Surrender is one of the hardest lessons to master, but also the most important. We cannot manifest our dreams without first surrendering them. In this episode, Jessica teaches listeners how to practice embody surrender. Through introducing 3 core stages of surrender, each with practical tips for greater embodiment. She then talks with Women's Purpose Community member, Kristy Gois, who shares about her journey with surrendering control. Giving a peek into real-world challenges that many...
Published 03/11/24
Published 11/17/23
Many of us 'believe' that abundance is our birthright, but very few of us fully embody it. We still experience scarcity and lack, in various aspects of our lives, even though "we've done the work." This happens when we have deep scarcity programming, often in our subconscious. Which can impact our finances, career, relationships and health. Listen as Jessica talks with two women, both abundance teachers, but also navigating their own journeys. We teach what me most need to learn, right?...
Published 11/17/23
We are here to remember we are a soul having a human experience, not the other way around. But what does this ACTUALLY mean? And how do we do it? Listen as Jessica dives into this topic with two members of the Women's Purpose Community, Ashley Jones (non-profit founder & TEDx speaker) and Kori Joneson (startup founder). Learn how to apply this lesson to your life, as they openly and vulnerably where they are in this life-long journey. As Jessica live coaches, learn tips and practical...
Published 07/07/23
We are here to remember we are a soul having a human experience, not the other way around. But what does this ACTUALLY mean? And how do we do it? Listen as Jessica dives into this topic with two members of the Women's Purpose Community, Ashley Jones (non-profit founder & TEDx speaker) and Kori Joneson (startup founder). Learn how to apply this lesson to your life, as they openly and vulnerably where they are in this life-long journey. As Jessica live coaches, learn tips and practical...
Published 06/29/23
What is spiritual ascension? In many ways it's the surrender of identity....in all forms. When we no longer think of ourselves as "this or that" but simply vibe as the divine I AM within. But it's a process...one that can seem a bit esoteric. So let's make it REAL. In this episode, Jessica speaks with two members of the Women's Purpose Community, Ernessa Brawley and Megan Torres, two successful executive women, who share about their personal journeys of dropping the masks that no longer serve...
Published 05/10/23
Make no mistake, the lesson we're all here to learn is choosing faith over fear. Including having faith in ourselves, our dreams; in God. Trust is the never ending lesson that takes an entire lifetime to master (or more). For most, the idea of faith and why it's important is easy to understand, but hard to embody. In this episode, Jessica speaks with two members of the Women's Purpose Community, Jessi Asmundson and Vicky Wilkens, who share about their journey to embodying trust and faith....
Published 04/06/23
When you start to understand your power to create a life you love, you begin to hold every single thought and feeling, with the sacred reverence it deserves. In this episode, Jessica talks with two members of the Women's Purpose Community, Caryn Avante and Laurice Lambert, who share about their journey, from viewing life as something happening "to them" to something that's happening "because of them." Listen to a heart-felt discussion among these women, about what it's been like to take steps...
Published 03/13/23
In this episode, Jessica talks with two members of the Women's Purpose Community, Heather Houston and Jaimee Minney, who share about the trials and tribulations of their personal growth journeys. Too often, even successful women, spend more time criticizing themselves, than they do celebrating themselves. Can you relate? Listen, as these incredibly high-achieving women get vulnerable about the ways in which they drowned in self-critique. What they've done to overcome it and how they're making...
Published 02/09/23
In this episode, Jessica tackles one of the most important spiritual lessons we struggle with, which is the journey TO self-love. Listen as Jessica live coaches a special call-in-guest who's struggling with body acceptance and loving herself fully. And receive guidance and tips to make some life-altering changes to your life. As mastering the relationship you have with yourself is core to everything you want, including greater happiness, fulfillment and purpose. Jessica Joines - Author,...
Published 09/19/22
In this episode, Jessica is answering one of the most important questions you'll ever consider: What is my Soul Purpose? There are few questions that carry more importance than this one. For answering this question equates to YOU living your highest happiness, potential...diving calling. Listen as Jessica offers 3 steps to uncover your purpose. Including, practical tools + tips that you can apply right away, to start living the life of your dreams. Finally, Jessica answers your most important...
Published 08/29/22
Jessica is answering the question that's been on many of your minds: Is the world coming to an end? Kidding, not kidding. It's no secret that the last few years have been hard. From the pandemic, to the war in Ukraine, to global warming and civil uprisings, it hasn't been easy. And many are feeling uneasy about our collective future. But here's the thing -- this is WHAT awakening looks like. Listen as Jessica will describe how what we're actually witnessing is the awakening of humanity, not a...
Published 08/17/22
Jessica Joines dives deep into how to rise above ego (fear) and gain deeper alignment with your soul purpose. Which is to acknowledge what you TRULY want in life and LIVE it. Knowing that our hearts are always guiding us to our wildest dreams -- the highest potential and possibility for our lives. But we have to learn how to master our own spiritual journey to realize our potential. Listen as Jessica provides practical tools and tips that help you conquer the fear, doubt and worry, that...
