Now is the time.  Not because you’re ‘ready’. Not because it’s ‘safe’.  Now is the time because the universe is calling to you to move.  You are on a precipice. So close to your next level that you can almost taste it.  Are you ready to jump?  Then join us for our FREE Masterclass Precipice on June 29th at 11am PT. In this masterclass we will help you embrace the fear of change so you can make movement in your life NOW.  Are you in? Sign up at this link!    Let’s keep the conversation...
Published 06/27/22
Miracles are all around you…  Even when everything feels like it’s going wrong…  You just have to let them in.  No matter what is thrown your way - Stay connected to the good in your life, hold the energy for more, and those miracles you seek will unfold in their own unique and beautiful way.  Are you yearning to be part of a community of dedicated miracle makers?  Then join us inside The Rebellion, our expansive container where you get direct access to Jak and Rob for an entire year!...
Published 06/23/22
Wild woman, stop holding onto your desires with a clenched fist.  Let go of how you think it ‘should’ look, and let your energy flow.  Open your eyes to the world around you as you walk the path toward your goals. There is delicious beauty around you every step of the way. Even the bumps in the road have gifts to share with you.  Stay present for the entire journey, for it will feel so much more rich when you reach your goal.  Would you like to walk this path with other like minded rebel...
Published 06/20/22
If you know in your heart that you are destined to create massive wealth, then become the woman who can manage it now.  It’s time to break the old wealth paradigm that leaves you disempowered around money.  Harness your power from deep within and move forward with a clear vision of how to handle the wealth that is coming your way.   It’s this intention that will make the difference between having money for a moment - or building wealth for a lifetime.  Are you ready to prepare your life...
Published 06/16/22
What does wealth truly mean to you?  Not to your neighbor. Not to your best friend. Not to the influencer you see online.  But to you.  Wealth is not defined by status symbols. It’s defined by how it feels in your soul. Are you ready to embody wealth on your own terms?  WEALTH! The Mastermind will serve as your guide to creating your own unique blueprint for calling in wealth. This 4 week, 8 session program will teach you how to align yourself with your wealth frequency in a way that...
Published 06/13/22
This month we are celebrating three years of Femme, and it feels BIG.  In fact, it’s felt big every step of the way.  Because at Femme, we embody the spirit of celebration. We don’t just celebrate the wins. We celebrate the growth, the steps forward, and the lessons learned. Sometimes we celebrate simply because we feel like it.  Wild woman, today we invite you to join us - and let your LIFE be the celebration!  In honor of our third birthday, we are dropping some insane offers this...
Published 06/09/22
How is it possible to do less and make more?  It starts by bringing your most potent energy only to the avenues that light you up.  Then… trusting that it will be enough.  Your powerful intentional message will serve as a bright beacon for your soul clients, calling them to you from a place of pure alignment.  This is how you attune to your wealth frequency.  Are you ready to open the portal to wealth?  WEALTH! The Mastermind will serve as your guide to creating your own unique...
Published 06/06/22
Rebellious Wealth is wealth created your way.  It’s not found by following someone else’s blueprint for success.  It’s found by making your own blueprint - a blueprint shaped by pure alignment with your wealth frequency.  You are the map. You are the strategy. It’s time to step into your power and call in wealth.  Are you ready to attune to your next level of wealth + power + pleasure?  Then join us in the container that best fits you:  WEALTH! The Mastermind will serve as your portal...
Published 06/02/22
Welcome to our celebration!  May has been a mind blowing month in the Femme world.  We hit our biggest month ever - our first multiple six figure month - and we hit it by May 20!  Hitting this milestone has come along with a massive quantum shift in our business. Today we’re not just celebrating this massive milestone. We’re celebrating the epic journey and the growth we’ve experienced along the way.  Because that’s the Femme Way - embodying wealth + power + pleasure on every step of the...
Published 05/30/22
It’s time to step into an embodied state of leadership - the rebellious way.  How? By knowing and integrating your human design.  Today we’re diving into our human designs types; Rob as a Mani-Gen and Jak as a Projector. Mani-Gens, we urge you to follow your sacral yes and honor your sacral no. These strong senses will keep you in alignment and guide the way as you walk your path. (Generators this goes for you too!!) Projectors, get rebellious by standing in your power and speaking your...
Published 05/26/22
Wild woman, you are already more than enough.  Your zone of genius lies inside of you, ready to be lit up in bright new ways.  Don’t seek a mentor who tells you she ‘has the answers’, for the answers have been within you all along.  Seek a mentor who will walk beside you. One who will help you co-create the reality that you envision, so that you can fully bring your genius forward and reach new heights.  Are you ready to unlock your next level of genius?  Then join us for the ultimate...
Published 05/23/22
This is your invitation to change your narrative around time.  Do you yearn to realize your vision now? Then devote yourself to the possibility that your vision can manifest in any moment, and work toward that inevitable moment with everything you have.  That energy of possibility is what will align you with the quantum and open up the path toward your desire.  Ready to collapse time like a rebel?  Then join us this month inside The Rebellion for our program Temptress of Time - a program...
Published 05/19/22
The Femme way is to make power pivots when things aren’t feeling in integrity or alignment anymore. We recently restructured our team, and it’s allowing us to stay more in alignment with creativity. If we didn’t, it wouldn’t allow us to create and serve the way we desire to.  Do you know yourself and all the sides of your energy? Are you able to continuously shift your alignment? Are you living from your most powerful creative space? If something within you is not feeling in alignment, you...
