In this special Best Of Shared Space Season 2! We talk with architects, psychologist, designers, activists, writers, urban planners – a host of amazing community changemakers on season two and we weave all of those together for you all. We start with a basic understanding of what is loneliness, social health, and social capital and why is it so important? Then we dive into office spaces, public places, housing, and more – exploring examples from across the globe as to what types of design...
Published 10/06/21
Published 10/06/21
In this episode, I speak with community leaders, and all-around good neighbors, Judy Sullivan and Meg Moschetto of the Cochrane Heights Neighborhood Association in Dallas, Texas. They recently transformed an ‘eyesore’ alley into a place of connection, expanding their neighborhood, increasing safety, and paving the way for a butterfly garden, kids playing and many more dog walks with neighbors. Their journey and the beautiful results were first captured by the Dallas Morning News, and serve as...
Published 06/29/21
How do our workplaces and practices impact loneliness? How can you design for connection of all kinds? In 2019, 61% of U.S. working adults reported experiencing loneliness, which is tied to decreased productivity, work satisfaction and turn over. Yet, we rarely ask the question of how to design for connection in our workplaces as a priority. In this episode, I speak with Dr. Nigel Oseland who shares design strategies for fostering four types of connections in the work environment! Dr....
Published 05/25/21
In this episode, I speak with Mario Luis Small, PhD. Dr. Small is Grafstein Family Professor in the Department of Sociology at Harvard University. He has published award-winning articles, edited volumes, and books on topics such as urban poverty, personal networks, and the relationship between qualitative and quantitative methods. He has some amazing books, from Villa Victoria to Unanticipated Gains, to his latest book, Someone To Talk To: How Networks Matter in Practice. In this episode, we...
Published 05/04/21
How can a one-day event spark lasting change? How can community design be open sourced? What should we be measuring if we want to gauge positive change? I talk with transportation and placemaking expert, Andrew Howard about his experiences doing just this with Team Better Block. Andrew is the director of placemaking at WGI, a national design and professional services firm leading in technology-based solutions for the construction of public infrastructure and real estate development. Andrew...
Published 04/20/21
June Grant is an architect, designer and researcher committed to the craft of buildings, their potential to enhance cities and develop socially responsible solutions to complex real-world problems. She is the founding Principal of blink!LAB architecture, a boutique, research-based architecture practice focused on adaptive and transformative sustainable development. June has a master’s in architecture from Yale and has studied economics and sculpture. She is the immediate-past President of the...
Published 04/06/21
What is the most talked about neighborhood in Austin, TX? The Community First! Village, a 51-acre master planned village that fosters independence, friendship and community in service with the homeless. This innovate residential program, developed by Mobile Loaves & Fishes is rethinking housing and showing amazing results. Shelby Blessing, AIA is a design architect, impassioned activist and Austin-based design for equity leader, with Page/. She shares stories from years of working with...
Published 03/23/21
Can our cities be designed to make us happier? What is the role of public space in fostering a more civil society? Can street design foster trust – or even romance? Mitchell Reardon, a senior urban planner, lecturer, and leader at Happy Cities. Happy Cities is an interdisciplinary firm working at the intersection of urban design, policy, engagement and human wellbeing. They turn evidence into action for happier, healthier and more inclusive communities. Mitchell’s experiments, projects and...
Published 03/09/21
Emily Anthes is an award-winning science journalist and author whose work has appeared in the New York Times, The New Yorker, Atlantic Wired, Nature, to name a few. Emily has a master's degree in science writing from MIT and a bachelor's degree in the history of science and medicine from Yale, where she also studied creative writing. Emily lives in Brooklyn, New York. In this episode, we discuss... Introduction [0:30] Earliest Memory of Architecture's Impact [02:10] How Emily Started...
Published 02/23/21
Katie Swenson is a nationally recognized design leader, researcher, writer, and educator, and a Senior Principal at MASS Design Group. Katie and I explore how love can be a power to transform the world. Katie shares how she has learned to think about and practice designing with love, and how designers can use love to help dismantle systemic injustices. “Talking about Love gives us clarity. Love and abuse, or love and racism, or love and discrimination, fundamentally cannot coexist.” - Katie...
Published 02/09/21
Last season on Shared Space, we explored the research behind design for connection, exploring evidence-based strategies to foster community and belonging. This season, we are digging into the How.  How do people work in communities across the globe to use architecture and space to as a force to make the world a brighter place? Community leaders, activists designers, and award-winning authors will shared what they've learned about creating a happier, healthier and more connected world.  Look...
Published 02/04/21
This holiday season is unlike any other for most of us. In this episode, I try something a little different, share a little more of myself, and share strategies for navigating loneliness through these holidays. I share stories from listeners who are trying something new this holiday season to stay connected and I share a advice from experts across the landscape of psychology, philosophy and wellbeing. A few highlights include: - Gratitude Practice: The regular (daily or more) expression of...
