Yep, we are going there. This episode my friend Brennan McCarthy and I dive into the hard space of pornography addictions. Tune in to hear from both a male and female perspective on this issue and how we can find healing through the struggle.  Through his own journey Brennan has done extensive research on this topic and has even led conferences on sexual addiction. Brennan is a professional photographer, videographer, writer, and speaker.  Check out his website brennanmccarthy.org for more...
Published 10/29/21
On this episode my friend and licensed counselor Jillian Henry chat about our stories of friendships coming to a sad end and how we can find grace and healing through these situations. So often there is an emphasis on romantic breakups, but many of us in our twenties face hardships in our friendships. Tune in as we see what God has to say about friendships and what to do when they end.  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 10/22/21
Oh the title? It's not what you think! Yeah, that's a southern phrase my North Carolina friend uses in this episode on breakups. Deanna and I share stories, lessons learned, and encouragement on this hard space a lot of young adults go through at least once in their life. Even though dating didn't exist back then, God still has something to say about breakups and dealing with heartbreak.  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 10/15/21
Many of us at one point or another have experienced some type of painful experience with the Church. During this hour long special, my roommate Alli shares her lifelong struggle with deep wounds caused by the Church. Alli provides great insight and powerful words of wisdom as she speaks about her healing journey. Throughout the continued grappling with her pain, Alli reminds us how the Lord has shown His faithfulness to the beloved. In addition to being an amazing roomie, Alli is also a...
Published 10/08/21
During our twenties a major challenge can be plugging into a Church. Throughout the major life changes we deal with in this decade, a lot of young adults find themselves having to start over when it come to finding a church. Join me as I chat with my friend Sabina to discuss the real struggle it is to find a church on your own and wrestling with the value in trying to find one in the first place.
Published 10/01/21
Sometimes you feel like you know so many people that you don’t really know anybody at all. Or sometimes you feel so terrified to meet new people because of past hurts. Whether an extrovert or an introvert, genuine community can be a challenge to find. In this episode I have a conversation with my friend Noah about "doing life" with others in your twenties. We tackle questions on the importance of real friendship, what true community looks like, and why intimacy is so vital for these...
Published 09/24/21
Depression seems like it is everywhere. Whether it plagues you or someone you love, we are all dealing with this particular mental illness one way or another. Join me as I talk with my friend Ima Eno on the challenges and healing she has found through her struggle with depression.  Check out Ima's vlog channel Imaslife  Here is her vlog including Soul Things:  Click here to listen and subscribe to Ima's podcast Free Your Mind 
Published 09/17/21
Sex- it's everywhere and something we all deal with in our twenties. Whether you are married, dating, or single, God has something to say about this topic. Join me as I sit down with my friend Martine and have a raw and honest conversation about all the issues surrounding the topic. In this not so typical purity chat, we share our stories and dig into the deeper elements surrounding sex and purity. 
Published 09/10/21