What is the full meaning of the "circumcised in the manner prescribed by Moses" in Acts 15:1?  What is the Oral Torah?  What was the purpose of the four prohibitions in the letter sent to the Gentile believers in Yeshua in Acts 15?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on July 24, 2021 the 15th day of Av, 5781. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to Part 8 Life of...
Published 09/08/21
What is fear of the L-rd?  Why is it important?  How does fear of the L-rd help you walk with G-d?  Elder Judith Benhamou answers these questions and more in this teaching given on August 7, 2021, the 29th day of Av, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to Walking in the Fear of the Lord 
Published 08/15/21
Published 08/15/21
What new direction has the L-rd revealed for Congregation Shema Yisrael now that we have moved into Brighton, NY? How can you do the things Yeshua did and even greater things?  What does the L-rd mean when He say He is your healer?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on July 31, 2021, the 22nd of Av, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to Rallying and...
Published 07/31/21
Have you ever wondered why we mourn and grieve? Do you know the stages of grief? What happens if we choose not to grieve? Did you know that grieving is actually healthy? Are you aware that the Bible can help us navigate the terrain of grief so that grieving can bring healing and an improve our relationship with God and others? Pastor Tom answers these questions and more in this teaching given on July 17, 2021, the 8th day of Av, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael...
Published 07/18/21
What is ritual purity in the Torah and why is it important to understand?   What was the greatest thing G-d used Peter to do?  What was the most important thing the Messianic Jewish apostles did for new believers?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on July 10, 2021, the 1st day of Av 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to Part7 Life of the Rock 
Published 07/10/21
Why did the religious leaders try to stop Yeshua's disciples from sharing the Good News and praying for people's healing?  What is the difference between submitting to authority and obeying authority?  How was the opposition that Yeshua's followers faced in the 1st century similar to what we are experiencing in the US for the past few years?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on June 26, 2021 the 16th day of Tammuz, 5781.  To learn more about or from...
Published 06/27/21
Why were Yeshua's followers, who were not trained theologians, able to teach G-d's Word?  Why was Peter able to offer forgiveness to those who had participated in the murder of Yeshua? Is Yeshua the "prophet like me" that Moses predicted would come?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on June 19, 2021 the 9th of Tammuz, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to...
Published 06/20/21
 What were the two enduring messages taught by Yeshua when He washed His disciples feet? Why did Peter strike one of the people who came to arrest Yeshua with a sword? What caused the amazing change in Peter from the time he denied knowing Yeshua to when he preached a message to a hostile crowd?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on June 12, 2021, the 2nd of Tammuz, 5781. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website...
Published 06/12/21
Why should believers in Yeshua be forgiving people?  Why did Peter want to build three tabernacles when he saw Yeshua with Moses & Elijah?  What did Yeshua mean when He said "I am the life"?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on June 5, 2021 the 25th day of Sivan, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to Life of the Rock 
Published 06/06/21
 How was life in Yeshua's time similar to life in America today?  Why did Peter say to Yeshua "Get away from me, sir, because I'm a sinner!"?  Why was it so hard for Yeshua's disciples to accept that He was going to be executed?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on May 29, 2021, the 18th of Sivan, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org  Click here to listen to Life of the Rock
Published 05/30/21
 What was the real motivation behind Hamas' recent attack on Israel?  Why has anti-Semitism increased in recent days?  What are the three main sources of anti-Semitism?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on May 22, 2021, the 11th of Sivan, 5781. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to The Depravity of Anti-Semitism
Published 05/23/21
 Do you understand what you are fearing? Do you know the difference between rational fear and irrational fear? Do you know why we have fear reactions? What should you do when you feel fear? Do you understand how to overcome fear that has control of you? Do you know that fear can be a good choice?  Pastor Tom answers these questions and more in this teaching given on May 15, 2021, the 4th of Sivan, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website...
Published 05/17/21
Is the Jubilee Year a Moad (Appointed Time)?  How are Shavuot and the Jubilee Year connected?  What are some of the revelations and lessons that are in both?  Why would God put the same lessons in these two Moadim (Appointed Times)?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on Shavuot, May 16, 2021 the 5th of Sivan, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to The Fifty...
Published 05/17/21
What was Miryam's (Mary's) trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem like?  What was it like for Miryam (Mary) to raise Yeshua?  Why is God so insistent that we honor our parents?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on May 8, 2021, the 26th of Iyar, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to An Amazing Mother
Published 05/08/21
Why did the Israelites have such a hard time trusting G-d after they were set free from slavery and He was leading them in the wilderness?  What is satan's main tactic against our congregation and all congregations that are attempting to follow the guidance of the Ruakh Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit)?  What can we learn from Moses about how to deal with opposition?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on May 1, 2021.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema...
Published 05/02/21
Do you believe you've been chosen by G-d? What have you been chosen for? What gives you assurance that you are chosen?  How can a building be a memorial to the miracles G-d has done? If G-d did miracles to get you to where you are today will He continue to do miracles to bring you further along His plan for you?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on April 24, 2021 the 12th day of Iyar, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our...
Published 04/24/21
What you are loving has a profound impact on your life. Do you know what you are loving? Do you understand the different meanings for love? What forms of love are harmful to you and others? What should you not be loving? What is perfect love and how do you get it? Pastor Tom answers these questions and more in this teaching given on April 17, 2021, the 5th day of Iyar, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org....
Published 04/18/21
 What are you trusting? How can you tell what you are really trusting? Are you trusting in the truth? What are the dangers of trusting the world or the flesh? Why should you not trust religion or your good works? How can you trust only in Messiah Yeshua to know that you are truly saved? Pastor Tom answers these questions and more in this teaching given on April 3, 2021, the 21st day of Nisan, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael click here to visit our website or...
Published 04/05/21
 What was the significance of the curtain or veil in the Temple being ripped at the moment Yeshua died?  Why was it ripped from top to bottom?  How was Yeshua's Body like a veil?  How is your body like a veil?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on Firstfruits/Resurrection Day, March 28, 2021, the 15th day of Nissan, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or our website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen...
Published 03/28/21
 What is the significance of the appointed time of Yom Y'khu Sey?  What two important events happened at this appointed time?  How did Yeshua fulfill the meaning of the unblemished lamb?  How did Yeshua fulfilling the unblemished lamb give us victory over shame and guilt?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on March 20, 2021 the 7th day of Nissan, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or our website at...
Published 03/21/21
Do you know that what you believe can have a profound impact on your life? What beliefs have negative consequences? Have you asked yourself what you are believing about God? Are you believing the truth about the devil and demons? What do you believe about sin? Do you understand your beliefs about salvation?  Pastor Tom answers these questions and more in this teaching given on March 13, 2021, the 29th day of Adar, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our...
Published 03/14/21
What is idolatry?  Why does G-d hate idolatry so much?  Is idolatry a problem for believers today?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on March 6, 2021 the 22nd day of Adar, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to Idolatry
Published 03/07/21
How is the pattern of persecution that is described in the Book of Esther repeating itself in the US today? Why didn't Mordecai bow to Haman? Why did Esther invite the King to a banquet instead of immediately accusing Haman?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and five others about Esther in this teaching given on Shushan Purim, February 27, 2021, the 15th day of Adar 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at www.shemayisrael.org. Click...
Published 02/27/21
 Who or what is the source of all life?  What kinds of life do you enter into when you are born again from above?  What is the "Spirit Filled" life?  What kinds of life do you enter into when you are living the Spirit Filled life?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on February 20, 2021 the 8th day of Adar, 5781.  To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at shemayisrael.org Click here to listen to The Spirit...
Published 02/22/21