Published 11/26/20
Have you ever walked into an office and seen a sea of cubicles and wondered - how is anyone supposed to get work done here? How can I have private conversation with colleagues, or collaborative brainstorming session? Or maybe walked into a café and thought, 'where in the world can I tuck out of the way with my toddler so I can still connect with others' (hint: I can relate to that one)?  All of that is related to this concept of Choice and why it is so important in shaping opportunities for...
Published 11/11/20
Today on Shared Space, I talk with Kati Peditto PhD, an award winning environmental psychologist from Cornell University and assistant professor at the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership at the U.S. Air Force Academy.  Kati’s research focuses on the social and psychological dynamics of space, and particularly on how to create spaces for adolescents and young adults with cancer. We address both universal and specific strategies work for this patient population, and how we can all...
Published 10/20/20
Today I am talking with Julianne Holt-Lundstad, who studies social relationships, stress and our health. She is a renowned professor of psychology and social neuroscience at Brigham Young University - where her seminal research identified social isolation and loneliness as risk factors for early mortality. Her work has been highlighted in the BBC 100 Breakthrough Health Discoveries in 2015, and covered in the New York Times, The Washington Post, Time Magazine, The Today Show, Brené Brown,...
Published 10/06/20
Do you ever wonder how can we socially connect and still be safe? What is the role of the design of the physical spaces around us? What strategies could work for both you, and perhaps your loved ones living in senior housing? In Episode 9 of the Shared Space podcast, I sit down with Patricia Gruits of MASS Design Group to explore synergies between designing for COVID-19 and designing for social connection with a special focus on senior living. Patricia shares findings from her recent report...
Published 09/08/20
This week's podcast we dig into one of the six attributes that help to create environments of connection, Human Scale. I interview Thom Grieving, Principle of HKS, about his team's work around a very special project that helps to exemplify what design with human scale for connection looks like at University of California at San Diego, Theater District Living and Learning Neighborhood. For this project, the Dean and leadership of UCSD had thoughtfully embedded considerations around social...
Published 08/18/20
In this episode, Maya and I explore how the built environment can foster justice, equity, diversity and inclusion – how often it’s purposefully designed to exclude and how we can change that. Maya’s journey to create Chicago Mobile Makers started off with two questions - 1. How can we diversity the design profession? 2. How can we improve disinvested communities? And, can those two things happen simultaneously? Maya believes that architecture should not be a privilege and must expand to...
Published 08/04/20
On this episode we discuss the importance of designing accessible and inclusive places of connection. When we use universal design principles that honor the human experience, we are creating more inclusive, equitable and welcoming places for all people. I share an example from my own practice working with clients to create spaces that are accessible for the people they serve, like the new clinic at Parkland Hospital.    Perhaps the most foundational attribute of a good third place is that it...
Published 07/28/20
I speak with acclaimed author, researcher, TEDx speaker, and professor of environmental psychology, Dr. Colin Ellard. Part 2: On the second half of our two-part episode, Dr. Colin Ellard and I explore research around what small tweaks can shape how we evaluate and want to connect with others, difference between what people think will make them happy and what they want, vs. what actually makes us happy in our home environments, and lastly he leaves us with his top 3 things that he hopes we...
Published 07/13/20
I speak with acclaimed author, researcher, TEDx speaker, and professor of environmental psychology, Dr. Colin Ellard. Part 1: On this first part of our two-part episode, Colin and I explore how he discovered his passion for this field, how COVID-19 is shaping his current research and how we are all connecting, and lastly we discuss what evolutionary psychology can teach us about ideal group sizes for connection and community.  Part 2: On the second half of our two-part episode, Colin and I...
Published 07/13/20
The prehistoric Stonehenge monument and other archaeological sites offer ample evidence of human  civilization’s enduring need for communal gathering spaces, those places where people  can come  together for celebration, ritual, and the mundane (1). These places are what sociologist Ray Oldenburg  coined third places (2)—places unlike the private, informal home and the public, formal workplace,  being both informal and public. These are places where people gather and socialize deliberately or...
Published 06/08/20
Many people see health as the responsibility of clinicians, nutritionists, and other health care professionals. Yet it has become clear that although vitally important, clinical care makes up just 10% to 20% of overall health (1). The physical  environment is an important factor underlying our health ecosystem, influencing how we think, feel, and behave (2). The United Nations (3)  and the World Health Organization (4)  have identified better housing and neighborhood conditions as critical to...
Published 06/07/20
As humans, we evolved in community. People gathered in small tribes to support one another, to provide protection, warmth, food, and care for children. Given our nature, being completely autonomous and independent is a threat to survival. Our basic need to be interdependent remains even though the backdrop of humanity has transformed over centuries. A 2020 Cigna survey showed that more than three in five working American adults are lonely, and rising numbers report feeling left out,  is...
Published 06/07/20