Published 05/16/22
When we are so invested in one coach, we don’t often feel like we have the permission or resources to connect and ask other coaches. We have created a space where you get to be in the energy of more - more women, more experiences, more energy, more stories, more successes.  Do you want to be immersed in the synergy of wildly successful women? Do you want to explore deeper and broader? Do you want to receive energetic teachings that hold immense value? When we take a free course, it gives us...
Published 05/12/22
The energy of momentum and collaboration is powerful.    Collaborative energy allows shifts like you have never experienced before, and leads to more momentum from that energetic frequency.  Stepping into this space with more energy, confronting your fears, and finding your balance opens you up for more growth, more energy, and more expansion. Your biggest potential can be born from many. Do you trust in the flow? Are you ready for rapid calibrations? Do you want to explore your own...
Published 05/10/22
We are leading a Rebellion in the industry and in so many other ways.. And we want to invite you into a deeper layer.  As 7-figure brand owners, we know the impact of Wealth, Power and Pleasure, and we are sharing these layers of The Layers of Seven Figure Success with you today.  Do you want to create massive wealth? Do you want to experience the power of the human and the divine? Do you want to experience incredible orgasms? Creating massive wealth is about being in alignment with your...
Published 05/05/22
Holy WILD F*ck. Let us introduce you to Chiara Mazzucco, the founder of @boldself.   This powerful woman is bringing the, “F*ck boring,” energy to inspire you to choose to live your life loud, alive and fully expressed. Chiara brings us feminine energetics, magnetism, and some potent AF energy. Let’s start with her story. Chiara was living in a life that was not her own. She was surviving just to make it through - hovering just above rock bottom.  When she got exhausted floating in survival...
Published 05/02/22
Let us introduce you to Nadine Lee, the founder of Tantric Alchemy, @tantric.alchemy_ .  This beauty moves with fierce embodied feminine leadership - you’re about to fall in love.  Nadine was destined to walk the path to her own spiritual and kundalini awakening from a very young age. This path grew into her becoming a devoted lover and sexual liberator.  Her soul called in the Masters that enabled her to ground deeply into her body and liberate herself erotically and financially.  Are you...
Published 04/28/22
Get ready to dive in with our next Outspoken speaker - powerhouse Samantha Skelly, CEO of Pause Breathwork.  Samantha is the founder of 2 multi-million dollar wellness companies, a highly sought out speaker, a best selling author and a wellness coaching expert.   Her approach to entrepreneurship is rooted in authenticity, even when that means going against “how business is done”.  And this approach? It has paid off for her in massive ways.  She will inspire you to approach your business...
Published 04/25/22
Wild woman - Get ready to tap into your genius, because Victoria Washington is on the pod today!   Victoria Washington - Business Mentor, Creative Director, Speaker and CEO of The House of WE™  Are you ready to release relationship strains, career blocks and live in the *genius* that you desire to embody? Step into the FUN, and step into the adventure with Victoria Washington! This incredible leader is one of the 12 amazing female coaches who you will have access to in “Outspoken”, our...
Published 04/21/22
Wild woman - Get ready to activate your magic, because Suzy Ashworth is on the pod today!   This quantum transformation coach will inspire you to not just create ripples of success in your life, but to create tidal waves of impact on a global scale.  She has a vision for the world - and you’re part of it.  This incredible leader is just one of the 12 amazing female coaches who you will have access to in “Outspoken”, our industry-changing 12-week coaching container, beginning May...
Published 04/18/22
In today’s episode we are so honored to dive in with Amy Elizabeth, the magnetic co-founder of Align By Design. Se will be joining us as one of the 12 speakers inside Outspoken!  In the last few years, Amy has grown Align by Design from a pipedream to a ragingly successful multi 7-figure business, and we have watched her expansion every step of the way.  This woman will awaken the knowledge you need to confidently navigate your goals, in a way that is so deeply aligned with your own...
Published 04/14/22
Wild women, join us as we get to know the “Unicorn of the coaching industry” - Stephanie Anne Hughson.  Stephanie, known online as XOGingy, doesn’t just share 100% of her energy - She brings it at 1,000,000%. She will wake you up, activate your motivation, and shower you with the inspiration you need to grow.  This incredible leader is just one of the 12 sought after female coaches who you will have access to in “Outspoken”, our industry-changing, multidimensional, 12-week coaching...
Published 04/11/22
Are you attached to your end results? How are you showing up throughout your entire process? Can you see things occurring along the way that are in alignment with what you want? Are you celebrating everything that is happening within your activation? Do you want to build momentum to your soul purpose? When you focus on what isn’t working, you are aligning with lack.  If you can train your conscious mind to see and celebrate what is working as you move through your soul desires, the mini...
Published 04/07/22
Part Two: diversity and uniqueness in Calibration. Calibration is about moving in the direction you desire faster by putting yourself in the proximity and closeness of something or someone who has mastered and become the embodiment of what you desire. The key?  Mastering the Energetics without copying the style. Nailing the precision without mimicking the voice. Raising your standard without losing your authenticity. What type of healer do you desire to be? Who can you look to and who do...
Published 04/04/22