Published 12/14/21
Responding to a question on turning inward, Sadhguru asks, are we even sure what is inside and what is outside of ourselves? The first step in understanding, he explains, is to leave aside things we don’t know and work towards clarity of perception.
Published 12/14/21
Sadhguru tells us why we struggle to put brakes on our thought process and shows us a way to gain control of it.
Published 12/13/21
Sadhguru looks at how unfortunately, most people do not pay enough attention to what lies within. He explains how the human system is the most sensitive and sophisticated machine on the planet. When we have such a wonderful gadget in our hands, we can't afford to operate like a "blacksmith"!
Published 12/12/21
Sadhguru shares his wisdom on how to make decisions when our heart seems to say one thing and the head seems to say another thing.
Published 12/11/21
Sadhguru looks at why people are going through so much stress in today's world. If you ask people why they are stressed, many will say it is because of their job. However, even if you take care of their survival process and don't make them work, still people won't be settled with life.
Published 12/10/21
Answering a question on how to control anger, Sadhguru clarifies that anger is not an entity somewhere that we have to control or avoid. The fundamental reason why anger is a problem is because our minds are not in our control, which is what needs to be addressed.
Published 12/09/21
Sadhguru answers a question about the purpose of life and explains why having a  "god-given" purpose will only restrict life.
Published 12/08/21
Sadhguru looks at how the mind, which should be the greatest boon, is unfortunately being used by most people as a misery-manufacturing machine. He also gives us a simple process to begin the process of experiencing the magic of the mind.
Published 12/07/21
Is it okay to live in fear of being judged by people around us? Should the opinions of others influence us?  Watch Sadhguru’s answer to a group of young IITians at Kharagpur.
Published 12/06/21
Inner Engineering Online, a revolutionary new approach towards creating a life of peace, joy, health and happiness.
Published 12/05/21
"The Trap of a Dream" From In the Presence of the Master series - Conversations with Sadhguru.  Is reality really real or are our views of ourselves our life and the world around us just something we make up for ourselves? In "The Trap of a Dream", Sadhguru delves into matters of perception and ways of growing beyond our illusionary realities.
Published 12/04/21
In this excerpt from "In the Presence of the Master" Series entitled Ordinary to Extraordinary, Sadhguru offers his wisdom for a seeker who is divided about which direction to take in his life.. to be in the material world or turn spiritual.
Published 12/03/21
Sadhguru answers this seekers question by relating to a rose flower in this excerpt from In the Presence of the Master series DVD titled "Living Life to the Fullest."
Published 12/02/21
Sadhguru discusses the Dhyanalinga. He explains that it's right here within you, that you are a linga with seven chakras, it is just that you (as a linga) have not risen to your highest vibrancy.
Published 12/01/21
Sadhguru discusses the fundamentals of spiritual growth, philosophies and belief systems.
Published 11/30/21
A seeker asks Sadhguru "Who Am I?"
Published 11/29/21
Sadhguru explains that fundamentally all yogic practices are devised to bring awareness that we are not the body and we are not the mind.
Published 11/28/21
A seeker asks Sadhguru about our role here on the planet and who controls our life before and after death. A poignant discussion by Sadhguru on assumptions, belief systems, social dogmas and one's truth.
Published 11/27/21
A seeker asks Sadhguru what a Siddhi is. Sadhguru discusses siddhis, the abilities one might attain doing certain sadhanas and the importance of acting responsibly.
Published 11/26/21
Sadhguru discusses learning to accept death as a part of life.
Published 11/25/21
A seeker asks Sadhguru what they should do to become enlightened.  Sadhguru explains that enlightenment is not an achievement, it's a homecoming.
Published 11/24/21
Sadhguru explains that the body is limited and your nature can not settle for anything limited.
Published 11/23/21
Sadhguru explains anything that is beyond your present level of understanding is a miracle.
Published 11/22/21
A seeker asks Sadhguru the difference between conscious and unconscious. Sadhguru responds that what is in your awareness is conscious, what is not in your awareness is unconscious.
Published 11/21/21