If you've struggled to create better relationships even though you've done a lot of psychological and spiritual introspection, embracing the dances of power and energy can be illuminating. A power dance is always in the room between people, and being more aware of it can be useful. *** If you're serious about a fun and awakening experience, don't miss this upcoming experience: https://adelewang.lpages.co/introduction-to-spark-your-feminine-presence/ Or grab a free gift from me here, "The...
Published 02/12/23
When hard things happen to those you love, you want so much to help and support them. What can you say that can help them? Or, what can you NOT say that makes them feel worse, even if it makes you feel better because you want so much to help? Here's my experience from my own painful recent loss. Hopefully this gives you some ideas of how to support people you love through the inevitable bumps in life. And if you're the one on the receiving end of these cliches, don't allow them to gaslight...
Published 01/29/23
Saying "no" is hard for many people. It's especially challenging when part of you isn't completely against something, and part of you is still feeling "off" inside. Being talked into something results in people making decisions they often regret, often because they don't want to the other person's feelings. And then upon hindsight, they blame themselves for going along with things they didn't want. What do you do when it's a confusing internal combination of, "Yes, kind of" and "No, I don't...
Published 12/01/22
Ever wonder what goes through the mind of a therapist? Join me in this juicy conversation with Kyira Wackett, a mental health expert who has been working with people for many years to help them create more fulfilling lives. We both agree -- life is about continuous growth, no one needs to be "fixed",  shame is underlying so much of peoples' pain about their own pain,  and it is ok for everyone to feel nuts at times. For more information on Kyira, go to www.adversityrising.com *** If you're...
Published 11/20/22
The desire to make a difference, to make an impact, is universal. It's a useful guide towards the "more" of what you may be expanding into, in life. We all want to feel that our existence makes an impact in the world.  But it's essential to tune in to the energy that's behind this desire. It can be a sign of a deeper spiritual awakening, or it can be a symptom of unhealed pain. Do you desire to be a star in your own life, with the natural expression of your gifts? Or is it a yearning to be...
Published 11/19/22
Part of the reason why people struggle with knowing their purpose is because our culture is one of individualism where people feel uncomfortable with asking for help. But they want to help others. The journey into more purpose nudges you to receive more from life (and others) so that you have more to give. Most people still assume their purpose is something they figure out all by themselves, in a vaccuum. What is your soul gift that you most enjoy sharing with others? *** If you're serious...
Published 11/14/22
Many people feel an uncomfortable sense inside that they aren't living their life's purpose but they don't know what it is. It can be frustrating, since everyone wants a life of reaching their full potential.  Part of the problem is people don't know what purpose really means or where to start in their inquiry. It can feel so big and abstract.  You are meant to fully express who you are in this life. This clip discusses common misconceptions about purpose and ways to make the ongoing inquiry...
Published 11/06/22
The need for approval is something everyone grapples with, and it's a need that is as old as the human race itself. We know psychologically that we're not supposed to need validation, but it can still be a very painful thing. We want so much for other people to know who we truly are. Listen to this case study with "Anne", who has grown tremendously from where I took her in this exercise. Maybe you will benefit as well.  *** If you're serious about a fun and awakening experience, don't miss...
Published 10/21/22
In our highly intellectualized culture, even basic connection with people has become somewhat of an exercise in understanding people. Many of my clients expend a lot of energy trying to understand people, themselves and the world as the main strategy for how to live a connected life. Understanding is seen as a superpower to everything. And it makes sense, since much of our discussions in personal and spiritual development  often center around "understanding" things.  This might be in...
Published 10/12/22
Social media's impact on people is profound. What seems enjoyable, entertaining and informative is also creating tremendous stress in ways that people don't realize. It's creating anxiety and tension. This is especially the case with the emerging popularity of short-form video platforms such as TikTok, which deliver a bigger payload on your energy system than platforms that use photos and text posts.  Humans are wired for story. But we evolved to tell stories in a different way than how they...
Published 10/05/22
What's the difference between "spiritual" and "metaphysical"? Are they the same thing, and does it matter? If you've been on a spiritual path, you've probably noticed that these two terms have often been used interchangeably, especially in New Age - related discussions. This adds to a fuzziness in understanding. But they are not the same thing, and using these words interchangeably is a disservice because it makes it harder to discern whether the speaker is talking about a concept or an...
Published 10/02/22
If you're lost and trying to find yourself, it's often useful to notice what gets you riled up. There are clues there that reveal the real you, often faster than an inquiry into what you actually like.  Pay attention to these messages and learn to use them instead of ignoring them.   *** If you're serious about a fun and awakening experience, don't miss this upcoming experience: Next Spark Your Feminine Presence group:...
Published 09/22/22
Are you struggling with feeling a lack of purpose, an internal flatness? Millions of people are, and many seek excitement in order to feel more alive again. It's understandable.  But this has created some unintended results that keep people further from their goals than they expected. Listen in to discern why excitement isn't the same as happiness, and borrow wisdom that comes from the dog-training world.  *** If you're serious about a fun and awakening experience, don't miss this upcoming...
