This guided Christian meditation in Psalm 19 reminds us that God is our Creator and worthy of praise. Get your FREE Sacred Summer Guided Meditation Journal here. Summer is often a season of joy but also a season of distraction. This guided meditation series is designed to help you stay connected to God wherever your summer takes you. It’s a few moments to unplug, take some deep breaths, and hear God’s Word to help you pause and reset.   In this meditation, you will be guided toward awe...
Published 06/17/24
This guided Christian meditation in John 11 reminds us that Jesus is with us in our pain and grief. Get your FREE Peace, Be Still Guided Meditation Journal here.   Often life just doesn’t make sense. Pain, death, disease, evil. We believe God is bigger than all of these things, so why do they still happen. I identify with Mary when she runs out to meet Jesus after her brother, Lazarus, died. She said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Mary is asking why....
Published 06/10/24
This guided Christian meditation in Luke 10 reminds us that we can turn away from distraction and worry to embrace Jesus’s better way. Get your FREE Peace, Be Still Guided Meditation Journal here.   You are worried and upset about many things. Jesus said this to Martha over 2000 years ago. Yet these words are also for us today. Martha was distracted with preparing to host her loved ones. It caused her to be upset and worried—and perhaps a little disgruntled since she was the only one...
Published 06/03/24
This guided Christian meditation in Isaiah 43 will bring you peace as you remember that God will see you through any difficult situation you face.   Get your FREE Peace, Be Still Guided Meditation Journal here.   When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you. When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down. Isaiah 43:2 The Message I find a lot of comfort in these words. God will not let go of us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. But, I’ll be honest, I wish this...
Published 05/27/24
This guided Christian meditation in Proverbs 3 will bring you peace as you remember God is with you even when life doesn’t make sense. Get your FREE Peace, Be Still Guided Meditation Journal here. Why? It’s a question we ask God a lot. And a question for which we rarely get satisfactory answers. Spinning in the unanswerable question of why can bring fear and anxiety. This meditation will give you space to acknowledge your questions and release them to God. Then, turn to God in trust....
Published 05/20/24
This guided Christian meditation in 1 Peter 5 will give you hope and peace in the midst of the fear and anxiety that difficult seasons bring. Get your FREE Peace, Be Still Guided Meditation Journal here. When hardship or suffering enters our lives, one reason we begin to feel anxiety is because we have no idea when the hard season will end. This unknown space becomes a breeding ground for the enemy’s lies. Lies that 1 Peter says are intended to devour us. Devour. Meaning that the enemy...
Published 05/13/24
This guided Christian meditation in 1 Samuel will give you space to remember how God sees you, regardless of how you view yourself. Get your FREE Peace, Be Still Guided Meditation Journal here. Rejection not only stings, but it also lingers. Rejection threatens to identify us as unworthy or unwanted, which can create anxiety and fear. If we truly start to believe these lies, then we’ll shrink back, cease, and get small. We stop being who God created us to be. King David may have been one...
Published 05/06/24
Is it possible to find peace in God's presence amidst anxiety? Alan Fadling believes we can. In this conversation, Alan and I tackle the notion that anxiety doesn't have the final say in our lives, and we explore practical ways to shift our focus away from anxiety and toward peace. If you're wrestling with anxiety, know that you're not alone. There's hope and peace to be found in Jesus. Listen in for an empowering discussion full of practical advice. Alan is the president and co-founder...
Published 05/01/24
This guided Christian meditation in Luke 1 will give you space to talk to God about any fear and confusion you are experiencing due to the disruptions.   Get your FREE Peace, Be Still Guided Meditation Journal here.   There are moments in our lives that have a clear before and after. Moments that make us wish we could stay in the before. The way life was, with the life we knew. But usually, we don’t get a choice. Disruptions have a way of hoisting themselves upon us. In this guided...
Published 04/29/24
This guided Christian meditation on Psalm 136 will help you stop ruminating on lies and instead dwell on God's faithful and enduring love. Get your FREE Peace, Be Still Guided Meditation Journal here. Unhelpful thoughts easily get stuck in our minds, like a broken record that plays over and over again. This kind of thinking wakes us up at night, distracts us during the day, and makes us physically sick. It does us no favors! And the worst part is, it’s not even real. They’re lies. Lies...
Published 04/22/24
This guided Christian meditation in Matthew 6 will give you peace as you embrace the truth that you are valued and cared for as a friend of God. Get your FREE Peace, Be Still Guided Meditation Journal here. Many of us have been tricked into believing we are valued for what we do, not who we are. And this creates deep anxiety. And in some of Jesus’s final words, Jesus made sure we knew that we are valued because we are God’s friends. And as friends of God, we have been chosen by Him. We...
Published 04/15/24
This guided Christian meditation in Matthew 6 will remind you that you matter to God and he will take care of you. Get your FREE Peace, Be Still Guided Meditation Journal here. It’s easy to let worry consume our thoughts and energy. So easy. It can be difficult to trust that God will help us through what we’re facing. But today, for this moment, I want to invite you to take a lesson from the birds. Breath deep. See how God takes care of them. They’re going to be ok. So will you. As you...
