It is commonly recognized that scientific discoveries result in new technologies. In this talk we will discuss the reverse: behind every conceptual breakthrough lies some technological advance. To illustrate this point, we will review how modern progress in optical technologies is revolutionizing our understanding of quantum matter. We will discuss experiments that showed that we can optically control materials, and even suggest light-induced superconductivity. We’ll delve into a new type of...
Published 04/23/24
Strongly correlated metals exhibit anomalous transport properties which have puzzled condensed matter physicists for many years. They are characterized by large resistivities which exceed the Mott Ioffe Reggel limit and large thermoelectric responses, which cannot be explained in terms of standard Fermi liquid quasiparticles. Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT) calculations [1,2] carried out on a doped one band Hubbard model suggest that this behavior originate in the strong temperature...
Published 04/22/24
The Principle of Least Action is both profound and practical. Since its first formulation by Maupertuis and Euler nearly three centuries ago, the Principle has been, and continues to be, a formidable battlehorse for penetrating unchartered territory in theoretical physics. The Principle, its connection with, and implications for, our ideas of symmetry, space, time, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and gravitation, are glanced at.
Published 04/22/24
“With four parameters I can fit an elephant; with five I can make it wag its tail.” Systems biology models of the cell have an enormous number of reactions between proteins, RNA, and DNA whose rates (parameters) are hard to measure. Models of climate change, ecosystems, and macroeconomics also have parameters that are hard or impossible to measure directly. If we fit these unknown parameters, fiddling with them until they agree with past experiments, how much can we trust their predictions?...
Published 04/22/24
Does the world embody beautiful ideas? Pythagoras and Plato intuited that it should, Newton and Maxwell showed, in impressive examples, how it could. Modern physics demonstrates, in depth and detail, that it does. I will narrate, through notable examples, how the concept of beauty in physical law has evolved – and how it continues to guide our quest for ultimate understanding.
Published 04/22/24
This talk is devoted to quantum propagation of dipole excitations in two dimensions in the presence of disorder. This problem differs from the conventional Anderson localization due to existence of long range hops. We found that the critical wave functions of the dipoles always exist which manifest themselves by a scale independent diffusion constant. If the system is T-invariant the states are critical for all values of the parameters. Otherwise, there can be a “normal metal - perfect metal"...
Published 04/22/24
Localization of the eigenfunctions of quantum particles in a random potential was discovered by P.W. Anderson more than 50 years ago in connection with spin relaxation and charge transport in disordered solids. Later experimentally was realized localization of other quantum particles and classical waves: light, microwaves, sound, cold atoms. At the same time it became clear that the domain of applicability of the concept of localization is much broader. In particular, it can be extended to...
Published 04/22/24
In many modern materials, electrons quantum‐entangle with each other across long distances, and produce new phases of matter, such as high temperature super‐conductors. We face the challenge of describing the entanglement of 10^{23} electrons, which is being met by many ideas, including some drawn from string theory.
Published 04/22/24
Cosmic strings are linear defects that could be formed at a phase transition in the early universe. Strings are predicted in a wide class of particle physics models. In particular, fundamental strings of superstring theory can have astronomical dimensions and play the role of cosmic strings. I will discuss recent progress in understanding the evolution of cosmic strings and possible ways of detecting them.
Published 04/22/24
Recent developments in cosmology suggest that the big bang was not a unique event in the cosmic history. Other big bangs constantly erupt in remote parts of the uni- verse, producing new worlds with great variety of physical properties. Some of these worlds are similar to ours, while others are strikingly different and even obey different laws of physics. I will discuss the origin of this new worldview, its possible observational tests, and some of its bizarre implications.
Published 04/22/24
According to the Landau description of Fermi liquids, low- energy excitations in metals are constructed out of quasiparticles – long-lived excitations which have the same quantum numbers as those of an electron in vacuum. In metals with strong correlations however, quasiparticles become fragile: they are destroyed above a characteristic energy or temperature scale, the quasiparticle coherence scale. This energy scale can be remarkably low, even in materials which are not close to a Mott...
Published 04/22/24
From copper-oxide superconductors to rare-earth compounds, materials with strong electronic correlations have focused enormous attention over the last two decades. Solid-state chemistry, new elaboration techniques and improved experimental probes are constantly providing us with examples of novel materials with surprising electronic properties, the latest example being the recent discovery of iron-based high-temperature superconductors. In this colloquium, I will emphasize that the classic...
