape centers around the world. This week we cover: What...
Published 04/21/22
Have you been unhappy with your vagina?  Or has your vagina ever been unhappy with you?  Don't worry, it's OK.  Adrienne is the Yoni Nutritionist! A Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Sex Educator with a passion for women’s health.  In this week's episode, we talk about the importance of nutrition and holistic lifestyle practices to maintain their vaginal health and help them manage and eliminate symptoms of chronic vaginal infections. We take on disclosing to partners, shame and advocating...
Published 03/31/22
Have you been silenced by just a look?  Were you taught to speak up for yourselves in all areas except sex?  Did your parents shield you from sex?  In this episode join me as I talk with Shelley Dee about how, as a Catholic daughter to Indian-Goan parents, she's navigated her sexual journey with lots of twists, turns and laughs along the way. Shelley's Podcast "Just Out Of Curiosity with Shelley Dee" is coming May 2022. And if you want to transform your relationship with sex the Sex Life...
Published 03/23/22
Thanks for joining me for Season 1. I couldn't have done it without you! Through 15 episodes I've learned and grown a lot and I hope you have too. Taking a break to focus on two passion projects: The free masterclass "A Great Sex Life has Very Little to do with Sex: 4 Myths That Are Sabotaging Your Sex Life (and what to do instead)" that you can sign up for here. And launching the Sex Life Unleashed Academy 12 week online program that you can sign up for here. Look for Season 2 to be...
Published 02/10/22
You may be stuck.... Like millions of other people. But you don't have to stay stuck! In this episode I do a deep dive into the benefits you can personally reap from working on your sex life beyond just better sex. I distilled the most common life-altering changes that clients consistently experience in their life. I share how working on your sex life actually sends ripples throughout your entire life.  Being a more confident, authentic, and happy person can dramatically alter how you...
Published 02/03/22
Are you curious about what a sexologist's sex life is like? Do I walk the talk? Do I live a sex life unleashed? In this episode, I share my personal story of sexual transformation, from the sad to the salacious, I will take you on the journey that covers the missteps, the darkness, the epiphanies, and the celebration. I share parts of me I haven't publicly shared before.  Get to know the man behind the doctor. The waitlist for the sex life unleashed academy is now open. If you want to...
Published 01/27/22
Stephen, how did you become a Sexologist? And, what do you actually do?  Two of the most common questions I get. In this episode, I take you on the journey of my professional life for the past decade and share the twists and turns the ups and downs. I pull back the curtain and share what it took to get me to where I am today. If you've ever asked yourself who the heck is this Stephen guy? And you want to get to know the man behind the mic or if you're interested in the field of sexology...
Published 01/20/22
Are you ready to throw in the towel and resign yourself to a life of bad sex, celibacy, or growing old where the only bedroom excitement is when you drop your dentures into the Polident on your bedside table? Sometimes you may think that you can't. Sometimes you need to hear it a different way. This is the episode for you. There's nothing horribly wrong with the fact that you haven't figured out how to have a great sex life right now. Sex is one of the most loaded topics out there....
Published 01/13/22
What's not working in your sex life?  Do you know why? I know it seems like it sometimes but you're not the only one who has challenges when it comes to sex. I took inventory of all the women I worked with over the past year and in this episode, I am sharing them with you. If you are struggling with your sex life, it's ok.  It is part of being human. Which ones do you relate to the most?  If you want to create a great sex life this year the waitlist is open for the sex life unleashed...
Published 01/06/22