Welcome to Ellie's infodump on their special interest, volcanology! Come for the volcano facts, stay for...more volcano facts. Hey you like volcanoes, right? Where are you going?
Published 10/08/21
Published 10/08/21
We invited friend of the show Morgan DiCarlo to go up against Lauren in a trivia game all about environmental science! Who knows more random, useless bull crap about the environment? Listen to find out!
Published 08/26/21
You know how some people have special interests? Apparently, one of ours is algae. Did you know some of this crap is poisonous?? We sure didn't. Come listen to us have a surprising amount to say about these little photosynthetic guys. We have SOME transcripts up on our website, speakingforthetrees.com. If you need/want more transcripts, please email us or tweet at us to light a fire under our butts!
Published 08/12/21
Before we had environmental legislation, we had environmental disasters at every turn. Whether the river is on fire or dyed with car paint, the true enemy is probably greedy corporations.  Join us this week with special guest, PhD candidate Morgan DiCarlo, as we talk about how environmental policy has changed our water and air for the better, with case studies on the Hudson River and the Cuyahoga River.
Published 07/29/21
We spent so much time laughing about Asian carp that we split the invasive episode up! For the second part, we talk about Stinkbugs and Octopus Stinkhorn fungus. Pee-yew! Have you drank water today? You should do that, we care about you. Also, terrific news! Our podcast was featured in a list of top environmental engineering podcasts! See it here in all its glory: Top 10 Environmental Engineering Podcasts.
Published 05/06/21
This episode is a trip. Despite audio being a little unprofesh, you WILL laugh at this one. Asian carp are an invasive species in the United States and the lengths conservationists are going to get rid of them are....well, they're a lot. So sit back,...
Published 04/21/21
In this HIGHLY anticipated conclusion to our 2 part wetlands spectacular, Lauren tells Ellie all about vernal pools and the many fae beings that lie within.
Published 04/01/21
In which Ellie cannot be normal about mangrove swamps, and also has a sinus infection.
Published 03/18/21
Season 2 is here! We're kicking it off with a bang with an episode about wildfires. Why do they happen? Why does it seem like they're on the news all the time? Are they getting worse? Listen to find out!
Published 03/04/21
Lauren and Ellie feel bad for dragging their feet on episode 2, so here's a minisode about a cool lady that advocated for the wetlands! Listen or don't, we're not your dad.
Published 01/19/21
"Environmental Racism? The SJW's are taking over!" I sure hope so. Let's make sure something like Flint, MI never happens again! Join us to learn how the government has f*cked over the black and indigenous communities in the US by placing toxic...
Published 11/05/20
You've heard lawns are evil, but where did they come from? Why are they evil? How can you get rid of your lawn? We answer these questions and more! So sit back, take a swig of your favorite beverage, and enjoy learning about why turf grass is stupid!...
Published 11/03/20
The vine that ate the south. The beatle that terrorized Michigan. An ecosystem destroyer that may surprise you. An eldrich being leftover by several extinctions. We're talking about plants and animals that migrated and took over an area - AKA invasive...
Published 10/15/20
What's up with the bees? What else pollinates things besides bees? Can I buy honey? What the heck is a neonictinoid? We'll answer those questions for ya this week. Bzz bzz! So sit back, take a swig of your favorite beverage, and enjoy learning about our...
Published 10/08/20
"I never learned what I needed to about climate change and at this point I'm too afraid to ask" -you. And that's ok, we got you fam! This week we talk about the carbon cycle, how that relates to climate change, and how scared we should all be for our...
Published 10/01/20
What the heck is a wetland and why should I care what happens to them? Well friend, why don't you listen (or read) and find out! In this episode we explain what scientists consider a wetland, how wetlands clean our water, and why you should care more...
Published 09/25/20