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So you want to be an esthetician?
It is common to feel like you didn't learn as much as you wanted to in esthetics school. Most beauty schools only teach you enough to pass the state board exams. Join esthetics career coach Pepita Aesthetics (Pepita Bailey) as she talks about Spa culture, career options, horror stories and so much more. If you wanting to pursue a career as a skincare professional, finishing up esthetics school, or just wanting to be a better esthetician. This is the podcast for you! Each episode contains powerful information to help you grow as a professional, and build a respected brand.
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Recent Episodes
In this episode, Pepita talks about how one's desire to be have everything perfect can actually block growth and blessings. She also discovers the secret formula that can make things "perfect". 
Published 06/07/21
So you want to be an esthetician? Perfect! I'm Pepita and this is where you can find the real tea on the esthetics industry and how to get the most of it. In the episode im just talking about why I started and how it can help you!!
Published 03/27/21
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