Everyone faces grief from a loss at some point in their life. In this episode I go through Prolonged Grief Disorder or Complicated Grief. It was an honor to learn from two professions in the field. Dr. Brittany Trauthwein is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Fellow in Thanatology (death, dying, and bereavement), and the Founder of Bridgepoint Psychology Center in Chicago, IL. She specializes in providing support for individuals and families as they navigate cancer and other terminal...
Published 04/28/23
The journey to caring for yourself is a long and winding road. Listen to Kalynn Dunn, LPC share about her journey and provide some practical tips along the way! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soul_things_podcast/ Try Softer: https://a.co/d/8GKhLMy Youtube: https://youtu.be/Qd98SbfMo5c
Published 04/14/23
Soul Things is back! Season 4 kicks off with some life updates as a graduate student studying Clinical Mental Health Counseling and a conversation about shame. There is so much I have been learning on my counseling journey and I am excited to share just some of what has been happening in my world.  Compassion Formation Worksheet: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5944ce69a5790a249dd6eb4c/t/59f79d74e2c4834bbc116d0a/1509399928276/compassion_formulation_en-us.pdf  
Published 02/03/23
On this episode I sit down with financial expert Bob Lotich from Seedtime Money. We dive into the challenging waters of debt, budgeting, giving, and more!  Check out more about Bob: https://seedtime.com/press/Seedtime  Money Podcast: https://seedtime.com/podcast/ Simple Money. Rich Life: https://seedtime.com/smrl/  Check out more episodes of Soul Things Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/2qkim7VWZckaCJn2N9DhSD?si=e61998d58e084ec8 Instagram: @soul_things_podcast
Published 10/21/22
In this episode I sit down with Jesse Eubanks to talk about conflict. Jesse is the founder and Executive Director of Love Thy Neighborhood- an Urban ministry nonprofit mobilizing young adults for the Gospel in Louisville, KY.    "Love Thy Neighborhood has an urban missions program for young adults, ages 18-30, impacting homelessness, the adult entertainment industry, crisis pregnancy, adoption & foster care, healthcare, refugees, construction & low-income housing, legal aid, book...
Published 09/16/22
Season 3 kicks off with a conversation on what those who have gone before would tell their twenty-something selves.  Professors Peter and Kelli Worrall teach at Moody Bible Institute and share about their book "Twenty Things We'd Tell Our Twenty-Something Selves." What better way to gain wisdom and insight into this decade than those who have lived it and learned from it already!  You can check out there book on amazon here:...
Published 08/19/22
Tune in to hear about some life updates and what direction Soul Things will be taking moving forward. Thank you all for your love and support these last two seasons! 
Published 07/29/22
Suicide plagues young adults now more than ever. The rise in mental health issues for individuals in their 20s is skyrocketing. Tune in as my friend Junior shares his powerful story of pain, struggle, and redemption. We dive into what saved Him and what, if anything the Scriptures has to say about this topic.  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 05/27/22
Nidhin and I breakdown the struggle to be your true self. As young adults we are growing so much and changing constantly. Sometimes we find ourselves lost or becoming someone we don't want to be. How does scripture and the example of Jesus anchor us to live out our authentic true self? Check out Nidhin's Podcast Spirit and Truth Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0WvduPlsxsR4ndAQ424coR?si=d47fc70fa775412d Apple:...
Published 05/20/22
We so often find ourselves running around and filling our schedules at this age, and life doesn't seem like it is slowing down any time soon. My friend John C and I talk through this issue of rest and having healthy rhythms in our lives. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 05/13/22
In this episode we wrap up our three part series on how social media is impacting our lives. Martine Decase returns to the show and shares her thoughts on how social media can impact our spiritual walk. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 05/06/22
In part two of the social media series, Noah and I chat about how social media influences how we see those around us. So many of our relationship are being deeply shaped by the habits we are forming with social media.  Check out my other conversation with Noah on the struggle to find good community here: https://anchor.fm/brenna-koss/episodes/True-Intimacy-in-Community-e17j8ti  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 04/29/22
In the first episode of a three part series on social media, my friend Jack and I discuss the impact social media has on our view of self. So often we are drawn in to our devices that they begin to shape how we see ourselves. The values and beliefs we hold surrounding who we are and where our value comes from are more often than not heavily influenced by the media we are intaking and posting online.  You can follow jack on instagram @crtvbyjack Emotionally Healthy Spirituality:...
