Sometimes the things that we struggle with the most cause us to see our need for Jesus. His grace is enough for us as His power is made perfect in our weaknesses. We can trust His plan.
Published 05/22/24
Published 05/22/24
When it feels like the world is overtaking you fix your eyes on God. Let Him not only fight this battle for you but win with His power and might. Join me as we pray and look to the only One who can really deliver and restore us towards true peace. Love you!!
Published 05/01/24
Life has a tendency to keep us so busy and distracted. Join me this morning as we set aside time to turn our eyes and heart upon Jesus.
Published 01/24/24
God wants you to cry out to Him in your trouble and He WILL deliver you from your distress. Join me today as we surrender these things to Him and let His working power move those mountains in our lives.
Published 01/10/24
Let God be the source to light the way and satisfy you in your life. Join me as we carve out some time this morning to meet with the God who can take your chaos and bring you His peace.
Published 12/01/23
Join me today as we surrender control of others at the foot of Jesus and ask for His love to penetrate through every wound we carry. God’s power is greater than any grudge. Love you!
Published 11/01/23
Let God be your hope and salvation as you let His steadfast love surround you today. Join me as we seek God as a deer pants for water and choose to make Him the God of our life. Love you!
Published 10/11/23
Not quite sure where life finds you this morning but I want you to know that God sees you. He sees your struggle, fear, He is with you right now and is looking after each circumstance you are facing. Join me in prayer as we learn to see Him too. His power and might and ability to reign victorious in our life.
Published 09/06/23
No matter what life brings your way. God is with you right now. He is bigger and stronger and able to fight each battle for you. With God, we will reign victorious in every area our lives.
Published 08/02/23
Sometimes our thoughts are all over the place and God wants us to allow Him to take control of it all. Join me as we lay it all down at His feet and learn to trust His plan for every detail of our lives.
Published 06/07/23
Not quite sure what you are walking through today but you can enter into His rest in the midst of it all. Join me as we pray together and recenter our faith on the only One who can bring true peace.
Published 05/24/23
A righteous man may fall seven times and RISE AGAIN. Join me this morning as we invite God into those areas where we feel defeated and claim His ability to be victorious and rise again!!
Published 04/12/23
Let God set you Free today!! Join me as we surrender all at His feet and walk into His freedom for your life. We don’t have to live bound anymore. Let go and trust He will always be more than enough!!
Published 03/15/23
Join me today as we surrender our need to be critical of others or ourselves. Let God be the One you live for as you realize He is always enough. Love you!!
Published 03/01/23
Join me today to drink from the only thing that can truly satisfies our souls. Oh how good it is to trust in Jesus.
Published 02/15/23
Jacob had a dream and realized the Lord was in that place and he did not know it. Join me today as we find Jesus even in our hard moments as He is always here working for us a better tomorrow. Love you!
Published 02/01/23
Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Join me today as we ask God to bring His calmness into our lives so that we can surround ourselves with an abundance of peace.
Published 01/25/23
Lay the affairs of this life at the feet of Jesus and let Him take care of your every need. He has been and always will be enough. Love you!
Published 01/18/23
Join me as we dedicate our lives and this year to God. Embrace the Peace that only Christ can bring and walk with bold confidence into all that He has for you. Truly anything is possible to those who believe.
Published 01/04/23
Immanuel - God is with us! If we can wrap our mind and heart around this truth alone, then we can walk this season in such peace. Join me as we pray and invite Christ to be with us now and into each moment. Love you!
Published 12/14/22
How often do we hold onto anger? Let’s take our hurt to the foot of the cross and ask God to keep our eyes on Him instead. It’s time to free yourself today.
Published 11/30/22
Join me today as we ask God to show us the magnitude of His love towards us. His love conquers all.
Published 11/23/22
Join me today as we seek God’s wisdom and direction for His purpose and plan for this moment. Let God be the answer you are so desperately looking for and leave the rest to Him.
Published 11/09/22
Join me this morning as we rebuke the storms in our life. Jesus didn’t talk about the storm, he spoke to it!! What storm do you need to speak to today??
Published 11/02/22