Published 05/12/20
Published 03/31/20
May you live in interesting times. – Chinese proverb Today, you have another opportunity to choose how you respond to and approach your life at every moment, and today’s blog speaks about exactly that. Over the last few episodes, you and I have been exploring what you are saying to the universe around you … today it’s about the language or ‘song’ that is your life.
Published 03/17/20
Published 03/03/20
If you are a regular here, you know about tapping into your inner knowing (that’s the wise stuff that’s in you), but did you ever think about the idea that you are having a conversation with a ‘living consciousness,’ with something that you are already a part of? 
Published 02/18/20
Recently, I had a question come in to SavannahAlaliaTV about feminine power in business. That is what we are discussing in today’s podcast! 
Published 01/21/20
Today I am chatting with you about Time -- specifically, the different types of time and how to make the most of each of them.  If you are not aware of the different types of time - take the time now to listen to this. I promise you it’s worth every second. 
Published 12/10/19
Losing your job never feels nice, and there are some big choices to make when it happens. Figuring out what is next can be scary… or very, very exciting.    Jenny asked for some advice about exactly that. Here is what I had to say -- the first thing suggestion is counter-intuitive, but a game changer if you make the time to do it. 
Published 11/26/19
I recently discovered this fascinating and powerful piece of music that has been shown to reduce stress by up to 61%! If that sounds like a winner to you, then have a listen to today's podcast. 
Published 10/22/19
Intuition is top of the list in business at the moment. Just hear what Business Insider had to say about intuition and its importance in your life.
Published 10/08/19
How good are you at staying in a happy loving space? Do you get easily pulled about by the current world events? Do you get angered or nervous after watching the news? If so, this episode is for you!
Published 09/10/19
In this episode, we have a great question from Erica, who asks about what to do next in her business after making a big mistake. Find out what I suggest in today's podcast.
Published 08/06/19
In February 2017, Forbes published an article about Intuition - posing the following question: Intuition has never been titled as a form of intelligence, but would you think that someone who has great intuition in things, has more intelligence? I'm a believer in the power of disciplined intuition. To find out what that is, listen to today's podcast.
Published 07/23/19
Getting through life and dealing with people can be one of the toughest things about a day. The things that will allow you to get through any situation are simple. I share them with you in today's podcast.
Published 06/11/19
Creating a clear space is an art…it takes time and it’s totally something you can do. In today’s podcast, we talk about ‘how’ to create that clear space…
Published 05/28/19
I have noticed in my life that when I'm feeling stuck, one thing is usually responsible for stopping me from moving forward - waiting. Listen to today's podcast to hear more about how waiting for approval could be slowing your progress.
Published 05/14/19
Today’s episode is all about moving from your heart - paying attention, taking care of the things around you, and pausing from the busy-ness to add emotion to all your actions. 
Published 04/30/19
In this episode, I share one small and easy thing to change on your phone to get you more present instantly. 
Published 04/16/19
Being selective about what you put your energy into is about deeply listening to that intuitive part of yourself, and there are certain things in modern day life that can block that intuition.  Here I talk about some of them, as well as things you can start to do to unblock your natural intuition. 
Published 04/01/19