Published 08/03/22
Join Jessica as she brings to a close 12 episodes dedicated to breaking down her best-selling book Dare to Believe. With one episode per lesson, we’ve been tackling all the lessons that are critical to living your soul purpose. In this final part of the series, Jessica will review all the lessons! Call in live during the show to ask any questions and get the help you need at 816-251-3555.
Published 04/12/22
Join Jessica as she breaks down more of the lessons in her best-selling book Dare to Believe. In this episode, she’ll be diving deep into Lesson 12: learning to love all parts of yourself. Truly loving yourself is the key to realizing your soul purpose, the expression of the highest version of you. You can’t do this if you’re not operating from a place of deep self-love. Listen as Jessica provides practical tools and tips that help you learn to love yourself better. Call in live during the...
Published 03/29/22
Have you ever had everything in your life change at once? They say that the one thing that’s constant is change, but navigating many changes at once can be unnerving. Uncertainty comes with change, but it’s also an indication that a powerful awakening and rebirth is underway. Listen as seasoned author Sarah Grace McCandless joins Jessica for a vulnerable conversation about her current struggle with some major life changes. As Jessica live coaches, you’ll learn how to master change, your...
Published 03/15/22
Join Jessica as she breaks down more of the lessons in her best-selling book Dare to Believe. In this episode, she’ll be diving deep into Lesson 11: living in the energy of surrender. This includes learning how to surrender to outcomes and even the soul purpose journey, trusting in the Divine to lead you to your highest good. Listen as Jessica provides practical tools and tips that help you live in a state of grace, peace, and surrender. Call in live during the show to ask any questions and...
Published 03/08/22
Can you relate to feeling uncomfortable because you don’t know your path? Especially when it comes to our career, we’re told we should have a plan and a definitive understanding. But what if we are unclear about our purpose? Listen as actor and researcher Cesar DeFuentes shares his struggle with understanding his career path after a lifetime dedicated to the field of acting and the arts. What do you do when you’re in your 50s and you’re looking for a renewed sense of purpose in the world? As...
Published 02/21/22
Join Jessica as she breaks down more of the lessons in her best-selling book Dare to Believe. In this episode, she’ll be diving deep into Lesson 10, “release all forms of resistance.” From guilt and self-doubt to impatience and even jealousy, Jessica will break down the main ways your ego puts up a fight against achieving your soul purpose dreams. Listen as Jessica provides practical tools and tips that help you tackle inner resistance head-on. Call in live during the show to ask any...
Published 02/15/22
Can you relate to being a mom, wife, and career woman trying (yet failing) to do it all perfectly? Outside pressures of having a “perfect life” can make this even more challenging, as does your inner naysayer, who just loves to point out your flaws constantly. Listen as high-powered businesswoman, mom, and partner Tina Wolf shares her struggles with balancing all the hats she wears and battling her ego, which attempts to point out where she’s “failing.” As Jessica live coaches, you’ll learn...
Published 02/08/22
Join Jessica for an in-depth conversation about the mass wave of ascension that’s currently happening for humanity. These are awakening times, with a mass elevation of human consciousness underway. Have you felt it? The last two years of “crisis events” have likely served as trigger points to support your ascension. How can you make the most of what you’ve learned as you approach a new year? Listen as guest Kari Prevost joins Jessica for an intimate conversation about this topic. Call in live...
Published 02/01/22
Many of us go through life living for other people more than for ourselves. We wake up one day to find that the life we’ve manifested is the result of a series of reactions to people, places, and things. We haven’t taken ownership or a proactive role in the creation of what we want. Listen as highly successful attorney Laurice Rutledge shares her struggles with living on “her terms.” As Jessica live coaches, you’ll learn how to take back control of your life rather than living in an endless...
Published 01/10/22
Join Jessica as she breaks down more of the lessons in her best-selling book Dare to Believe. In this episode, she’ll be diving deep into how to master taking inspired action as a key manifestation tool. You’ll learn how to create a plan to manifest your dream but not be too attached to it, surrendering to inspired actions as they present themselves. Jessica will then lead the audience through a guided energy healing meditation that helps you surrender attachment to outcomes. Call in live...
Published 12/07/21
Join Jessica as she breaks down more of the lessons in her best-selling book Dare to Believe. In this episode she’ll be diving deep into the dance of cocreation. Learn practical tools and tips for manifesting, including how to honor the divine flow of your personal resonance. Time permitting, Jessica will lead the audience through a guided energy healing meditation that helps you connect to your manifestation powers. Call in live during the show to ask any questions and get the help you need...
Published 11/30/21
Living our lives from our greatest truth and authenticity is no easy feat—particularly for women, who often grow up with messages that they “aren't good enough” or “don’t have what it takes.” Listen as business extraordinaire and entrepreneur Jessi Asmundson shares her struggle with self-love and self-acceptance. As Jessica live coaches, you’ll learn how to navigate living as your whole, true self, no matter what stories you received growing up. Call in live with your questions.
Published 11/23/21