Do you ever wonder what it would feel like? To change it all? To walk away? To go in an entirely different direction? Well, we’re doing it. Boldly + bravely we’re moving in different directions with our work. Jak an Energetics Mentor, Rob a Brand Coach + Copywriter. There is a new beginning in the air, and while it wasn’t an easy choice…it was the right one. Listen to the End of an Era as we share the process of unchoosing Femme, closing a chapter, and getting excited for the next...
Published 01/17/23
Published 01/17/23
Rebel woman, have you taken your soul work off to the pages of your journal and into the LIVED EXPERIENCE of your real life?  Integrating new patterns *in the moment* takes next level dedication to your higher self… time and time again. Momentary quantum leaps are the cumulation of who you’ve become. Your soul work isn’t a one night stand. It’s a forever thing.  Because of this level of commitment to your growth…don’t forget that every phase, version & level of your self deserves to be...
Published 12/02/22
What will be available to you when you allow yourself to see that you are worthy of everything you want?  This, Rebel Woman, is limitlessness.  Come meet us in this conversation. This was a conversation of many words that needed little explanation… The depth of your limitlessness comes from your ability to stay neutral, to detach, and to be willing. It’s a not needing to know when or how… But a willingness to BE entirely here in the moment as it exists. This is freedom, and freedom is...
Published 11/25/22
Rebel woman, look within yourself.  Do you feel your power?  A power that urges you to walk through your challenges, and not around them. A power that compels you to stand tall when things get hard.  A power guided by your vision, no matter what gets thrown your way.  This power lies within you. It is calling for you to own it, to master it, and to let it hold you on the path toward your desires.  Are you ready to expand into this next level of power? It’s not something that happens by...
Published 11/17/22
Today we sat down in Costa Rica,  where we’re hangin’ in the jungle together preparing for the Femme retreat, and well, living our dream, really ;)  In this episode we’re sharing a huge evolution in each of our personal brands that we think may shock, surprise and, quite frankly, confuse most of you… But would you expect anything less!?  Meet our new babies… The Jaclyn Shaw Show, a podcast where Jak will guide you deep into your energetics, is premiering 11/11.  The Brand Is You, Robyn’s...
Published 11/10/22
Rebel, adventure is the key to feeling alive.  Breaking down routines and allowing each day to look different is what allows life to emanate art. Of course, the ordinary is important, too. The responsibilities, the rhythms, the regularities… But surrendering them for minutes, days, even weeks at a time is an invitation to receive something new. It’s the thrill of saying yes to something different than yesterday that keeps us desiring more of tomorrow. We are…  9 sleeps away from a full...
Published 11/03/22
As you are called to evolve, you must embody change at your core.  It’s not enough to want something… It’s certainly not enough to think about something… You must absolutely become that which you want the most. It can feel big, yes.  Cataclysmic, even.  Terrifying on the best of days.  But Rebel Woman, you can do this. So many others are walking their own challenging paths, and they are here to witness you walk yours.  Are you yearning to courageously evolve in community with...
Published 10/27/22
Rebel woman, throw away what you think you know about strategy, because in the Femme world, strategy isn’t rigid. It’s not constricted. It’s not a strict set of shoulds or rules… Strategy is being so closely connected to your purpose, attuned to your creative energy, and deeply rooted in trust that it literally can’t go wrong. Even failures lead to wins. Your strategy can be wide open. It can be expansive. And it can be just as unique as you are.  Today’s sneak peek into the Q&A for...
Published 10/21/22
Rebel woman, something exquisite awaits you. And while Rob may not be a fan of your typical “retreat”…the REBEL RETREAT is really something to experience for yourself. We’re getting ready to shake it up in the jungle with up to 10 women (have you booked your room yet?), and here’s the thing… You won’t leave the same as you came (it’s impossible). In this episode, we talk a lot about the WHY of attending a retreat: Are they a glorified conference? Overly priced? Are they all they’re cracked...
Published 10/13/22
Rebel. Your deepest evolution awaits you in a state of pure immersion.  When you fully immerse yourself in an experience, that experience will become a part of the fabric of who you are.  No distractions, No screens, No need for either. Step beyond the noise of your day to day life and  deep with a dedicated sisterhood of women who are seeking the same life changing transformation.  This is the fast track to deep soul shaking calibration.  Join us in the jungles of Costa Rica for The...
Published 10/06/22
Each transition is a wave in the ocean. An inevitable change that cannot be stopped.  You are here to evolve, expand and grow…and that wave of transition is carrying you to the next version of Self that awaits. Welcome it. Move with it. Allow it wash over you…  Meet it with integrity, grit & grace… And it will meet you with transformation far beyond what you can even imagine. Transition is the gateway to the potential realm. Stay tuned into it. Lean in. Trust. Are you yearning to...
Published 09/29/22
Rebel woman, get ready to throw out your pro/con list, there’s a new deciding factor in town 💃🏼 In the Femme world, we make a lot of bold decisions on the regular.  Moving to the jungle (Jak)Starting a brand new Instagram accountBuying the ring of her dreams (Rob)Booking impromptu plane tickets to go speak at an ALL TIME event (both 🤩) We don’t move in ways that make logical “sense”… And therefore, our realities look a lot like a dream. Want to experience miracles? Decide you are one, and...
