Have you ever stifled yourself from doing something you really want to do because it wouldn't make sense to others? It may be a little outside 'the norm' or doesn't fit in with the story you are rolling with about how things 'should be'? THIS IS FOR YOU! This episode is about building you up, reminding you who you are and encouraging you to get curious with any area you're saying - 'Oh I couldn't possibly'. I got chu - and if you think this episode will elevate a friend, you know what to...
Published 04/25/24
We live in cycles, life moves in seasons and we feel in waves. You can easily end up in a washing machine of big feels and overwhelm....unless? Unless of course, you anchor yourself to a point on the horizon. That point being the person you want to be.... HAZAAAAAH! She's all sorts of fired up in this weeks ep. We are not mucking around and this one is for EVERYONE! @katieford.com.au katieford.com.au
Published 04/03/24
Having standards, boundaries, values and bottom lines are essential if you want to surround yourself with good people, and also be good to other people. What happens if you don't meet someone else's expectations? What happens if someone else doesn't meet yours? Short and sweet episode to break the Simply Complicated drought today, Plus we're figuring out a new platform but here's to showing up in your ears a whole lot more. Maybe even every week? I really need to sort out the...
Published 03/25/24
The way that society praises a pregnant body but shames a post baby bod is as twisted as it gets. This week is your invitation to question the stories that are keeping you supressed, feeling less and living in accordance to archaic ideals. We say OUT with body shame and IN with self expression. We say OUT with the post baby bounce back and IN with a sensual new self. We say OUT with anti age ideals and IN with whatever you feel embraces the skin your in. There is a call to action for...
Published 06/23/23
As a passionate single-tasker, celebrating the closing of a chapter and stepping into a new one marks a return of the pod after an unintentional 3-month hiatus. The update no one asked for but one filled with insider goss nonetheless. I'm not here for the hustle. I want to encourage you to conserve your energy, channel it to what's most essential and play the cards as you see them. Aligned action all the way. What do you do when you are clear on what you want, honour what you need to do,...
Published 06/05/23
We have 60-70,000 thoughts a day. Most of them are repetitious, and we know all thoughts are real, but not all thoughts are true. Seeing that our brain doesn't care if we are happy, it only cares if we are doing what it knows - why do we let our worst thoughts stop us? There is another way! Let me know your thoughts because this was one of those HOLY SH*T moments for me. I hope it opens the door for you too. @katieford.com.au katieford.com.au
Published 03/28/23
Do you love time alone? Do you fear it? Are you craving more? It's a topic that divides circles. Driven by a conversation on the weekend that reminded me how polarising it can be for others if you actually enjoy your own company. The shock and horror - haha.  From doing anything to avoid my thoughts to now carving time out to revel in my solitude, I understand both ends of the spectrum, so let's get curious.  What's your relationship to time alone? Does that feel good to you? If not, do you...
Published 03/07/23
Words are one of the ways we communicate with the world. They evoke feeling, meaning and storytelling. This week comes with an invitation to lean into the words in your world and celebrate the ones who make you feel SOMETHING 💙 katieford.com.au @katieford.com.au 
Published 02/23/23
From the day we are born, we are figuring out ways to survive in this world. We carry them with us through life because they work to keep us safe...until they don't. One area I've been looking at is our go-to response for navigating uncomfortable experiences.  The big four. Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn.  Join me as we look at how each presents, what they mean and how to use them to open the door to a better understanding of who you are.  Big feelings never need fixing around here, but...
Published 02/15/23
We. Are. back. After almost a year's hiatus SIMPLY COMPLICATED has returned. This week's episode is around the great UNTETHERING. Katie shares where she is up to with her 'vibe check', what this year will look like moving forward and more importantly reminds us all that 'It's ok if the answer changes'. Buckle up because we are back in your ears, more fierce and more determined than ever to create a life that not only feels good but is your own.  Thank you so much for being here with us....
Published 02/07/23
The final episode of Simply Complicated is HERE. 3 years of conversations and changes on this channel and it was time to close it out.  We find ourselves faced with dozens of decisions every day. Hundreds probably but let's talk about the BIG ones. A big life choice can cause you to spin on your axis. It can bring up all sorts of feels that you didn't even consider. It doesn't make what's right, wrong... it makes you human.  This ep was more about reassurance than giving you the tools to...
