I’ve always marveled at our ability to move between moments of uncertainty into certainty, fear into confidence, unknowing into knowing, and I’ve called such sparks of illumination, “spontaneous knowing.” Googling those two words, I’ve just found there’s a psychic phenomenon called claircognizance, which is the ability to receive new information through clear knowing. I'm Mike Dooley, New York Times bestselling author. I've been speaking and teaching about the law of attraction and...
Published 05/17/24
The truth not only sets you free, it slays all dragons, banishes all fears, connects all dots, turns lack into abundance, loneliness into friendships, sickness into health, and spins the world in the palm of your hand. We live our lives behind bars. Lives that were meant to be free. Bars wrought of our own misunderstandings. I'm Mike Dooley, and I've been writing and teaching on the nature of reality for more than two decades. Today let’s talk about regaining your power to manifest all that...
Published 03/01/24
Ken Carey wrote, “You know everything, you are telepathic, and you are able to do anything because you are the host of the Living Library. You have the card that allows you to access any kind of information.” We can all channel; you are a channeler. Today we’ll talk about how to unlock your wisdom. Imagine: Ideas blossoming spontaneously in your mind, words arriving just when you need them, flowing effortlessly from your lips, your actions unfolding with a sense of guidance that seems to...
Published 02/23/24
Creative visualization can take you anywhere, can manifest anything, move mountains, part seas, and is your greatest SUPERPOWER. Hi, I'm Mike Dooley, New York Times Bestselling Author and the creator of Notes from the Universe. I've been practicing creative visualization for over four decades. As I've journeyed through the jungles of time and space, I find it to be an indispensable tool in my adventurer's belt. It has consistently allowed me to tap into the magic of life, guiding me through...
Published 02/16/24
I once met a street performer in San Diego who, at first glance, didn't seem to have much of an act. His "thing" was stacking rocks as tall as he could, building precarious towers of different-shaped stones for passersby's amusement. But there was something about his manner. He had a special way of using focus and mindfulness to get those rocks to do exactly what he wanted, even when it seemed gravity might disagree. When he was done working with a surgeon's precision, we were left staring...
Published 02/09/24
Think of the most "authentic" person you know—don't they have a certain gleam in their eye, like they have a secret? Authenticity is more than just a trait... it's a DYNAMIC FORCE that can make your life more rewarding, your relationships richer, and your heart brimming with joy. The game is still on, and it’s time to play it authentically! I'm Mike Dooley, New York Times Bestselling author and creator of Notes from the Universe. I’ve spent 20 years exploring and teaching on the nature of...
Published 01/31/24
When my life crashed down around me… my biggest problem (of many), was that I didn’t know what to do next, which path to take, nor… who I really wanted to be. I'm Mike Dooley, New York Times Bestselling Author and creator of Notes from the Universe. If you’re hesitating at the starting line of your comeback, then please join me as we unravel the mysteries of getting started and learn how to turn apprehension into action. I’ll share with you exactly what I did that gave me direction and...
Published 01/27/24
Did you know, despite negative thoughts and challenging circumstances, you're still inclined to succeed? That success in every area of your life is your default setting? I'm Mike Dooley, New York Times Bestselling Author and creator of Notes from the Universe. For years, I've guided people worldwide in understanding how their thoughts shape their reality. A common concern is the impact of negative thoughts. "If our ‘thoughts become things,’ what happens when they're negative?" This crucial...
Published 01/24/24
A HUGE personal revelation in my life has been finding that if we don’t SERVE, the pendulum will swing and we’ll wind-up on the needy end; beholden to the kindness and service of others. Yet when we embrace serving in a way that aligns with our own dreams and desires, we catapult ourselves to THRIVE at a whole new level. I'm Mike Dooley, New York Times Bestselling Author and creator of Notes from the Universe. For over two decades, I've been teaching on the nature of reality and sharing...
Published 01/19/24
Who has time for taking baby steps when you want a total life makeover? Is this a way of simply saying “enjoy the journey”? “What if my steps are in the wrong direction? What if I have no path to begin on? Shouldn’t I just wait for clarity and then go hit a home run?” I'm Mike Dooley, New York Times Bestselling Author and creator of Notes from the Universe. As a speaker and teacher on the law of attraction and the nature of reality, I've been teaching audiences around the world for over two...
Published 12/27/23
While “thoughts becoming things” is the be-all and end-all of living the life of your dreams, I’m often asked about the power of our beliefs: “Mike, aren’t our beliefs more powerful than our thoughts?” Oh yeah, our beliefs are indeed almighty… but the reason they’re so powerful is because our thoughts become things! Which immediately hints at how we can erode limiting beliefs, and install empowering ones… and it’s much easier than you probably think. I'm Mike Dooley, New York Times...
Published 12/20/23
Remember when you first learned you lived in a nonjudgmental universe? The joy, the euphoria, and suddenly the fear? Yes, fear! Because you realized that in a nonjudgmental universe, it was up to you to choose every thought you entertained, and that your every thought would then strive to become the things and events of your life. That sounds cool at first, until you realize you sometimes think negatively, pessimistically, and angrily! I'm Mike Dooley, New York Times Bestselling Author and...