Published 09/22/22
Femme is being called to uplevel.  Uplevel in a way that stretches beyond the coaching industry, so that every woman can learn to embody the Femme way of wealth, power + pleasure.  We have entered a new and expansive era, and we have moved to a brand new Instagram to usher it in!  We hope you’ll join us for this next evolution @thisisfemme_  Are you yearning to expand in a community of like minded rebels?  Then join us inside The Rebellion, our expansive container where you get direct...
Published 09/15/22
“Move as your million dollar woman”  Do you yearn to experience wealth beyond your wildest imagination?  Then you must align with your million dollar self.  Embody her energy, play in her potentiality, commit to doing the work, and wealth will meet you at that high level vibration.  This work is the heart of The Femme Power Principles, our foundational 10-week course. Within the Femme Power Principles you will receive the blueprint for an abundant life of wealth, power and...
Published 09/08/22
“A woman in her power chooses pleasure.” Do you struggle to experience pleasure in your life?  Just open your eyes, rebel woman, and take a look around. Because pleasure exists everywhere.  It’s in your morning coffee. It’s in your child’s laugh. It’s in the sunset, in the music and in the loved ones you surround yourself with.  Even on your hardest days, moments of pleasure are waiting for you.  But in order to receive it you must choose to be present and seek it.  This work is the...
Published 09/07/22
Rebel woman, are you ready to bust through the internalized limitations that hold you back and lead yourself to a life of limitless wealth, power and pleasure?  Yes? Then we have a gift for you!  Join us this week for our three-part series, Limitless, right here on the podcast.  Within Limitless you will access the expansive potential that lives inside of you. And this journey begins today with harnessing your power.  Today you will examine your power leaks, set them free, and make room...
Published 09/06/22
Rebel woman, does this moment feel tough?    Does everything feel uncomfortable as you shift through a change?  Yes? Then you’ve found yourself in the transition. It can feel like these moments will never end. But rest assured, it’s simply a moment in time.  So harness your energy and ride the wave with a heart full of intention. For its this very moment that will deliver you to your next quantum leap.  No matter where we are on your path,we all go through transitions. And we’d like to...
Published 09/01/22
How good are you willing to let life get?  This is Genevieve Rackham’s question for you.   Genevieve is on a mission to shift your money paradigm so that financial liberation feels sexy, flirty and fun.  She wants you to know that money does not hold the power. You do. And as soon as you stand confidently in that truth, money will respond in a big way.  This incredible leader is just one of the 12 amazing female coaches who you have access to in “Outspoken”, our industry-changing...
Published 07/25/22
Do you feel like there are pieces of you that just don’t fit?   Pieces of you that you try to hide or make you feel ashamed?  Do you believe these pieces must be overcome in order for you to be successful?  Wild woman, know this: It’s not true  You are not required to be perfect before you attain your desires.  You are worthy now.  Each of us have pieces of ourselves that don’t cleanly fit into our future vision. Yet, they do not need to be banished. What if you could integrate them in...
Published 07/21/22
This week we are joined by the magical and mysterious creator of the $50+ million dollar brand Alpha Femme, Melanie Ann Layer.  Get ready to be transformed, because in Outspoken Melanie will show you the possibilities that await you in the realm of quantum potentiality.  She will lead you along a path that transcends strategy, urging you to follow your intuition and take another step… and another… and another…  Until suddenly, your world changes.  This incredible leader is just one of the...
Published 07/14/22
Wild woman, what are you ready to declare?  What are you ready to call into your life right now?  Make the declaration, hold its energy, and trust deep within that The Universe, God, Source, The Divine will respond to you.  Because it will, it is simply waiting for you to be the energetic match.  Are you feeling the call to take your intuition and trust to a whole new level?  Then join Jak within one of her exclusive hidden offers. These high touch, close proximity spaces will remain a...
Published 07/11/22
Get ready to embrace your feminine magic and rise as The Queen you are.  Mel Wells will help guide your way.  Mel is an author, coach, the creator of The Goddess Collective. She will challenge you to tap into your most divine expression, to cast your vision for a new world, and to guide others there with the confidence and grace of a regal leader.  Mel will be joining us for our next round of Outspoken, to be announced soon! In the meantime, there's still time to join and learn from the 12...
Published 07/07/22
Are you on the path toward your big vision? Or… have you strayed?  Have you found yourself pulled in a million directions by meaningless tasks and unimportant ‘shoulds’, simply because you wanted to feel like you were ‘doing’ something?  Or, are you surrendering to trust, letting your energy steer the way, and holding deep gratitude for every beautiful lesson you receive - no matter how big or small?  If you’ve lost your path toward your big vision, then stop spreading yourself so...
Published 07/04/22
You are standing at the edge, one breath away from leaping toward a new you.  Are you ready to jump? Or are you clinging to the edge?  The hesitancy that’s holding you back might feel safe, but in truth, it’s stagnant. It’s the past now. It will not serve who you are destined to become.  The next level woman you are destined to become exists just beyond the precipice. She’s so close you can almost hear her call.  Let go of the fear, take a deep breath… and jump.  You don’t have to jump...
Published 06/30/22