 What are the five love languages?  Why is it important for you to know the love language of your loved ones?  What are G-d's love languages?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on February 13, 2021 the 1st Day of Adar, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or our website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to The Five Love Languages
Published 02/13/21
What did Yeshua mean when He said "the bread that I will give is my own flesh?  What did He mean when He said "if you come to Me you will never go hungry or thirsty?  What did He mean when He said unless you "drink His blood you do not have life in yourselves"?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on January 30, 2021, the 17th day of Shvat, 5781. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or our website at www.shemayisrael.org...
Published 02/07/21
Do you know what you're being directed by? Do you know what spiritual infection is? Do you know how to diagnose spiritual infection? Do you know how to treat and prevent spiritual infection? Click here to listen to What Am I Directed By?
Published 02/06/21
Why does the Bible describe bitterness as a root?  What are the spirits that hide and support bitterness?  How have COVID19 and the recent Presidential election made many people subject to the temptation to be bitter?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on January 23, 2021 the 10th day of Shevat, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael please visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to Overcoming the...
Published 01/24/21
What is the hidden prophetic meaning of the Urim and Thummim?  How will the knowledge of the hidden meaning help you get through dark times?  What helped Yeshua get through the trial he faced that led to His crucifixion?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on January 9, 2021, the 26th day of Teves, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to Light in the Darkness 
Published 01/16/21
What happened when Biblical prophets confronted those in authority over their sins? How did the religious authorities react when Yeshua confronted them?  Have we seen similar reactions from those in authority in America?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on January 16, 2021 the 3rd of Shvat, 5781. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael please visit our Facebook page or website at shemayisrael.org. Click here to listen to Things Are Not As They...
Published 01/16/21
 Do you have a choice to accept as true or not accept as true ideas you are exposed to?  What happens when you accept an idea as true? What happens to you when you believe conflicting ideas are true?  Pastor Tom answers these question and more in this teaching given on January 2, 2021, the 18th day of Teves, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to What Am I Subjecting Myself To?
Published 01/02/21
 How have COVID19, riots, an attempted impeachment, election fraud effected our congregation's purposes?  How has this chaos effected our strategies for achieving those purposes?  Does the L-rd have strategies to achieve our purposes in the midst of the chaos?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on December 26, 2020 the 11th of Teves, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click...
Published 12/27/20
 How important is justice to the L-rd? How is G-d's grace revealed in His justice? What are the consequences of disobeying G-d?  How did G-d make a way to rescue us from the judgments due us because of our disobedience?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on December 19, 2020 the 4th of Teves, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org. Click here to listen to Judgment and Grace 
Published 12/26/20
 What is it like to see the fulfillment of six and a half years of hoping, praying, giving and working?  What does Congregation Shema Yisrael's new home look like?  What is our dedication service like?  This recording answers these questions and more in the message from December 12, 2020 the 26th day of Kislev, 5781. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to Synagogue Dedication 
Published 12/19/20
Why is Chanukkah important to all believers in Yeshua?   How is Chanukkah relevant to us today?  Why are Biblical values important?  Can you dedicate yourself to upholding Biblical values?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on December 5, 2020 the 19th day of Kislev, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to Dedicated to Biblical Values
Published 12/05/20
 How important is it to G-d that you be grateful to Him?  How does gratitude effect your faith?  What are the causes of ingratitude?  How can you get and maintain an attitude of gratitude?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on November 21, 2020 the 6th day of Kislev, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisraeel.org Clck here to listen to Thanksgiving
Published 11/29/20
Why is having vision from G-d important?  What should happen when a vision is fulfilled?  How does new vision build on existing vision?  How will vision from God help you get through hard times?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on November 28, 2020 the 13th day of Kislev, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org. Click here to listen to Without Vision We Perish 
Published 11/29/20
What are harbingers?  What harbingers have we experienced in the past 20 years?  Why does God send harbingers?   Could COVID19 be a harbinger? Will there be more harbingers in the future? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this message given on November 11, 2020 the 28th day of Cheshvan, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to Cause and Effect 
Published 11/15/20
 Are you focusing on your past?  Are you focusing on your future?  Are you focusing on things?  Are you focusing on circumstances?  What should you be focusing on?  Pastor Tom answers these vitally important questions in this teaching given on November 7, 2020, the 20th day of Chesvan, 5781. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org. Click here to listen to What Am I Focusing On? 
Published 11/08/20
How did Yeshua say you could be great in the Kingdom of G-d?  Why is it important to be under authority? When Joseph was a slave and in jail why was he promoted by his masters? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on October 31, 2020, the 13th day of Chesvan, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to Serving the Giver 
Published 11/01/20
How does idolatry manifest in modern times?  What gift did Yeshua's talmidim (disciples) receive because they were seeking the giver and not the gift?  What gift does G-d want to give you so you can know the giver in a more intimate way?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on October 24, 2020, the 7th day of Chesvan, 5781. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org.  Click here to listen to...
Published 10/26/20
How effective was Moses as an intercessor?  How did he intercede for the people of Israel? What is God's glory?  What does it mean to glorify God?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given at our celebration of Simchat Torah on October 17, 2020, the 30th day of Tishrei, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or our website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to Praying Like Moses 
Published 10/18/20
What happened in the Temple in Jerusalem on the eighth day of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles?  What did Yeshua do on that day?  What did He teach us about the Ruakh Ha Kodesh on that day? What is the significance of Yeshua comparing the Ruakh Ha Kodesh to rivers?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on Sh'meni Atzert, the Eighth Day of Assembly, October 10, 2020 the 23rd day of Tishrei, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our...
Published 10/11/20
 What is the Kingdom of God?  How much does the Bible speak about it?  What are the benefits of being a citizen of the Kingdom of God?  How can you become a citizen of the Kingdom of God?  Judith Benhamou answers these questions and more in this teaching given on Yom Kippur, September 28, 2020, the 10th day of Tishrei, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or our website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to The Kingdom of God
Published 10/04/20
 What were the sukkot or "temporary dwellings" really like that the Israelites lived in during their 40 years in the wilderness?  What is the spiritual significance of those sukkot?  How did the Israelites prepare to cross the Jordan River?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on Sukkot, October 3, 2020, the 15th day of Tishrei, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org. Click here to...
Published 10/04/20
What did the Yom Kippur offerings enable G-d to do?  What is identificational atonement?  What are the four things G-d appointed that enabled Him to dwell in the midst of the people of Israel?  Why are those four G-d appointed things relevant for us today?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on Erev Yom Kippur, September 28, 2020 the 10th of Tishrei, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at...
Published 09/29/20
What do we all need to overcome in these days?  Why is it difficult to overcome deception?  What will enable you to overcome in all the trials you are facing? Mark Stone teaches on September 12, 2020 the 23rd day of Elul, 5780.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to How Do We Overcome?
Published 09/13/20
What does the Bible mean by T'shuva?  Is T'Shuva only for non-believers?  How can T'shuva open the door to personal revival?  Ava Batts ansers these questions and more in this teaching given on September 5, 2020 the 16th day of Elul, 5780.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or our website at www.shemayisrael.org. Click here to listen to Why T'Shuva
Published 09/06/20
Do you know what you are as a human being? Are you a product of chance and your past or is there something more? Why are you here? What is the purpose of your body? What is your mind? What is your soul? What is your ultimate destination? Pastor Tom explores various ideas of what it means to be a human being in this teaching given on August 29, 2020 the 9th of Elul 5780.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or our website at www.shemayisrael.org Click...
Published 08/31/20