Published 04/22/22
Marla and I continue our conversation on the challenge of forgiveness. In this episode we focus on how hard it is to forgive yourself. What does God have to say about this and how do we get to a place of healing in the areas of our lives we still feel deep shame and hurt? I share a part of my story and how I learned to not only receive but live into a life of forgiveness.  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 04/15/22
One of the hardest spaces we face as humans is forgiveness. Tune in to part one of a two part series on forgiveness. In part one we talk about the struggle to forgive others. Marla shares her story about the struggle and lessons learned through deep betrayal and heartbreak in one of her friendships. 
Published 04/08/22
What does it mean to step into healthy manhood? How did Jesus emulate masculinity? Tune in to this conversation on the struggle of understanding a right definition of masculinity in our culture today.  My good friend Jared Seeland is an Associate Pastor at Grace Pointe Church in Plainfield IL. He also served as a US Military as a Civil Reconnaissance Marine. Check out his Church's podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/gracepointe-plainfield/id1019364238 --- This episode...
Published 04/01/22
"Why do we need to understand our emotions?" "How do we balance our feelings with the Truth?" These are just some of the questions I tackle with author, speaker, and fitness coach Jessica Hottle. As young adults we often face the challenge of navigating our feelings in a real and healthy way. Jessica shares her powerful story revealing deep insight into this week's topic. Jessica Hottle is a faith-based fitness coach, podcast host, best-selling author, and speaker with a heart for teaching...
Published 03/25/22
Season 2 is kicking off with the topic of identity. Tune into this conversation with Jordan and Darin Starks the host of Just Different Podcast. We tackle questions like Where do we find out who we truly are? Who defines us? Why is finding our identity so hard at this age? So many challenges come with navigating who we are in young adulthood. So let's talk about it! Guest info: We are Darin and Jordan Starks the host of the Just Different Podcast based in Louisville, Kentucky. One fun fact...
Published 03/18/22
This episode I sit down with my friend and coworker Kelley Daniel and chat about the highs and lows of getting married in your early twenties. We discuss the difficulties of adjusting to other relationships, deeper communication, sex, and more!  "Hey I'm Kelley, and I am an ultrasound technologist from Illinois.I know Brenna from working at a non profit women's pregnancy center. I'm 24 years old, and I got married at the age of 22 to my husband, Ben. Since I got married at a young age, I...
Published 12/10/21
Whether our peers, neighbors or a family member we love dearly, a lot of us are battling a desire to make everyone like us. Tune in to this week's episode as Emily Burton shares a little bit of her story and what she has learned about overcoming the urge to people please all the time.  Meet Emily- This Oklahoma native has called Chicago’s Westside home for the last 7 years. She’s a nurse by trade who is pursuing her passions through songwriting and poetry. Her aim in life is to be pleasing...
Published 12/03/21
Fellow podcaster, author, and ministry leader Hannah Hughes sits down with me and shares her story and how her eating disorders of bulimia and anorexia impacted her life from a young age. We dive into a discussion on her healing journey, how mindset plays a role, and how the Church should respond to these hard spaces.  Hannah Hughes info: You can learn more about Hannah's ministry for By Words on her website: https://www.thehannahhughes.com/ Follow Hannah on instagram...
Published 11/26/21
My roommate Heather and I sit down and chat about the struggle a lot of people face when it comes to a healthy relationship with food. Tune in as Heather opens up and shares her own story and what has helped her in her journey.  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 11/19/21
The transition from college to the workforce can be one of the toughest transitions we face as young adults. This episode's guest is author Cate LeSourd who wrote a book about this struggle. Tune in as Cate and I chat about her new book Coming of Age: Our Journey into Adulthood.  Cate LeSourd graduated with honors from Elon University with a degree in Strategic Communications and minors in Human Services and Entrepreneurship. Her post-grad life consisted of intense twists and turns, which...
Published 11/12/21
In this episode my friend Aaliyah and I chat about our struggle with settling for less than God's best for you in a relationship. Join us as we navigate the tricky waters of knowing your value and what is worth waiting for.
Published 11/05/21