I am thrilled to share Jessica Headey Gandolfi's energetic healing work called Harmonyum. Harmonyum heals anxiety, trauma and depression while creating calm, clarity, focus and joy. Harmonyum targets the entire neurological system, balancing both sides of the nervous system. By taking us into a deep and intense state of relaxation, activating the "rest and digest" zone, our bodies innate self-healing mechanism is stimulated, and dramatic, powerful healing can begin at a root level. Thereby,...
Published 12/16/21
Published 12/16/21
I'm excited to share this episode with Rhowena Adolfo Patel. She is the CEO and Founder of Healing Mama Co. which was born out of her experience as a first-time mom. She and Healing Mama Co. are on a movement to raise the standard of care for birthing people and partners during childbirth and postpartum. Check out www.healingmamaco.com for more information.
Published 04/12/21
Kelly discusses the important work of the Maternal Mental Health Now Task Force (previously known as the Los Angeles County Perinatal Mental Health Task Force started in 2007). The Maternal Mental Health NOW Task Force plays a key role in helping to reduce the stigma and shame around maternal mental health depression and anxiety during pregnancy and after pregnancy. Including postpartum psychosis.
Published 08/27/20
On Episode 40 I am welcoming back Elizabeth Krasnoff. I thought it would be helpful to many listeners to hear Elizabeth and I discuss how incorporating sound, sound frequencies and music can soothe our bodies, our minds, our spirits/souls, and our emotions during these unprecedented times of COVID interrupting our daily lives and daily routines. This is such an important topic for myriad reasons.
Published 07/29/20
My guest on Episode 39 of Shattered Conception is Dr. Harvey Kliman who has, in addition to an M.D., holds a Ph.D. in cellular biochemistry from the University of Chicago. He is currently a Research Scientist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Yale University School of Medicine and the Director of the Reproductive and Placental Research Unit with a special interest in infertility, pregnancy complications, pregnancy loss(es) and stillbirth.
Published 03/23/20
My guest on Episode 38 is Dr. Daniel B. Singley.  Dr. Singley is a San Diego-based board certified psychologist and Director of The Center for Men’s Excellence. His research and practice focus on men’s mental health with a particular emphasis on reproductive psychology and the transition to fatherhood.
Published 03/19/20
My guest on Episode 37 of Shattered Conception is Amanda Daniels. Amanda is a heart disease survivor, mother of three daughters and a spiritual counselor. At 18-years-old she suffered her first Heartquake™ - a term she uses to describe that moment in time when your life is forever changed - when she joined the ranks of the millions worldwide living with heart disease, and heart failure at 25. 
Published 01/24/20
My guest is Elizabeth Carman, Ph.D. In 1989, Elizabeth began exploring life before birth and interviewed mothers reporting communications with their unborn children via dreams, visions, an inner voice, feeling the child’s presence, telepathy, and a host of other announcing signs. Thousands of children also reported memories of their journey from the spiritual world to conception, life in the womb, and birth itself. These stories will draw you into a new world of wonder about consciousness...
Published 01/17/20
My guest is Dr. Julie Von. Dr. Von is a Manhattan-based holistic doctor specializing in fertility who merges her medical education with intuitive-based practices. The method she developed, called Spiritual Fertility (which is also the name of her book), expresses her unique capacity and experience within both reproductive medicine and medical intuition. Dr. Julie’s work has been called evocative, eloquent, mystical, and practical. Manhattan Magazine called Julie the “baby whisperer".
Published 12/13/19
My guest is Lindsey Henke. Lindsey is the founder and Executive Director of Pregnancy After Loss Support. This is also a website and important resource for women and their families who go on to conceive another pregnancy after losing a pregnancy, their baby is stillborn and/or their infant dies after birth. She is a clinical social worker specializing as a reproductive mental health therapist with a focus on the grief and trauma that happens after a perinatal loss and the pregnancy that follows.
Published 12/06/19
My guest on Episode 33 is Dr. Julie Cantor. She was a visiting student at Yale Law School and is on the faculty of the UCLA School of Law where she teaches an upper division seminar on reproductive rights, medical ethics, and the law. Her writing has been published in legal and medical journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine. She is often called upon by the local, national, and international media to comment on issues that arise at the intersection of law and medicine.  
Published 11/14/19
My guest is Joy Burkhard, MBA. Joy is the founder and executive director of 2020 Mom. Joy founded 2020 Mom in 2011 after her personal, volunteer and professional worlds collided. She spearheaded the recent important legislation for the Maternal Mental Health Screening and Support Act that went into effect as of July 1, 2019. This law requires an OB-GYN to screen their patient for a Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder during their pregnancy and/or at their followup visit after their baby is...
