Published 03/16/21
Today we dive into the final part of the how to become a better coach series. In this episode, we explore what it means to develop a solution-focused mindset. One of the best things we can do as coaches to empower our clients to develop a solution-focused mindset. This allows our clients to become more independent problem solvers, something that becomes not only important for your coaching experience together with a client but this is a skill they get to have for life. I share my own...
Published 03/16/21
The biggest difference between a coaching session that leaves the client in confusion or inaction and the ones that leave clients empowered and committed to taking action lies within the questions that as coaches we ask. In the beginning, you probably won’t know yet how to ask powerful and deep inquiry questions, I didn’t but as with everything you build this muscle the more and more time you spend coaching both your clients and yourself. Join me in this episode as we dive back into part 2...
Published 03/09/21
As coaches, we want to be able to deliver the highest level of coaching to our clients. Learning how to become a better coach and continuing to master your craft comes from experience. You become a better coach from coaching clients. Inside this episode, I share the three most important parts of becoming a better coach and how you can take these skills to elevate your coaching to the next level. Listen in as I share part 1 of how to become a better coach, why you might have put pressure on...
Published 03/02/21
This week I had the opportunity to chat with one of my past clients, Sierra Nicole. We recently reconnected and I had the idea to bring Sierra on the podcast to share about her experience investing in herself before she decided to invest in anything else, whether that be her business or working together with a business coach which she later did after we finished working together. Sierra is such a perfect example of what it means to invest in yourself and shares all of her most valuable tips...
Published 02/23/21
In this episode, I dive in with Amber Drake on all things Human Design. Amber is the Human Design and Communication Queen and uses Human Design plus her intuitive gifts to catalyze ambitious women into expansion in all areas of their life, business, and relationships. Amber goes in-depth into the different energy types and authorities and even explores my own Human Design as a Manifesting Generator. She also shares practical tips on how you can embody your own unique Human Design. Whether...
Published 12/29/20
To take focused and confident action consistently towards your goals, to exceed your goals, you need to be grounded in your commitment to doing everything in your power to open up space within and allow your goal to manifest into your current reality. Often when we set goals, we become attached to the outcome and achieving the goal in itself. We might attach ourselves to achieving the goal in a certain way, trying to control the “how.” When you are attached to your goals, the process of...
Published 12/27/20
In this episode, I have the opportunity to chat with Jessica Schughardt, a Feminine Embodiment Coach and Reiki Practitioner, and she helps women step into their power by redefining their truth, owning who they are, and creating the ripple effect they desire in their life. Jessica shares what it was like to come from a religious background and now uses energy work to help her clients heal mind, body, and spirit, how you can redefine and own your own unique truth, and how you can use Reiki to...
Published 12/23/20
When you decide to show up confidently as your “Next Level You” identity, is the moment that you attract clients with ease and create more cash in your business. Inside this episode, I share with you why inner work is the work that is necessary to not only unlock your inner confidence but own your personal power and how to no longer look for external circumstances to validate who you are within, instead courageously embodying the next level version of yourself. If you’re ready to show up as...
Published 12/22/20
Focusing only on the action and strategy isn’t going to allow you to scale into $5K+ months, either is only focusing on mindset work but the mindset, energy, and action together will. In this episode, we dive into the simple mindset shift you need to scale into $5K+ months, with ease. I help you reframe the most common beliefs stopping you from being open and ready to receive soulmate clients and scale into your next level of success. If you’re ready to unlock your confidence for good, so...
Published 11/24/20
As we are nearly a month away from 2021, these next couple of weeks are your perfect opportunity to let go of what is no longer serving you, thoughts, habits, behaviors, etc. and set yourself up for success in the new year.  Inside this episode, we dive into the common mistakes people make in setting goals and intentions for the new year and how you can create the accountability and strategy you need to stay focused and motivated for 2021. It’s time to get in alignment with the next level...
Published 11/17/20
The reason why you have a fear of success is that you’ve been taught and your mind has been programmed to fear success. The fear of success is most often about the consequences of success, not the success itself. In the same way, you can unlearn and reprogram your mind to be open and receptive to the level of success that you desire.  Inside of this episode, I share with you why when we have a fear of success we tend self-sabotage ourselves through habits and patterns as avoidance to...
Published 10/29/20
In this episode, I share the six principles of success within NLP that will allow you to create more success in your life and business with less effort. You create goals using your conscious mind which only makes up 5% of your day to day life but your subconscious mind is the goal getter and when you align your subconscious mind, 95% of what controls your life, and your conscious mind you move towards effortless energy. If you’re ready to redefine your success while you commit to embodying...