Published 04/22/24
Our understanding of simple solids, is firmly grounded on the Fermi liquid concept and powerful computational techniques built around the density functional theory. These ideas form the basis of our “standard model” of solid state physics and have provided us with an accurate description of many materials of great technological significance. Correlated electron systems are materials for which the the standard model of solid state physics fails dramatically. The best known example being the...
Published 04/22/24
Superconductivity is a state of matter where electrons can flow without resistance and where magnetic fields are expelled. It was discovered serendipitously more than a hundred years ago. Today, superconductors are essential components of medical imaging devices as well as high energy particles accelerators. Understanding this phenomena was one of the greatest intellectual challenges of the twentieth century. A dramatic advance was provided by the BCS (Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer) theory 45...
Published 04/22/24
The theory of phase transitions splits between abrupt transitions (nucleation and growth, critical droplets) and continuous transitions (scaling and universality). I’ll discuss wonderful biophysics examples for each: Michelle Wang’s twisting single molecules of DNA, and with Sarah Veatch’s discovery of universal Ising critical fluctuations in living cell membranes. (1) Plectonemes are the helically wound loops formed in garden hoses and electrical cords when they are overtwisted. Wang's group...
Published 04/22/24
A piece of paper or candy wrapper crackles when it is crumpled. A magnet crackles when you change its magnetization slowly. The earth crackles as the continents slowly drift apart, forming earthquakes. Crackling noise happens when a material, when put under a slowly increasing strain, slips through a series of short, sharp events with an enormous range of sizes. There are many thousands of tiny earthquakes each year, but only a few huge ones. The sizes and shapes of earthquakes show regular...
Published 04/22/24
During more than 100 years of its history Quantum Mechanics passed all of the experimental checks and transformed itself from a counterintuitive concept to the undisputable foundation of the modern physics. Along with this it did not lose its ability to surprise and still allows for new astonishing discoveries such as Bose-Einstein condensation of ultracold gases. Manifestations of the quantum mechanics on the macroscopic scales are especially impressive. In recent years the interest in...
Published 04/22/24
The last three decades have witnessed the discovery of many new superconductors, with properties dramatically different from the conventional low temperature superconductors described by the Bardeen-Cooper- Schrieffer theory. These new superconductors can have much higher critical temperature, and all display antiferromagnetism in their phase diagrams. I will introduce the theory of quantum phase transitions, and use it to interpret recent experiments on these materials.
Published 04/22/24
String theory was originally constructed as a unification of the quantum field theory of elementary particles with Einstein's theory of gravitation. Unexpectedly, it has led to the discovery of new "dualities" which have given us a new perspective on quantum field theories not coupled to gravity. Some of the latter theories are relevant to the strongly-interacting quantum many body problems of condensed matter physics. I will survey some of the challenging open problems associated with...
Published 04/22/24
Which property of a material is more familiar to us than its color? And yet, the strange laws of quantum mechanics, which rule atoms, electrons and photons, are key to the understanding of this most beautiful feature! The invention and engineering of novel materials has shaped human civilization, from the Bronze age to the Silicon age. This lecture is an invitation to explore materials down to the scale of their intimate constituents – atoms and electrons. We'll address questions such as: do...
Published 04/22/24
Published 04/22/24
Recent experiments suggest the phenomenon of light induced superconductivity above Tc in two different materials: fullerene superconductor K3C60 and high Tc cuprate YBCO. I will discuss the distinct phenomena taking place in these systems. In K3C60, the unusual character of electron-phonon interactions results in enhanced BCS pairing through optical driving and the slow relaxation of superconducting correlations after they have been created. In YBCO the light induced state is short lived and...
Published 04/18/24
The density of states of a unitary quantum field theory is known to have a universal behavior at high energy. In two dimensions, this behavior is described by the Cardy formula. When the theory has symmetry, it is interesting to find out how the Hilbert space is decomposed into irreducible representation of the symmetry. In this talk, I will derive universal formulas for the decomposition of states at high energy with respect to both internal global symmetry and spacetime symmetry. The...
Published 04/17/24
Although predictions of quantum gravity are typically at extremely high energy, several non-trivial constraints on its low energy effective theory have been found over the last decade or so. I will start by explaining why the unification of general relativity and quantum mechanics has been difficult. After introducing the holographic principle as our guide to the unification, I will discuss its use in finding constraints on symmetry in quantum gravity. I will also discuss other conjectural...
Published 06/30/23
We consider information spreading measures in randomly initialized variational quantum circuits and introduce entanglement diagnostics for efficient computation. We study the correlation between quantum chaos diagnostics, the circuit expressibility and the optimization of the control parameters.
Published 06/28/23