#訂閱片段 EP.4 Shouters Mailbox - Can't get hard? Let's talk about it!
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🎤 主持人:Yu 和 Kei 🎥 剪輯:Yu In this episode, we tackle a topic that's often considered taboo: erectile difficulties. Our lovely shouter shared a personal story about how she and her partner navigated this sensitive issue with open communication and creativity.  After struggling with staying erect while putting on a condom, the couple found ways to pleasure each other without penetrative sex. But with a little out-of-the-box thinking and some trial and error, they discovered that using condoms during non-penetrative activities could help overcome this mental block.  This candid and inspiring story highlights the importance of non-judgmental communication and creative problem-solving in intimate relationships. Tune in to hear the full story and learn how this couple was able to overcome a common and often stigmatized issue. As always, we love to hear from you, so please don't hesitate to reach out and share your thoughts and feedback with us. And please be sure to hit that subscribe button so you never miss an episode. / 【SOS訂閱制 平台選擇說明】 ✅ 選擇 Firstory:每天 10 塊錢,無需切換收聽平台 👉方案說明: 350/月 或 3650/年 (單一方案)- 每月2-3集附贈集數 👉 點此訂閱:https://open.firstory.me/join/shoutoutsex / ✅ 選擇 Patreon:每天 3 塊錢,解鎖更多性愛知識分享及討論 👉 方案說明: 潛水校友 90/月 - 每月2-3集附贈集數 小資校友 150/月 - 每月2-3集附贈集數 + 每月1-2篇性愛知識文章 傑出校友 270/月 - 每月2-3集附贈集數 + 每月1-2篇性愛知識文章 + 每月10分鐘與茶Yu聊聊 👉 點此訂閱:https://patreon.com/shoutoutsex / 📍貼心提醒:Patreon 及 Firstory 每月附贈集數是一樣的內容呦!不要重複訂閱了! ► 追蹤我們|獲得第一手資訊 Instagram:@shout.out.sex Facebook:Shout Out Sex 無性不談 ► 聯繫我們 [email protected] 欲投稿校友信箱者歡迎至IG首頁連結🔗取得表單或寫信過來呦! ✅ 喜歡我們的頻道嗎? 別忘了訂閱、評分, 或者是留下評論,讓我們變得更好! 🎵音樂使用 Bedtime After A Coffee by Barradeen Powered by Firstory Hosting
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❗️未滿18歲禁止收聽❗️ 👄 特別來賓: 🎤 主持人:茶 和 Yu 🎥 剪輯:201 結婚是你的人生的TO DO清單上的其中一項嗎?你現在處於一個身邊年齡接近的朋友都在結婚,讓你也動了想婚的念頭的情況嗎?到底我們在什麼時候會知道我們可以結婚了?你在想著要結婚時有想過離婚的可能嗎?到底結婚前要考慮什麼,要跟對方談什麼才是不殺死浪漫又不失實際的對話呢? 小提示:這集最後有Yu的先生的超棒「婚姻見解」唷! 沒錯,訂閱制就是要給你別的地方聽不到的,想聽完整版的話,就來訂閱我們吧! / 【SOS訂閱制 平台選擇說明】 ✅ 選擇 Firstory:每天...
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