Published 09/16/22
If you've been doing a lot of inner growth, inevitably you may feel lonely inside. It can be uncomfortable when you no longer feel connected to the people around you like you used to, but a new group of people that are more on the same page with you have not yet shown up. Tune in to hear more about this common experience  that doesn't get nearly enough attention as it should. Adele Wang offers some food for thought that can help you in your inner contemplation. Perhaps it will help you put...
Published 09/07/22
If you're struggled with recovering after a major life upset, and trying to understand why it happened, you're not alone. It's natural to try to make sense of something when it's been deeply disappointing or upsetting. We want so much to understand, and when we don't, it can feel really disorienting. "What did I miss??" and "I should have known better" are common thoughts that haunt many people.  This is common with many of my clients when they first start working with me. It's extremely...
Published 09/01/22
There are limits to what self-help can do, primarily because people tend to go it alone. The "inner job" of self growth was never supposed to be an "all by yourself" job.  The assumption that a lack of connection is something that needs to be "fixed" through self growth has lead many to people feeling isolated, ashamed and disconnected. This clip covers the missing piece that is in the blind spot of many people who want to reach  reach their full potential. *** If you're serious about a fun...
Published 08/25/22
What is it that so many people are seeking when there's an inner emptiness that can't be named, and why are they having trouble finding what they are looking for? Our culture encourages a model that's built more on "improving" yourself instead of getting to accept and know yourself better.  Ultimately everyone yearns to feel more alive inside,  more on purpose. But conventional ideas on personal development often fall short. Listen for what needs to happen in order for people to find and...
Published 08/06/22
If you're anxious, stressed and frustrated from working in a large corporate setting, listen as I interview Yvonne Caputo on what can help. Yvonne explains why working in large organizations can be so stressful, and how leaders, managers and employees at all levels can make things better. Some questions I asked her in this interview include: The stress of "perception is reality"Why so many managers struggle with how to leadPractical things people can do to improve their ability to connect to...
Published 08/01/22
The shaky feeling you get when you're interacting with people can be a  tell-tale people pleasing sign. What would you say to people if you're not always trying so hard to be helpful, wise, kind and useful? ****** If you're a woman struggling to create better relationships, I encourage you to sign up for my next highly acclaimed "Spark Your Feminine Essence" event to get a taste of what these dances are like.  Stop working on yourself so hard, and start feeling into something much more vast...
Published 07/22/22
Having a mom who nourished you is only the first part of the dance. The second dance is the one that's usually missing in our culture. It's why people feel so unable to grab into life. *** If you're a woman struggling to create better relationships, I encourage you to sign up for my next highly acclaimed "Spark Your Feminine Essence" event to get a taste of what these dances are like.  Stop working on yourself so hard, and start feeling into something much more vast and powerful. Next...
Published 07/18/22
If you want relationships that work, understanding  the 3 dances of power will help you better navigate into what is going on. This clip is on the 2nd dance, the dance of power with peers. Many people struggle with conflict with peers, especially in intimate partnerships and with friends. Conflict is seen as inherently bad and dangerous to the relationship. But puppies instinctively know a wisdom many humans have lost...  If you missed the overview on the 3 different dances, go back to...
Published 06/28/22
In order to create the most fulfilling relationships, people need to master 3 distinctively different relationships with power. They are like dances. Most people in our culture know only the first dance, and they assume the key to better relationships is around mindset and negative beliefs. Although those things can be helpful, it greatly limits what's possible because people don't understand the energetics of these dances for better relationships, especially with intimate partners and...
Published 06/23/22
A new way of corporate leadership is paramount, if businesses are to survive. Especially now.  Why is working in corporate environments so unfulfilling for so many people? What can be done to tap into peoples' potential as well as their natural desire for achievement? Tune in as Adele interviews Terry Earthwind Nichols on what it takes to lead in these extraordinary times. The Great Resignation, along with a rise in consciousness, demands that leaders flex into collaboration, instead of...
Published 06/11/22
Maybe you're curious about why people go to psychics, or what happens in readings. Sometimes readings are useful, But readings can also most definitely be wrong. It's good to know how to stay out of unnecessary codependence. I've read for people, as well as had readings myself. Some of the readings I got were totally off base, but a few were useful. Maybe this clip can be useful if you're considering seeing a psychic... *** Next Spark Your Feminine Presence group:...
Published 05/29/22
When you hear of "personal development", what comes to mind? What does the term even mean? The self-help industry is huge but no one has clearly identified what happens with adults on their path of adult development. In contrast, childhood development is well documented.  Listen to this clip that articulates that "adult development" (aka the development of wisdom)   is the ability to absorb increasingly levels of complexity and paradox amidst a messy and complicated world, in way that fuels a...
Published 05/19/22