Published 12/08/21
Ever just sit there and shake your head in frustration?! Like.... why does this have to be so damn hard. Understanding the strategy is easy part but actually putting it into action, actually getting people to say YES to your offer... F**K. In todays episode we talk about what makes building a business so damn difficult and why knowing it can make all the difference.
Published 12/08/21
If you're not getting the results you want in your business you just have to try harder, right?! Well, that might not actually be true! If you are really putting in the effort and not seeing anything in return check out todays episode to find out whether you may in fact be trying TOO HARD!
Published 12/01/21
Your business will only be as successful as you believe it can be. So CONFIDENCE is important mama! In todays episode we go through simple ways to boost your confidence so that you can show up the way you want to in your both your life and business. Because who couldn't use a quick dose of confidence, right?!
Published 11/17/21
Stability is important. It gives you a base to build but there comes a time to take it to the NEXT LEVEL. Listen to todays episode to learn what the future holds for the Stable Mama podcast!
Published 11/10/21
Can I afford that?! There are so many questions around money and your business. Where to start? What to charge? Am I even making any money? Getting to know your finances is key to making smart decisions and decreasing your anxiety around the unknown. Today's guest expert Tracey Bissett is a wealth of knowledge, get it lol. But seriously, she has amazing information to share, you will walk away from this episode with a great financial foundation and an expanding money mindset.
Published 11/03/21
Everyone is always looking for the secret to success... to celebrate 100 episodes on this awesome podcast I reveal what I believe has been the KEY to going from a half crazed full time working mama of three under 5 praying for stability and for her business to FINALLY takeoff to what I am now!
Published 10/27/21
There is so much to juggle while building a business and raising kids. There is a lot on your plate, mama! Do you have routines or boundaries in place that support you and your family? Are you taking care of yourself? No, I don't mean did you make time for a bubble bath, but that does sound nice. I mean, are you addressing what's overwhelming you at the root so you can improve your situation?? So much great info to cover in this amazing episode with guest speaker and business coach,...
Published 10/13/21
If you are a business building mama who is short on time and energy yet has big financial goals then this episode is for you. In it you will learn the simple secret to truly making more money while doing way way less work (UMM YES PLEASE!!).
Published 10/06/21
Do you ever let those doubts about your business and motherhood creep into your mind and settle there? What if I fail? What if I can't deliver? What if I succeed and can't handle the extra responsibilities? Are these thoughts keeping you from moving forward to reach your goals? You aren't alone mama but guess what...?! You don't have to let them hold you back any longer! Experienced marketing and PR business coach, Michelle Vroom, is talking with us today to bring a message of hope...
Published 09/29/21
Did you know moms do the equivalent of 5 full time jobs?! What!! No wonder you're so exhausted sometimes...you are not alone mama! Our special guest, Kerstin Kirchsteiger, emotional intelligence certified expert, is here to talk about work life integration, individualized solutions and creating a life you're excited to get up for every day. There's a lot of pressure these days to have it all, do it all, and be it all. Focusing on YOUR family's core values might be just the answer to...
Published 09/15/21
If you're not making the money you want (or any money whatsoever!), its because you haven't made this one sale yet! Tune in to learn not only WHO you need to sell first but how to do it so you finally start making it rain (rain money that is haha)!
Published 09/08/21
Hey Mama, have you been hard on yourself when it didn't go as planned? What if you could ask yourself, "what did I LEARN from this experience?", instead of placing BLAME on yourself or others? Isn't failure really just a LESSON and an OPPORTUNITY to grow? Special guest and serial entrepreneur, Ciara Stockeland, is sharing how to reflect on failure, learn from it, and move forward to the next chapter in your journey. The journey that you're even more equipped for, because of the hardship...
Published 09/01/21
One step forward, 2 steps back. Isn't that how it feels sometimes? This episode is for the mom who has a lot on her plate, littles under our feet, and a desire for more. Guest expert Kristen Ostrander covers strategies to keep momentum and motivation going. Learn how small, consistent steps are key! Not only will these strategies get you organized and headed in the right direction but they will inspire those around you as they witness you feeding your passions and soul.
Published 08/18/21
It is basically IMPOSSIBLE to have a successful business without making sales. So that leaves the question... HOW DO YOU ACTUALLY DO IT?! If you are wondering what the secret sauce is to getting your potential clients to say YES to your offer then this podcast is for you!
Published 08/11/21
You are so grateful for what you have... but you want more from life! Maybe you have already dabbled with the idea but feel stuck and unsure how to move forward or maybe you are just getting started and need some direction. Either way this episode is for you! We have life coach and guest expert Karis Walker with us today to teach us how to use our own specific wiring to guide us to the clarity we need to move forward with ease. If you are ready to feel CONFIDENT in your next steps, you need...
Published 08/04/21
Imagine feeling so crazy CONFIDENT in what you do that selling was EASY. No more second guessing yourself, doubting your awesomeness or feeling salesy & weird! It's time to OWN YOUR WORTH MAMA so that can make the money you want while helping the people who need you most! That is what this episode is all about. Stand in your power, mama!
Published 07/28/21
Did you know that being a mom equips you with SUPER POWERS?! AKA super SKILLS that translate into amazing business owners, entrepreneurs, and employees! The endless hours of organizing your kids schedules, meal planning, teaching morals and lessons, adapting to the ever changing unexpected forks in the road, etc., have turned you into one super-human mom that achieves amazing goals already! Today's episode is for you if you want to feel inspired about the amazing mom you are and learn the...
Published 07/21/21
You didn't hit your goal... Life is NOT what you imagined... Things are just not working... If you are wondering HOW to move forward and learn the lessons these "failures" have to offer WITHOUT feeling like crap then this episode is for you.
Published 07/14/21
Raise your hand if you've lost some sleep since having kids...yep right here! Are you tired of living like a zombie? Are you ready to learn some simple tips and tricks that will change your life?!?! You've come to the right place mama. Today's episode will have you on the path to finding your old self again, you know the one that got things done because she wasn't so tired all the time.
Published 07/07/21
Its just not working! No matter what you do you are just not seeing the results you want in your business. You feel so frustrated, discouraged... STUCK. You want to scream, "When is this going to change?!" If this sounds familiar then this episode is for you! It will show you the simple truths that will help you get out of your own way so you start moving forward!
Published 06/30/21
Have you ever felt a calling to do something... be something... change directions? You were meant to do GREAT things! God has blessed each person with gifts and talents. Today's episode is all about tapping into that inner spirit and finding your path as an entrepreneur.
Published 06/23/21
Being able to call YOURSELF is a simple way to see progress faster in your business (and life). However... HOW you do it can either HELP you or massively set you back so that is exactly what we are going to talk about it todays episode!
Published 06/16/21
Today's amazing episode is all about the journey of one of my very own coaching students! Samantha, aka Sammy, Giles's story is one of self growth and perseverance. She dug deep to gain clarity around her struggles, likes, dislikes, and passions and she is ROCKING it!! Have you realized yet that understanding yourself to the core elevates your business to the next level? Because your business is basically YOU! Tune in for an insightful journey to becoming her own boss and how you can do...
Published 06/09/21
Ever feel like you are putting out one fire after another? Being pulled in a million directions instead of leading the way? Today we are talking about predictable routines, systems, and structures. Getting organized is KEY! Of course there are always unexpected obstacles that arise but having a strong foundation keeps you moving forward, making progress and continuing to growth both at home and in your business! Plus this structure makes all that work a whole lot EASIER! And who doesn't...
Published 05/26/21