Cold Reading: A Look Behind The Curtain
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Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at 00:07:45 Technique One Shotgun Statements 00:09:09 Technique Two Barnum Statements 00:11:45 Technique Three ignoring the misses 00:14:38 Technique Four passing off failures as successes 00:17:11 Technique Five Keeping It Vague Hear it Here - • We can improve our information extraction skills by following some of the techniques used by fake psychics when they do “cold reading.” • General principles for cold reading include being subtle, open-ended, and allowing the other person to guide you—without them realizing that you are not doing anything magical but merely working with the information that they provide. • Shotgun statements are random statements made in order to see what response you get so you can follow it up on what sticks. • Barnum statements are those that are likely to be perceived as relevant to individuals, even though they apply to almost everyone. Barnum statements are broad guesses that look specific but actually have a high probability of being on the mark. • When using shotgun or Barnum statements, a cold reader can also ignore their misses and focus on their hits, concealing the fact that they are guessing. • Another way to mask misses is to pass them off as successes retroactively, or rework your claim to make it seem as though you were right all along. • Cold readers deliberately keep things vague to start with, and then fine tune their approach according to the feedback they receive. They begin with a non-committal, low-stakes guess and then, by degree, inch closer to the truth using their audience’s response or lack of it. • A key principle in cold reading is to pay attention to reactions of all kinds, including nonverbal ones. • Expert cold reading combines all of these techniques seamlessly and swiftly to give the impression that the “psychic” has plucked accurate information from the air, when in reality, it has been fed to him unwittingly by the audience all along! #ShotgunStatements #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #HowtoExtractInfo #ColdReading #BarnumStatements # /home/russell/temp/KingEpi-2023-05-23-06-54-yZQ96NEHwQ/psychic-mystic-clairvoyant/1-woman-in-gray-and-black-striped-long-sleeve-shirt-sitting-beside-black-table-7267741-Pavel-Danilyuk.jpg