we listen to a few accounts of researchers and "witnesses" telling their "stories" and try to look at them through the lens of "common sense!!"
Published 07/26/21
questions and answers.. give it a listen, let me know your thoughts.  [email protected]
Published 04/07/21
Published 04/07/21
Well, what can I say I am a fence sitter. these are the things I think every day when it comes to bigfoot, and it's existence.  Give it a listen.  first clip is from the BFRO website.  What's your thoughts on how Moneymaker asks the lady to get out of the car? Granted like most wild animals it would have likely run off, but, what if it takes that as a threat?  This lady could be a muscled up navy seal martial arts expert and she likely wouldn't have a chance. And what was he trying to...
Published 04/05/21
Brief intro into why I am starting this podcast, the interest I've had in bigfoot through the years, and my own "odd experiences" in the woods. 
Published 03/30/21