Published 10/20/20
You’re coaching your clients each week or maybe you’ve got your certification and just getting started but you want to be able to go deeper into your coaching business and truly up-level as a coach. After coaching now for over a year and through getting certified as a Life & Success Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, TIME Techniques and EFT Practitioner, I take you through all of my most valuable coaching tips to allow you to up-level in your capabilities as a coach. Inside this...
Published 10/13/20
Being an empath means that you have the ability to not only relate to the feelings and experiences of others but also feel and experience exactly what others are experiencing, this is your superpower. With intrinsic and unique abilities to connect with others on a much deeper level, this also means that protecting your energy as an empath is necessary so that you can continue to fully see and feel others at this level without feeling energetically drained and experience compassion fatigue. ...
Published 10/06/20
Investing in yourself is one of the best investments you can make in yourself, your potential, your health, relationships, and business. By investing in yourself, you let the Universe know that you are ready to show up in a bigger way and by doing so you create more opportunities and results for yourself and in your business. The impact of investing yourself is that it can positively impact and influence your relationships, health, finances, and so much more, that in itself is invaluable. I...
Published 09/30/20
In this episode, we’re diving into 3 simple practices that you can start using today to release any limiting or self-sabotaging beliefs that you notice creeping in. A limiting belief is something that you believe to be true that limits you in some way or another and oftentimes a limiting belief that you have not only affects one area of our life but has the power to ripple throughout other areas. These 3 simple, yet powerful, practices to releasing limiting beliefs will allow you to have...
Published 09/23/20
If you wait until you're ready, who knows how long you'll be keep yourself waiting thinking of someday... what if that someday you've been waiting for is today? In this episode, we dive into the lie we’ve all said to ourselves at one point or another. In our minds it seems logical, we claim we’re not “ready” and that we need a little bit more experience, time, or whatever else seems like a convincing argument. If you’re ready to finally do the thing that’s been holding you back from doing...
Published 09/15/20
If you’re familiar with using reflection, this is the question you have yet to ask yourself, the missing piece to stepping into your next level. This episode comes as an inspiration from a coaching session with my client, another powerful lesson in choosing to let go and surrender and in all the ways the Universe works to deliver to us what we ask. This is, if not, one of the most valuable episodes on the podcast because it comes with a question that many of us haven’t yet asked ourselves or...
Published 09/01/20
We’re diving into your money mindset beliefs unlike you ever have before. I share with you manifesting money mindset journal prompts that you can use to uncover and unlock your thoughts, beliefs and stories that you have about money so that you can truly step into your next level of abundance.  How you think and feel about money, through the Law of Attraction, is what you attract and manifest more of into your life. Before you start questioning why your new empowering money and abundance...
Published 08/25/20
Self-sabotage often shows up as procrastination, failure to follow through with your goals, disempowering self-talk and one of the main reasons we self-sabotage is to feel in control of our outcome. From a lack of self-worth to fear of failure and success, there are many reasons behind why we choose to sabotage ourselves and as a result our lives but the first step is to bring awareness to what are your self-sabotage behaviors and habits so that you can start making the necessary changes to...
Published 08/18/20
To surrender, or let go, is one of the most powerful ways to get out of your own way and allow the Law of Attraction to bring you your desire. For many of us, we have grown into feeling as if we need to be in control and only if we are in control we can have what it is that we desire. Learning how to trust in divine timing, to surrender to the Universe and let go of any expectations, doubts or attachments to your outcome is one of the most powerful ways you can attract your desires more...
Published 08/11/20
In this episode, I had the opportunity to chat with D’Ana Joi, a multi-passionate blogger, educator, community builder and content creator, who teaches multi-passionates how to focus so they can embrace their talents as a gift, not a burden. It is Joi’s mission to rewrite the narrative around “choosing one thing” being the only path to success. Joi shares how, as a multi-passionate, she felt constantly hearing the advice to niche down or become an expert in one thing was discouraging because...
Published 07/28/20
In this episode, I’m sharing how you can simplify and streamline your coaching business using Asana, a complete behind the scenes look at how I use I use Asana in my business, so that you can show up confidently online and be recognized for the incredible life-changing work that you do. As a coach, it’s important to have the structure and systems in place so that you feel supported and wake up each day with a new sense of confidence and motivation to take consistent daily action towards your...
Published 07/21/20
In this episode, I’m sharing how to overcome imposter and get unstuck so that you can feel confident in the value that you have to offer. You were not born with fears, throughout your life you have learned the fears you now hold onto. In the same way, you learned the fears you now hold onto, you have the power and ability to unlearn your fears and limiting beliefs to relearn and root yourself in a deep sense of self-belief and confidence. If you know that you were made for more and you’re...
Published 07/15/20