In this episode, we get into the place of research, information, and data vs the ability to feel. Unfettered access to information has democratized control over information but often we don’t know what to do with it. Brain and I get deep into feeling, understanding, and how to reconcile that with data and information. We hope you enjoy this episode and hopefully, it will shift your perspective!
Published 11/23/21
Published 11/23/21
In this return episode fresh back from another N=1 Event, we get into training for the middle-aged, the secrets of Nature via the I Ching. This carries us into talking about the layers of Nature and how often we misinterpret them in everyday life. Conversations like this have done much to shift our perspective, we hope it does the same for you!
Published 11/15/21
In this return home episode, we give a little recap of our experience at the UFC PI and presenting the Art of Breath in public for the first time in 2 years. We also talk about the upcoming N=1 in Texas and the underlying concepts that drive the experience. We eventually go deep into the weeds on the place of wearables and the outsourcing of sensitivity to our body’s communication to technology.
Published 11/09/21
In this very special episode, we have guests, Dr. Duncan French and Dr. Roman Fomin. Duncan is the Vice President of the UFC Performance Institute and Roman the Director of Sports Science. We cover the state of Human Performance and the role the UFC Performance Institute plays in MMA and the progression of sports science in general. Brian and I also discuss what the heck we were doing there and the interesting projects we have planned with the UFCPI team. This one is sure to be a nerdfest...
Published 09/22/21
On this episode we have the opportunity to speak with Dan Pfaff.  Dan is one of the most sought after thinkers in the performance industry with over 50 years of experience coaching and teaching.   We kick off reflecting on lessons learned from the 2020 summer Olympics for both coaches and athletes.  Dan walks us through how many different factors affect sports performance, many of which most of us don’t even consider. Our chat goes on to discuss athlete resilience and what lessons can...
Published 08/30/21
We kick this episode off withSecrets of the Samurai! We discuss the Japanese concept of haragei, the sum potential of all energy, and its pragmatic applications in modern life. We also jump into the irony of leaning on the crutch of scientific research and how broad concepts cannot be researched in the laboratory setting. We also cogitate the idea of metabolic energy following the same natural flow as money. We also pull some cards from Rob’s new critical thinking card deck and explore...
Published 08/23/21
Brian and I actually talk breath!  On this episode we pull some sections straight from our breathing Bible - Breathing Pattern Disorders by Leon Chaitow. First we talk the overall importance of breath control for athletes and how essential it is not just for during play but for general base layers of health and awareness.  Then we talk “blood-stealing”; the effect of the diaphgram diverting blood from working muscles during exercise to keep breathing going. If you love learning breath...
Published 08/20/21
This special episode of SH//FT Perspective is with guest Robert Fortune.  Robert is the curator extraordinaire for the Human Health and Performance Foundation.  Robert is a wealth of insight and experience around all things breathing, meditation, and esoterics. We chat on oral tradition, mythology vs. physiology, and the middle management of ancient tradition.  The limits of methods, styles, and information ownership make for limitations in understanding. Robert and I also wax poetic...
Published 08/18/21
In this episode we pull back the covers and go deep on culture and evil. Starting off with a discussion around the dystopian classic, 1984 all the way to Stalinist Russia and the brutality of history in general. Things lighten up a bit after that with talk on critical thinking as well as the danger of too much intellectualization and disconnection from the body. This leads into the joy of simple housework. We finish up on our upcoming trip to Las Vegas and our plans to seek out the new...
Published 08/16/21
This episode our dear friend from the Emerald Isle, Fergus Connolly joins us again. After catching up a bit on Connor McGregor and Bill Cosby we get deep into the Olympics and what is fair in sport.
Published 08/13/21
In Ep. 32 Brian and Rob talk about tuning in and knowing when to taking breaks (even if it is at Dave and Buster’s). We reflect on the Daisy Fresh documentary series and the punk rock of jiu jitsu, Pedigo submission fighting. To finish things up we somehow find our way to taking agency over one’s own destiny and parental support through the path of life. Enjoy the show! We sincerely hope you hear something that shifts your perspective. 
Published 08/12/21
Woo! What a chat challenge this one is.  Everything from changes in the media landscape to ultramarathons and the up and downside of discipline. Waxing poetic on tuning into cycles of nature and how that connects to biometric data.  We close it all out with the shortcomings of human time keeping and industrial vs. natural living. Enjoy the show!  We sincerely hope you hear something that shifts your perspective.  
