Molly advises that we gain more empathy for others and other people's situation. She feels that if we lead with love, we will have a greater ability to understand another persons perspective.
Published 01/11/21
Published 01/11/21
Preparing for the New Year it's important to cleanout mentally and emotionally so that we can breathe new life into the new year.
Published 12/29/20
Molly talks about kindness and compassion and ways to be more compassionate and kinder to others and ourselves. The perspectives each person has comes from their experiences in their lives. We show ourselves to others through our own experiences. Molly invites her listeners to begin to listen to others differently. If you hear something that [...]
Published 06/29/20
Recognizing and releasing stress during stressful times in our lives, allows us to reduce tension and have the ability to think more clearly. Stress can create tension in the body. Especially in the neck and shoulders. Molly shares two deep breathing exercises that will allow you to feel the air flow deeper into your body. [...]
Published 05/14/20
Molly talks about how our fears can get in the way of our forward movement and achieving accomplishments and goals. The perception of fear from others around us can give us insight into ways we can move forward and release the fear. Molly discusses finding a tribe that fits where you are currently in life. [...]
Published 04/17/20
In this episode of The Soul Sound Voice Connection, Molly updates her listeners about how she is reconnecting to music on a deeper level. She has created a few new Youtube playlists and encourages her listeners to subscribe to her channel. One playlist consists of solo violin music, one is soothing singing bowls, and the [...]
Published 02/22/20
Molly talks about what it’s like to navigate a long distance marriage and how to reintegrate when living together. She shares how she likes to plan and has had to work on adapting when plans change and when things happen suddenly. Molly shares some challenges of working from home and creating boundaries with her family [...]
Published 09/25/19
Molly talks about what her summer was like and how this summer she spent more time living in the moment than ever before. She shares her experiences about reflection and getting more in tune with herself. She shares about her nonstereotypical family life and what it’s like to be married and raising children with a [...]
Published 09/10/19
Molly channels an important message to all humanity. Find your hidden truth. Wake up and remember why you are here. The time is now to open our eyes and reveal our truest selves. The time is now to remove the labels that have been put on us by others. The time is now to stand [...]
Published 07/12/19
Molly discusses Fear: Exploring the What Ifs. When we make fear-based decisions, we usually start thinking about all the what-ifs that could happen. What if we shifted perspective and thought about all the positive what ifs? What if that experience helped you to grow? Molly explores many what if possibilities positive and negative and encourages [...]
Published 06/14/19
Molly shares her story of what it was like to give birth to her twins at 26 weeks. She describes what it was like to have her water break before even taking a child birthing class. She shares how different her experiences were from a traditional birth experience. Molly’s twin girls spent 147 days in the [...]
Published 05/30/19
One of the first ways you can truly start connecting with yourself is asking yourself the question, “Who Am I?” Molly offers a journaling exercise for answering the question Who Am I? Molly talks about learning how to accept compliments and shares a story about her struggle to receive compliments in her preteen years. Give [...]
Published 05/16/19
Molly confesses that she suffered from childhood depression and what she did to begin to overcome depression. She reveals what helped her in the darkest of times. You can let depression govern everything you are thinking and feeling or you can look for the hope. The Light inside you has a purpose and it has [...]
Published 05/10/19
Molly explains, “What is Soul Movement?” and the importance of it. When we experience traumatic or painful events in life, if we do not have the tools to heal from the experience, we have a tendency to stuff the feelings down. As we stuff our feelings down, we carry those experiences and feelings with us. [...]
Published 05/02/19
In order to manifest what matters, it s important to be mindful of where we are focusing our thoughts and feelings. If you want to manifest a life that is desirable, you cannot tell yourself that it’s not possible or that the shoe is gonna drop. Molly discusses manifesting finances and relationships that you want. She [...]
Published 04/25/19
Molly is podcasting this week from the beach. She shares her experience of taking the kids on vacation by herself and how if you believe in yourself you can do anything you set your mind to do. This was Molly s first time going that far away with her girls for the week. Instead of being [...]
Published 04/18/19
Molly spent the week focusing on receiving little things and found that by focusing on this, she was being present. In order to be present, it’s important to eliminate the distractions. We need to retrain ourselves to be present and stay focused. Molly discusses ways to be more present. Get rid of the notifications on [...]
Published 04/11/19
Molly talks about important it is to open your heart to receive. She shares how she has always been a giver but has never been a good receiver. She realizes that she cannot receive unless she allows herself to receive. Molly shares what she is doing now to allow her to be a giver yet open [...]
Published 04/05/19
Molly talks about letting go and embracing change and how difficult it can be. She shares her struggle with letting go especially when your letting go of something special to you. You can let go of things and release them with love. Molly shares a channeled message she received regarding a change with her girls’ [...]
Published 03/29/19
This podcast discusses and shares personal information that discusses sexual abuse that may not be appropriate for younger children. Molly talks about how family secrets can be destructive and carry on from generation to generation. She shares how you can take a family secret and make a choice to no longer allow it to continue. [...]
Published 03/21/19
Molly talks about the importance of music in her life. She shares how she uses music as a way to heal her heart and soul. Molly talks about the importance of being a teacher and having a safe space for people to communicate their feelings. Molly confesses how she s attracted people throughout her life that [...]
Published 03/21/19
In Introduction to the SoulFession Journey, get to know Molly a little bit better in this podcast as she introduces herself and shares her inspiration for the podcast. Molly opens the door and reveals a significant event in her life that awakened her mind and spirit. She explains what soulfession means and invites everyone on [...]
Published 03/21/19