What if everyone actually followed The Golden Rule? What would our world really look like? It's a little hard to imagine, but it's something Charles Tapp explores this week as he concludes this series on The Standards of Jesus: Reflections from the Sermon on the Mount, as he explains WHY Jesus shared this important rule to live by, with his message "Bumper Sticker Theology."
Published 05/13/24
Published 05/13/24
Many of us worry a great deal about the future. This week, Charles Tapp helps you discover a different approach and where to put your attention, as he continues with the fifth part in this series on The Standards Of Jesus: Reflections from the Sermon on the Mount, as he shares his message "Daily Devotion."
Published 05/06/24
We tend to like an "eye for an eye" justice. But Jesus teaches something that revolutionizes the way we should handle conflict. This week, Charles Tapp continues this series on "The Standards of Jesus" and reveals a more powerful response when someone has hurt us with his message "Actions Speak Louder Than Words."
Published 04/29/24
Your outward appearance or behavior doesn't fool God. In fact, Jesus sees straight through it...and yet he still chooses to love you. This week, Charles Tapp continues with his series "The Standards of Jesus" by revealing what Jesus really says about what's at the heart of being right with God, with his message "The Root of Righteousness."
Published 04/22/24
Jesus shared eight qualities of what it means to be blessed in his famous "Sermon On the Mount." This week, Charles Tapp reveals what these qualities are and what they mean for those wishing to be citizens of God's Kingdom, as he continues with the second part in this series "The Standards of Jesus" with his message "To Be Or Not To Be."
Published 04/15/24
We've come to expect certain standards in order for our world to function. And the same is true in the way we conduct ourselves. What standards have you set for yourself? This week, Charles Tapp digs into one of Jesus' most famous talks: The Sermon On the Mount, and reveals there are some very high standards he sets for his followers, and what this means, as he shares the first part in this series "The Standards of Jesus."
Published 04/08/24
There are some important truths that can be learned from the tomb in which Jesus was laid. This week, Charles Tapp reveals these lessons and why the tomb should hold an important place in the hearts and minds of anyone who calls themselves followers of Christ.
Published 04/01/24
Jesus had one purpose and one mission when he came to this earth. But this purpose was misunderstood even by his most ardent followers then, and still even to this day. This week, Charles Tapp shares the story of Palm Sunday, and what we can learn from it today, with his message "The Misunderstood King."
Published 03/25/24
What is prayer to you? Do you feel tongue-tied when you have to pray? Or is it something that's saved as a last resort when nothing else pans out? This week, Charles Tapp continues with the second part in his series "When All You Can Do Is Pray" and shares one man's journey of prayer with his message "The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat."
Published 03/18/24
It's easy to become discouraged when it appears as though God hasn't responded to your cry for help. And this week, Charles Tapp helps you understand God's nature, and to see it as an opportunity to strengthen your character. As he shares part 1 in a brand new series "When All You Can Do Is Pray" with his message "When God Tries Your Patience."
Published 03/11/24
If you want to be successful at anything, you have to first plant the seeds--do the work necessary to reap the reward. And it's the same in our Christian journey. Charles Tapp explains with his message "Success Is Not An Accident."
Published 03/04/24
God ultimately places the responsibility of whether we choose to believe or not in our hands. And today, Charles Tapp wraps up with the last part of this series "The Heart of Christianity" by explaining that you can't ignore the evidence around us, with his message "No Excuses."
Published 02/26/24
Today, Charles Tapp continues with the second part in his series "The Heart of Christianity" by helping you understand the importance of God's Word and why applying it to your life matters.
Published 02/20/24
There are things that just can't function without that thing--an engine, a power source, a heart. And there is something that is so central to the Christian experience that without it, it couldn't survive--and it goes beyond following rules, and mere knowledge of the Bible. Today, Charles Tapp begins a new series, The Heart of Christianity that answers this question and lots more, with today's message "The Heart of the Matter."
Published 02/12/24
If you consider yourself a follower of Christ, you've been called to serve as a type of "net" to help bring others from all walks of life into God's Kingdom. This week, Charles Tapp wraps up with the final part of his series "Keys to the Kingdom" as he shares his message "Dragnet."
Published 02/05/24
People are a lot like flowers and weeds. It can be hard to distinguish those who have good hearts from those who know how to put on a good appearance. And that's why Jesus used a parable about wheat and tares to illustrate how good and evil are allowed to coexist in this world. This week, Charles Tapp shares the fourth part in his series "Keys to the Kingdom" with his message "Not In My Field."
Published 01/29/24
There's an old story Jesus told about a farmer who spread seed, and the difference between the seed that landed on rocky surfaces and the ones that went into good soil. This week, Charles Tapp reveals what this story means for you today, and for that person in your life who hasn't made the decision to follow Christ. As he shares the third part in his series "Keys to the Kingdom" with his message "No Root, No Fruit."
Published 01/22/24
If your desire is to be a citizen of the Kingdom, then you must be willing to place the same value upon the Kingdom as God does. Charles Tapp explains what that means as he shares the second part in his series "Keys to the Kingdom" with his message "Buried Treasure."
Published 01/17/24
There's a mystery about God's Kingdom that we often miss. This week, Charles Tapp reveals what Jesus shared with his disciples when it comes to His kingdom, and what it means for us today. As he shares the first part of this series "Keys To The Kingdom" with his message "Small Beginnings."
Published 01/08/24
Sometimes the best way forward is to have a willingness to take an honest look at our past. This week, Charles Tapp explains what this means and how you can gain a better perspective as we enter a new year.
Published 01/01/24
In the midst of the season with all the gifts, and lights, and music, is there something else we've missed along the way? Let's get back to Charles Tapp, as helps you discover the babe in the manger--the greatest gift of all, in his message "The Lost Glory."
Published 12/29/23
God doesn't want you living in darkness, and in fear. This week Charles Tapp explains you have the chance to step out of whatever darkness you may be walking in right now, and step into God's light. As he shares his message "Have You Seen The Light?"
Published 12/18/23
Peace is something that appears to elude us at every turn, which can make you wonder if you’ll ever find it. Today, Charles Tapp helps you discover a peace that passes all understanding, even in the current climate in which we live.
Published 12/11/23
If we’re being honest, when it feels as though there’s darkness all around us, it can be extremely difficult to see even a glimmer of light on the horizon. Today, Charles Tapp takes you on a journey through the Gospel of John to share the words of Jesus himself that we are given hope, even in the darkest of times.
Published 12/05/23