Published 12/14/23
One of the first questions I'm always asked when I'm interviewed on news programs and podcasts is, "What the #1 thing that holds people back the most?" The answer, I've come to realize after 20 years speaking and teaching on the nature of reality, living deliberately, and creating consciously, is not being rooted in truth. When you're not grounded in truth, you give away your power as a conscious creator away. I'm Mike Dooley, New York Times Bestselling Author and creator of Notes from the...
Published 12/08/23
Have you ever been at a crossroads, faced with choosing between what you think you should do versus what you want to do? Me too! My life has taught me how to value feelings over logic without shutting the latter out completely. This episode is about taking baby steps—the conventional, logical ones and the inspired, sometimes illogical ones! I can’t wait to share these new ideas with you, along with a really easy worksheet that will help you sort out some action steps you might take next. ...
Published 12/05/23
Manifestation isn't just about dreaming big. It's about taking action, even if it's just baby steps. I'm Mike Dooley, New York Times Bestselling Author and creator of Notes from the Universe. I've been speaking and teaching on the topic of manifestation for more than 20 years. As one of the authors featured in The Secret, I want to elaborate something that a lot of people missed in the book and the film — the importance of taking action, physically moving in the direction of your dreams. ...
Published 11/28/23
Are you ready to begin taking action steps and living like you've never lived before? To get there, we'll be identifying big-picture priorities (career, romance, creative fulfillment, health, abundance, etc.) for you to begin exploring, which will avail you to life's magic and miracles. There is a special PDF for this podcast, if you want to dive deeper into the exercises that I share. Download it here: https://club.tut.com/pdf * * * New Mini-Manifesting Workshops are broadcast live every...
Published 11/24/23
It's one thing to stay positive yourself, especially when circumstances move “sideways,” but when your friends, family, or coworkers get negative, wanting to put you into a little box of their own thinking, you might feel stuck! I'm Mike Dooley, New York Times Bestselling Author and creator of Notes from the Universe. I've been speaking and teaching on the topic of manifestation for more than 20 years. This is the most common fear I hear from people all over the world: How do I stay positive...
Published 11/21/23
How you define your dreams and end results can make all the difference in reaching them, yet no one teaches this. Knowing just a few simple tricks has transformed my life! In this video, I walk you through how to properly define your dreams, desires, and end results, so that you can propel yourself closer to the magic and become a lightning rod for serendipities and so-called coincidences. ❤ If you enjoyed this content, join over 1 MILLION people around the world who receive Notes from the...
Published 11/14/23
I’ve visualized for 40 years, as a teen for competitive tennis and today for writing, money, love, and more joy. When I travel as a speaker, teaching audiences that our thoughts become things, the most common questions I receive are: ⭐ How do I visualize? ⭐ Am I doing it right? ⭐ Morning or night? ⭐ 1 minute or longer? ⭐ Guided or freestyle? ⭐ Silently or with music? In this episode, I answer these questions and share my 9 guidelines for mastering creative visualization. I've created a...
Published 11/10/23
Every sage and ascended master taught that there is only an eternal now moment, from which all things emerge. And they all point out that our egoic mind, trying to micromanage all else, keeps us from experiencing this moment.I’ve found a really simple meditation that I’ve been practicing for a few months, and in each session I can palpably feel the power of the moment—our true point of contact with the Divine and our power. You’ll feel what I mean during today's episode and guided meditation...
Published 10/28/23
In this episode, I’ll explain how to take inspired action, even during these wild and crazy times we’re living through, without losing sight of what matters most – an abundant life of peace, happiness, and love. You’ll learn what to attach to and what never to attach to, as you arouse anticipation and excitement for all that's to come in your life. This podcast episode was originally recorded on April 28, 2020, for my Infinite Possibilities Membership. There is a special PDF for this...
Published 10/15/23
Today's episode is about releasing yourself from the old micromanagement approach of manifesting things and forcing circumstances, while shifting your focus to who you want to become. This will ultimately, and ironically, make your “cups of doing and having” overflow. This podcast episode was originally recorded on April 21, 2020, for my Infinite Possibilities Membership. There is a special PDF for this podcast, if you want to dive deeper into the exercises that I share. Download it here:...
Published 09/25/23
I really believe that if you and I knew how deeply we’ve always been loved… we’d cry happy tears daily for at least a year. I also believe that the reason why we don’t know how much we’re loved is because of our own critical self-judgment of our past and present. Ironically, we came to this Garden of Eden to learn (and play), yet when a lesson presents itself we’re often bitterly disappointed! Clouding our vision, lowering our spirits, and blinding us to all that still awaits discovery. At...
Published 09/13/23
Ready for the “Best of Your Life”? Ready to wisely define what it will look like? Ready to wipe the slate clean through introspection, self-analysis, and total honesty? Me too! Let’s begin with honesty. In this podcast episode, I invite you to begin seeing what you haven’t yet admitted about yourself and life, whether through self-deception or naivety. As I've shared before, in truth there is only ecstasy. In the absence of ecstasy, you can be sure that something is being misunderstood! ...
Published 09/01/23