Published 11/01/19
My guest is Ivy Joeva. Ivy specializes in providing support throughout the woman’s reproductive life cycle, including fertility coaching, preparation for labor and birth, postpartum recovery, and pregnancy loss counseling. She brings to her practice profound appreciation for the mind-body connection and a holistic approach including physical, emotional, sexual and spiritual aspects of care.
Published 10/25/19
My guest is Dr. Mara Tesler Stein. Dr. Stein is a clinical psychologist in private practice. She specializes in the emotional aspects of coping with crisis around pregnancy & parenting, parent education, child development, and relationship-based and developmentally supportive care to babies and their families. She is the co-author of Parenting Your Premature Baby and Child: The Emotional Journey (Fulcrum, 2004) and Intensive Parenting: Surviving the Journey Through the NICU (Fulcrum, 2013).
Published 10/11/19
My guest on Episode 29 of Shattered Conception is Clinical Psychologist Dr. Alyssa Berlin. Dr. Berlin specializes in pregnancy, postpartum and parenting in Los Angeles. She offers private counseling for women individually and/or with their partners on issues such as anxiousness and emotional fluctuation during pregnancy, postpartum blues and depression, and the complex issues that can arise between and around new and expectant parents. She is also the creator of The AfterBirth Plan Workshop.
Published 09/20/19
My guest is obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. David Finke. Dr. Finke specializes in high risk pregnancies and values patient education above all else--assessing a patient's expectations with holistic care outcomes. He has been recognized for 8 years in a row as a "Super Doctor" in Beverly Hills. He is one of several talented and caring doctors at his office at Women’s Care of Beverly Hills.
Published 09/06/19
My guest is Sara Banta. Sara is a Health Coach and she has devoted her life to providing guidance for all natural health supplements and solutions that heal the body AND the root cause of many serious health issues. Sara has come to realize that a lot of the same solutions that heal the gut, and the brain, are the solutions that help to successfully treat PCOS and fertility issues, achieve weight loss, improve fitness and restore metabolic health.  
Published 08/30/19
My guest is Susan Whitmore. In 2001, her only child, Erika Whitmore Godwin, who was 31 years old at the time, was diagnosed with a rare sinus tumor. One year later, despite every effort, Erika died. The painful and difficult journey she began exceeded anything she could have imagined. It was then she decided she would put together that kind of website—a true “grief haven”—where anyone in need could come and find all that was available. That is how griefHaven was founded.
Published 08/23/19
My guest is Patricia Danaher. Patricia is a writer, mythologist and ecopsychologist. She lived in Japan for several years, where she observed and studied the Japanese rituals and traditions around death, in particular the death of unborn babies. Her rituals offer a chance to change this and to allow people to grieve this pain, mourn the loss of this potential life and create a shrine or memorial at home.
Published 08/16/19
Kathleen discovered her gift after the death of her daughter, Samantha, at the age of 22 to cystic fibrosis. Her own experience with the death of her child and journey towards embracing her new purpose is what enables Kathleen to guide and validate grieving parents, not only in finding their own meaning around the death of a loved one but also comfort.
Published 08/02/19
My guest is licensed acupuncturist, Laura Erlich. She is the owner and founder of Mother Nurture Wellness, a holistic women’s health collective located in West Los Angeles, where she maintains a private practice as an acupuncturist with a specialty in reproductive medicine. In 2015, Laura co-authored her first book, with Emily Bartlett, Titled: Feed Your Fertility. Mother Nurture Wellness also offers chiropractic care, health and nutrition coaching, pelvic floor physical therapy, and...
Published 07/26/19
My guest is Dr. Ann O’Neill. Excitedly anticipating the arrival of her 4th son in July of 2018 and shocked to learn Elijah no longer had a heartbeat at 39 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy. Elijah was stillborn on his due date, July 2nd, 2018. Three months after Elijah’s stillbirth, the autopsy report concluded that the cause of Elijah’s death was “unknown”.  Coincidentally Ann listened to a podcast interview of Dr. Harvey Kliman who studies placenta's and she found her much needed answer.
Published 07/19/19
My guest is Dr. Louanne Davis, author of Meditations for Healing Trauma: Mindfulness Skills to Ease Post-Traumatic Stress. For the past 17 ½ years, she conducted federally funded research, most recently focused on developing and evaluating treatments for PTSD that include scientifically validated and beneficial approaches such as meditation and yoga.
Published 07/12/19
My guest is Sydnee Miller. Sydnee is a TV Set Decorator in Los Angeles. After a year of trying to get pregnant, Sydnee saw a reproductive endocrinologist. She completed 3 rounds of IUI’s and 3 rounds of IVF, only to find heartbreak and disappointment at the end of each one. She miscarried two of those rounds. Sydnee and her husband decided to give up trying and pursue adoption. This is when her older sister offered to be their surrogate.
Published 07/06/19