Published 08/10/21
This Episode of SH//FT Perspective has none other than SH//FT’s own Emily Hightower. Founder of Intrinsic Way and Creator of the Skill of Stress online course, Emily and has deep experience in breathwork, trauma, and somatics. The three of us recap our amazing experience in Texas the prior week and discuss the lessons we learned and how the whole experience impacted the attendees as well our plans for the future. Enjoy the show! We sincerely hope you hear something that shifts your...
Published 07/11/21
Coming at you live! We recorded episode 29 in San Antonio, TX on the eve of our maiden N=1 Exposure experience. Brian and I actually get to record a conversation live in the same room which made for fun dynamics! We cover some of the unique ideas we’ll be exploring in the new event and how the N=1 is the culmination of so much of the work we do. Enjoy the show! We sincerely hope you hear something that shifts your perspective.
Published 07/11/21
In Episode 28 we cover the dual posts Brian and I put on Instagram regarding proper breath mechanics. We go pretty deep into our stance around the myth of teaching “diaphragmatic breathing” as well as the importance of language around cuing movement behavior. In this discussion, we get pretty nerdy talking about the homunculus in the brain, the reality of ventilation in the human body, and the evolution of our own understanding as it relates to how to best communicate these important points...
Published 07/11/21
Episode 27 starts with some chit-chat on traditional archery and our friend and previous guest Jeff Hairston. We mull over one of our favorite authors E.O. Wilson and some of his work too. Later in the show, we discuss the cultural consequences of technology and the double-edged blade of everybody having a microphone. Enjoy the show! We sincerely hope you hear something that shifts your perspective.
Published 07/11/21
In episode 26 of SH//FT Perspective, we go deep into training philosophy. BMack and I talk about the mistake of specialization in training and how bouncing back and forth between extremes can result in more long-term problems. We do wander off a bit into our current reading lists and the place of fiction vs. non-fiction as well as how Brian prefers the “get to the point” Clif Notes version of things. Somehow that loops around to J. Krishnamurthi and the need for human connection. Enjoy...
Published 07/11/21
In episode 25 Brian and I chat on how bad I am at sending calendar invites and talk about how you can’t think your way out of physiology no matter how smart you are. We also get into the value of having a practice mindset and how this can help us develop an intimate relationship with our own bodies. Enjoy the show! We sincerely hope you hear something that shifts your perspective.
Published 05/18/21
In this episode of SH//FT Perspective we talk to our old friend Jeff Hairston. Jeff is a Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under the legendary Mendes brothers, as well as bowhunter, surfer, and strength coach. Jeff is a consummate teacher and in this episode we dive deep talking about his journey through his various practices, family challenges, and how it all comes together to inform his impressive mindset. Tune in and SH//FT your perspective.
Published 04/30/21
Surprise! In this episode we actually talk about breath stuff.  Specifically, Brian and I go deep on the breath factors that drive HRV and what some recent studies show on the subject. Put on your nerd glasses and strap in for an episode all about HRV science. (Don’t worry, we still talk a bit of smack as usual.)
Published 04/16/21
In this special episode of the podcast, we bring you the audio release of our Nasal Breathing Development Webinar led by SHIFT, Director of Education, Rob Wilson. Rob delves into why nasal breathing is so important as well as how to begin integrating simple practices to make the most difference for you. To watch or listen to the whole series go to shiftadapt.com and become a member of our community. We hope this episode shifts your perspective.  Enjoy!
Published 04/15/21
In this special episode of the podcast, we bring you the audio release of Webinar 2 of 4 from our Energy System Control Webinar Series. Rob is joined by Shift Educator and Skill of Stress Creator, Emily Hightower. Emily is a highly experienced yoga teacher, breath expert, and resilience coach with over 20 years of experience guiding human beings through high levels of stress and trauma. To watch or listen to the whole series go to shiftadapt.com and become a member of our...
Published 04/15/21
In this special episode of the podcast, we bring you the audio release of our Nasal Breathing Development Webinar led by SHIFT, Director of Education, Rob Wilson. Rob delves into why nasal breathing is so important as well as how to begin integrating simple practices to make the most difference for you. To watch or listen to the whole series go to our website and become a member of our community. We hope this episode shifts your perspective. Enjoy!
Published 04/09/21
In this special episode of the podcast, we bring you the audio release of Webinar 2 of 4 from our Energy System Control Webinar Series. Rob is joined by Shift Educator and Skill of Stress Creator, Emily Hightower.  Emily is a highly experienced yoga teacher, breath expert, and resilience coach with over 20 years of experience guiding human beings through high levels of stress and trauma. To watch or listen to the whole series go to shiftadapt.com and become a member of our community....
Published 04/08/21