In this episode I share with you 12 of the 24 pieces of advice that I created for the Advent Calendar, that I shared on instagram and with my email-subscribers. Its a mix of very tangible, concrete advice that you can use when you are on a date, and powerful mindset tools and shifts that allow you to feel better and more balanced in your dating journey.  I also offer all of you a Christmas/New Year present - a Self-Celebration workbook - to help you reflect on your love life and your growth...
Published 12/28/23
Going home for Christmas? Dreading the questions and comments about you still being single - or single again? Or maybe its not even the questions, but more your idea of what they might think about you... In this episode I help you get rid of the mind drama about being asked "Are you seeing someone?" and not feeling comfortable saying "No" or "Kind off". I show you how you can care less about what your family thinks about your relationship status - and how you can stop your inner critic from...
Published 12/21/23
If you are singe and in your late 30's, and you know you want to have a child with your future partner, you might feel a huge pressure to find him before its too late. This can be very stressful and impact your dating life in ways that are not serving you. But how do you manage your thoughts around it so you can get out of this urgency and feel more calm and at ease with the situation? This is what I guide you on in the episode.  Book a 20 min free call to talk about the Christmas mini...
Published 12/14/23
In this episode I answer three important questions from women in my community:  How to prepare on a mindset level for a first date, deciding when physical intimacy is appropriate, and handling feelings of inadequacy after rejection. I also share with you a special Christmas offer, that you can get until 24th December 2023.  To sign up for the Christmas mini package click here: https://calendly.com/laerke/christmas-mini-package   To book a regular consult call click...
Published 12/07/23
In this episode I share with you the importance of self-worth and how it influences our dating behaviors and the kind of partner we attract. I explain what self-worth is and how its different from for instance self-confidence. And I give some examples on what it looks like when you lack self-worth and what it looks like when you have a good and strong sense of worthiness. I also give you some tips to how to step into your worth both in mindset and behaviours.  To book a free consultation...
Published 11/30/23
In this episode I share with you some ways to decode the non-verbal signals that can show you, if a man is interested in you. I give you 21 cues that can point to the direction that he is in to you, and also offer you ways to play with non-verbal language yourself, if you want to signal back to him. Finally I share a few non-verbal signs to show confidence.  You can use the content here to study other people when you are out, and then learn how to interpret the little cues that a man will...
Published 11/23/23
In this episode I share with you some common mistakes that I see women make in dating, how you can know if you are doing them, why they create problems for you, and how to fix them.  Are you only attracting men that want casual connections and situationships? Do you find yourself going on a ton of dates that lead nowhere or maybe struggling even going on one single date? And do you often struggle with feeling too early attached when you meet someone interesting? Then you want to listen to...
Published 11/16/23
The number one reason why a lot of people never achieve their biggest dreams in life is fear of failure. And the worst part about that is that it is 100% optional: The only reason people fear failure is because of their thoughts about what failure means. In this episode I will offer you a different perspective on  failure and help you see why failure is a necessary and natural part of the process when dating. You will want to embrace failure in order to create success!  Book a free consult...
Published 11/09/23
You get to choose if you want to see your wants as a need or a desire, and in this episode I will share with you why its not a good choice to tell yourself and the man you are dating that you have needs that you want him to fulfill.  Instead you want to take back your power and see how you don't need anything from a man, but that you want or desire something from him. Coming from a self-sustained place and wanting something feels much better for you than needing it, and its also more...
Published 11/02/23
You open a profile and everything goes well in the beginning, but then things just seem to fizzle out. You get no new matches, or the men who wants to connect with you, don't interest you and seem out of your criteria. And when you finally see someone interesting, they don't match you back... What are you to do, when the dating apps don't seem to work for you? In this episode I give you tips about both the practical knots and bolts of the apps and your visibility as well as some questions to...
Published 10/26/23
How do you initiate a conversation in a dating app when you have never met the person before, and you don't have much information to go from? What if the man you are writing with just gives you a one word answer back? And how do you best go from the initial texting to an actual real life date - or a video date if you want that?  This episode is full of tips to communicate in the very early stages of dating, it is the second episode in a mini series of three about online dating.  Book a free...
Published 10/19/23
In this episode I share with you what to pay attention to, when you create a dating profile - both when it comes to choosing the right photos - the must haves and the no-go's - and when it comes to writing a text, that makes you stand out. I also give you some tips on what to look for in a man's dating profile.  This is the first episode in a mini series of 3 about Online Dating.  Book a free consult call: https://calendly.com/laerke/45min Sign up for the free Masterclass: "3 Steps to...