Published 04/08/24
This guided Christian meditation in Mark 4:35-42 will help you exchange fear and anxiety for the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding. Get your FREE Peace, Be Still Guided Meditation Journal here. Jesus fell asleep in the middle of a raging storm. The disciples saw the waves crashing in, and as the water filled the boat, they became fearful, even accusatory. They woke Jesus and demanded an answer. Jesus, don’t you care if we drown? Jesus calmed the storm with these power-packed...
Published 04/01/24
He has risen! He has risen, indeed. Prepare your heart for the glory of Easter as you meditate on the resurrection of Jesus. You can download your Lent Guide here. It has the meditation passage and reflection questions printed out for you. Here are a few additional helpful links: You can find Jodie at http://www.jodieniznik.com/ Instagram @creatingspaceforgod Facebook @JodieGNiznik Learn more about Scripture meditation and download your free Lectio Divina Scripture Meditation Journal...
Published 03/31/24
This is a guided meditation for Holy Saturday to help you prepare your heart for Easter as you meditate on this silent day of waiting and wondering. We are meditating on Luke 23:50-56. You can find the passage and reflection questions in the free lent guide. You can download your Lent Guide here. Here are a few additional helpful links: You can find Jodie at http://www.jodieniznik.com/ Instagram @creatingspaceforgod Facebook @JodieGNiznik Learn more about Scripture meditation and...
Published 03/30/24
This guided Scripture meditation for Good Friday will help you prepare your heart for Easter as you meditate on the somber and hard day of Jesus’s journey, his crucifixion. We are meditating on Matthew 27:27-56. You can find the entire passage in the Free Guided Lent Journal.  You can download your Lent Guide here. Here are a few additional helpful links: You can find Jodie at http://www.jodieniznik.com/ Instagram @creatingspaceforgod Facebook @JodieGNiznik Learn more about Scripture...
Published 03/29/24
This is a guided Scripture meditation for Maundy Thursday. Prepare your heart for Easter as you meditate on Jesus’s actions and words from the Thursday before his crucifixion. You can find out more about Lent through my free Lent Guide here. This passage is printed in its entirety in the Lent Guide.  Here are a few other helpful links: You can find Jodie at http://www.jodieniznik.com/ Instagram @creatingspaceforgod Facebook @JodieGNiznik Learn more about Scripture meditation and...
Published 03/28/24
This is a guided prayer for the seventh week of Lent. Get your FREE lent guide here.   Our meditation passage (released on 3.25.24) was from Luke 22:54-62. In this account, Peter denied his association with Jesus three times. And then he was slammed with realizing what he had done and leaves the scene weeping bitterly. In this guided prayer, we begin by recognizing that Jesus is currently interceding for us (Romans 8:34), and so we ask Jesus to pray for our faith to be strengthened as he...
Published 03/27/24
Get your free Lent guide here. Peter gets a bad rap for denying Jesus. And perhaps he should. But if we focus on the denial, we miss Peter’s bravery. When Jesus was arrested, Peter followed Jesus to his trial. He went straight into the enemy camp. He witnessed Jesus being mistreated as the trial unfolded. And then, when he was asked if he knew Jesus, he faltered. At that moment, it seemed easier to deny association than to get thrown into the fray with Jesus. Three times he made the...
Published 03/25/24
This is a guided prayer for the sixth week of Lent. Get your FREE lent guide here.   Our meditation passage (released on 3.18.24) was from Luke 22:40–46. In this account, Jesus prayed in the garden before his arrest. It was a dark moment full of anguish for Jesus. In it, we discover some of the reasons why we need to pray and learn the brave prayer of surrendering to God’s will ahead of our own.   In this guided prayer we begin by confessing why prayer can be difficult for us. Then we...
Published 03/20/24
Get your free Lent guide here. When Jesus faced his deepest need, he turned to God in prayer. And in prayer, Jesus found strength. Jesus also invited the disciples to pray because temptation was barreling toward them. Jesus knew the disciples would also be strengthened through prayer. Unfortunately, they fell asleep. They didn’t understand the urgency of Jesus’s exhortation to pray. Prayer can be hard for all of us. And yet, we know it is an essential practice that connects us to...
Published 03/18/24
This is a guided prayer for the fourth week of Lent. Get your FREE lent guide here.   Our meditation passage (released on 3.11.24) was Matthew Mark 12:28-31. In this account, Jesus reminds us that love is the most important command.   In this guided prayer, we begin by thanking God for his love and asking him to help us receive his love. Then we ask God to help us notice how he may be inviting us to love him differently. And finally, we ask God to help us know how he is inviting us to...
Published 03/13/24
This guided Scripture meditation for Lent leads us to consider how we love God and love others. Download your free guided Lent journal here. The Old Testament Law was complex. There were 613 laws that Jews were required to follow. Religious leaders in Jesus’ day liked to debate which of these laws were more important than the others. When Jesus received this question, he summed up the entire law simply. In fact, he used just one word: love. Love God and love others.   This guided...
Published 03/11/24
This is a guided prayer for the fourth week of Lent. Get your FREE lent guide here. Our meditation passage (released on 3.4.24) was Matthew 20:20-28. In this account, Jesus flips greatness on its head and unpacks the kingdom principle that the way up is really down. In this guided prayer we will take a moment to identify some of the desires we have – and realize not all our desires are bad. We will then ask the Lord to help us notice where we are tempted to try to control the outcome and...
Published 03/06/24