Published 04/24/22
The saying is 'Time heals'. Hmmmm. Does it though? What's your relationship to TIME? If you are in the trenches, in a deep pit of heavy feelings or navigating a season that sucks, you probably heard this phrase. I get it, but I'm not buying it. Time does many things but miraculously healing all isn't one of them.  Join us for the penultimate episode of Simply Complicated, I am so grateful to have shared this space with you.  @katieford.com.au
Published 04/20/22
ENERGY ARCHEOLOGIST Ashley Stinson sees the body and the way we're made up like no one I have ever witnessed or spoken to.  Those aches pains and physical symptoms? All messages. Did you know that there are 6 realms of energy within the body? Nope? Me either. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Wise, gentle and the creatrix of Energy Archeology, I know you are going to be blown away just as I was.  The downloadable bone-deep self-care printable that Ashley has offered up to all of our...
Published 04/07/22
Floored I was. Floored when I came across this particular quote on Instagram yesterday. How often do you reflect on your choices within your life? What will it take to have you make the changes that will add more life to your days? Are you thrilled to bits with the life you're living? The people you're surrounding yourself with or the people you offer your heart to?  This question and this conversation may be the proverbial wet fish to the face that gives you the push to unleash radical...
Published 03/29/22
Bek is one of those people that adds value to your life every time she enters it. Vulnerable and brave. Smart and Sassy. Wild and oh so wise. There is so much misinformation out there about the herpes virus thanks to bad jokes and fear-mongering. The stigma that often comes attached to a positive herpes diagnosis is far worse than the skin condition itself and when Bek found herself a slave to 'her story', she set about taking her power back and changed the game. She spoke up.  Grateful for...
Published 02/15/22
Mate, there is absolutely no shame in my game when I say that I am super triggered by Valentine's Day. The second all the gift ideas start rolling through my feed and inbox, my chest gets tight. I know why, I do the work around it but it may not be because of the reason you think. I actually love Valentine's Day. I love it so much but there's also grief there and that's A-OK.  How do you feel about V-Day? Perhaps there's another day that feels loaded for you? Have you ever thought about it?...
Published 02/08/22
Acceptance? Letting Go? Surrender? Same trains - slightly different stations. What do you do when 'letting go' doesn't feel how you thought it would? Or when the act of 'acceptance' leaves you feeling like you're stuck or giving up?  LET'S EXPLORE!  I really think you're going to enjoy this one no matter what stage you're at. Let's get curious. 
Published 02/02/22
Clare Reilly is passionate about wellness and living a simple + wholesome life, but is also living with a chronic illness known as MS, or Multiple Sclerosis. This autoimmune disease is no joke and while some suffer in silence, others' pain and hurdles are visible to the world. That hasn't stopped Clare and her passion to create community. I learned a lot in this weeks ep including  - How to support those who are struggling - What not to say to someone with a diagnosis - What actually is...
Published 01/27/22
Nothing says welcome to a fresh new year like a bit of personal reflection. I am all about it tbh, but what happens when you start comparing versions of yourself and achievements of past years? It's a slippery slope my friend but it need not lend itself to a complete unraveling.  In this episode, I dive into my own personal reflections, harsh judgments on my output levels, why I'm actually ok with things, and how I got there.  Plus I pose four questions or prompts for you to lean into and...
Published 01/20/22
1st Question. Your favorite self or your best self, who gets top billing in your word? 2nd Question. What do you do to embody her? Can we put the excuses aside from here on in and commit to remembering our light each day? I knew I liked you for a reason…( insert awkward wink here)  @ktdean.com.au
Published 10/26/21
Taylah Gray is not only kickin' ass, she's taking names. On the day that Taylah was signed on as an official and registered lawyer, she took to the socials stating the injustice that our Nations First People within the education system. This is where I first found Taylah and have been listening to her words and supporting her work ever since.  Making moves from failing her exams in year 12 to graduating Law at Newcastle University, to fronting protests for Black Lives Matter, to writing PhDs...
Published 10/18/21
Theres a stigma around medication for support in the Mental Health realm. Partly because of decades of overprescribed pills, or meds that didn't quite add up. That’s fair… however there's has been amazing progress in that area and when deemed necessary by a qualified health professional the positive impacts can be life changing. That is why I wanted to open up the conversation about it today. I know how beneficial the right treatment can be when paired with the right wellness aspects by a...
Published 10/12/21
Have you ever wanted to do something but let all the what if's get in the way? Today we chat with the amazing co-founder of CleanSip, Emma Wilson. A young couple who undertook a big move and are making big moves in the sustainability and clean water industry. I love hearing about people out there making it happen and I hope you do as well.  You'll find them @cleansip_au and Emma was right! What an epic Christmas pressie idea! 
Published 09/29/21
What happens when you have journaled your heart out, read all the books, attended all the workshops, meditated for hours of your life and you still find yourself ‘in it’? Welcome to the human experience. There’s no magic pass. No exemption and no ‘one and done’ thing that we can do to avoid ever coming face to face with the uncomfortableness of being human. What I do have for you is that no-one is immune to lifes trenches occasionally. I got you.
Published 09/22/21