Published 10/12/23
In this episode I am going to offer you a new perspective on trusting a man, and that is to trust yourself WITH a man. Knowing how to be reliable, consistent and trustworthy with yourself - to make decisions ahead of time and commit to following through on them - this will help you create a safe space for yourself in dating. I will share with you the benefits of building self trust and give you some concrete tips on how you can work intentionally on creating more self trust. To book a free...
Published 10/05/23
In this episode I share with you my advice on what to do and not to do in the scenario where a man pulls away in early dating. I give you this advice from two different point of views – the attachment style pov and the feminine energy pov. Is it a good idea to communicate your need for him to reassure you?  Or should you text him more to get him to respond back?  And if not – what is a solution that could serve you better?  Free Consultation call: https://calendly.com/laerke/45min  
Published 09/28/23
Do you have many and high expectations in dating and relationships? And does it often lead to disappointment? Or you feeling that the man you are dating does not really care about you... ?  This episode is about expectations in dating and relationships.  What you can really expect from a partner, and why its freeing for both of you to practice completely letting go of the attachment to expectations.  You also will get a fun little exercise at the end of the episode, that can help you start...
Published 09/21/23
Do you feel that choosing on purpose how to show up in feminine energy when you are dating - as opposed to just doing what you feel a "natural" pull towards - would be "playing games"?  In this episode I address a concern that I sometimes hear about feminine energy - that it would be "playing games" to let the man take lead or to not be overly available on the phone for instance.  I share my thoughts on what "playing games" means and why shifting into feminine energy is not about playing...
Published 09/14/23
Have you ever noticed how you sometimes have felt ahead of time that you were going to attract love? You felt like all the channels were open and you were ready to meet someone? This is the feeling of being "fall-in-loveable" as I call it, and in this episode I try to decompose it and describe how you can access that feeling, which not only feels amazing to yourself, but also is magnetic to a man.  For booking a free consult call: https://calendly.com/laerke/45min
Published 09/07/23
How do I avoid seeming cold or uninterested, when I am leaning back in my feminine energy?  Who pays on a date and how do I manage this situation?    And what does it mean to be in flow and let go of attachment?  This episode is dedicated on answering some of the questions I get from listeners and clients, about feminine energy. I am giving you a few tips on how to signal to a man that you are not cold and hard to get, even if you let him take lead, how to react when you are being offered...
Published 08/31/23
Have you dated a man that send you mixed signals and noticed how difficult it is to let go and move on? Then this episode is for you. I am sharing here what I have noticed most of us do as a response to the confusing signals, why its not working for us, and I offer you 3 shifts you can make to take back your power and come back to yourself.    Book a free Consultation call: https://calendly.com/laerke/45min 
Published 08/24/23
What is it like to work with a coach – what does it require from you and what can you expect from a coach? And what are the transformations a dating coach can help you get? In this episode I give you a snapshot of what coaching can do and offer you some examples of transformations and shifts that my past clients have experienced. I also share with you the questions you want to ask yourself if you are looking for a coach, in order to find the coach that’s right coach for you.   Book a free...
Published 08/17/23
Do you think its more challenging for you to date because you are introvert? Or because you are extrovert? In this episode I share my thoughts about advantages and challenges of respectively being intro- and extroverted – and give you a few tips to how to overcome the challenges.  Book a free Consultation call: https://calendly.com/laerke/45min
Published 08/10/23
Why is it so important to create a happy life as a single woman, and what are some ways to do that without getting promoted, winning the lottery or buying a new house? In this episode I share with you the most important reasons to cultivate happiness, and give you 6 steps to boost your happiness, that are all within your reach and some even scientifically proven to work. Spoiler alert: its an inside job!  Book a free Consultation call: https://calendly.com/laerke/45min  
Published 08/03/23
Can you create a feeling of closeness and deep connection with a stranger in less than an hour? This was a question that a psychologist decide to investigate in an experimental setting where participants asked each other 36 questions designed to elicit feelings about their hopes, regrets, dreams and core values. The idea was to gradually increase the level of back and forth self disclosure. And it worked! In this episode I share with you why, and give you some ideas on how you can use the...
Published 07/27/23
You know this guy who does and says all the right things, and who is ALL in on you, and where there is only one small problem... You are not attracted to him! In this episode I share with you some ways that you can make attraction more possible and that you are totally in control of. Even if you can't pressure yourself to feel attraction, there are different ways you can facilitate it - and ways to notice if you just feel a different kind of attraction than what you normally do.   This is the...
Published 07/20/23
What attracts you in a man and do you know if its good or bad? Do you think you can change who you are attracted to? In this episode I am sharing with you some of the important factors of what makes us attracted to someone, and why early attraction isn’t necessarily a good guide. And I give you the tools to take control over your attraction, so you don’t have to repeat patterns of being attracted to the wrong guys.    This is the second episode in a serie of 3 about Love and Attraction. Be...
Published 07/13/23