We’re introducing a new format to the podcast that we’re calling our “Summer Series.” We’ll be releasing four episodes in June, July, and August that will feature some of our best and most popular episodes since releasing this podcast in January. From business planning to marketing to supply chains, our Best Of Summer Series kicks off now. This episode pulls together the 3 most downloaded episodes on fashion brand business planning.  Resources mentioned in this episode: Free One Page...
Published 06/22/22
Having worked with over 500 entrepreneurs since 2014, it’s been fascinating to watch the highs and lows that we all go through when starting a new business. It’s cliche to say, but going out on your own is certainly not for the faint of heart. So if you’re one of those people who is starting a new brand, a new venture or even just a new project, this episode is for you. Resources mentioned in this episode: Book a call to learn more about launching your brand through Factory45:...
Published 06/01/22
It should come as no surprise that because of the internet, the entire landscape of selling a physical product has changed and will continue to change. The subtle ways that a business communicates with a potential customer will ultimately result in them clicking the purchase button. So, how do you start communicating and making those connections with your target market? For a startup fashion brand, this is most easily done through blogging. In today’s episode, we're talking about how to use...
Published 05/25/22
We all have moments in life when we set a goal, and for whatever reason, it feels like an impossibility to achieve. At first, we’re amped up, we feel motivated and then time goes on and we don’t make much progress. Wherever you are in the process of starting your fashion brand, there will be things that come up that stop you in your tracks. How do we get around those moments to build a business? In today’s episode, I’m talking about how to set goals as a fashion entrepreneur, and actually...
Published 05/18/22
In your fabric sourcing journey, you will be faced with high minimums. You find the perfect fabric for your product, but the supplier says that fabric has an MOQ of 1,000 yards. Even if you haven’t worked out your exact quantities yet, you know that for your first collection 1000 yards is probably too high. Does that mean the dream of using this fabric is dead? Not necessarily. In today’s episode, I’m teaching you how to negotiate minimums with fabric suppliers.  Resources mentioned in this...
Published 05/11/22
Today's topic is going to be short and sweet, but hopefully, pack a lot of punch in your marketing efforts. It's something that's actually fun. It's a chance to get creative to put your marketing hat on and when done right, it will help you grow your audience for your fashion brand much faster because that's our goal: to make sure you have an audience of customers waiting to buy before you launch your fashion brand.  Resources mentioned in this episode: Book a call to learn more about...
Published 05/04/22
When you think about choosing a business model -- your thoughts may immediately go to the question of how you’re going to sell. Will you sell direct to consumer? Will you sell wholesale to stores and boutiques? And while those are all important decisions to think about and make, the business model I want to talk about today is one that is *actually* sustainable – not only in terms of the planet and the environment – but when it comes to your wallet and business revenue. This is a business...
Published 04/27/22
This is the last week we’re going to talk about clothing manufacturing, and while I know, manufacturing isn’t necessarily the most glamorous topic I want to make sure you’re armed for success so that you not only know how to be an ideal client to potential production partners, but you also know how to protect yourself before signing any contracts.Today’s topic is 5 things you must do after choosing your clothing manufacturer. Resources mentioned in this episode: Free Spec Sheet Template:...
Published 04/20/22
Finding a manufacturing partner is so important to your success as a business owner and as a reputable brand in this industry. If you can’t find a clothing manufacturer to sew your garments in the correct way, then you’ll lack the ability to sell and scale. I always tell my students to look at your clothing manufacturer as your partner -- in fact, instead of calling them your manufacturer I recommend referring to them as your production partner. Because it’s this mutually beneficial...
Published 04/13/22
Finding the right manufacturing partner for your fashion startup is one of the most important decisions you can make for your brand. You don’t want to take this choice lightly and you do want to make sure you complete plenty of due diligence before signing a contract or hiring. If you’re looking for a clothing manufacturer for your fashion brand but you’re not sure where to start, this is the episode for you. I’m sharing 5 tips for finding a clothing manufacturer for the first...
Published 04/06/22
Has this happened to you before? Maybe at your job or when you’re working on a hobby you love or when you get really into a project with your kid. You get so caught up in “the work” that you look up and realize the work didn’t actually feel like work. It doesn’t happen every day. Sometimes it doesn’t even happen every week. But when it does happen, there’s something so satisfying about it. It’s what productivity experts call the “flow state.” and today I’m going to share my 4 tips for getting...
Published 03/31/22
You know that whatever you’re doing isn’t working, but you don’t exactly know why. Maybe your inquiry email is unclear.  Maybe you’re not asking for the right thing… in the right way. Maybe the supplier simply overlooked your email. Whatever the reason, I do know this: The vast majority of new designers are making four very common fabric sourcing mistakes. And in this week’s episode, I’m going to tell you what they are so you can avoid them. Resources mentioned in this episode: Apply to...
Published 03/21/22
Your email list is your most valuable marketing asset. There are so many different methods and angles to look at when it comes to an email marketing strategy. In today’s episode, I’m going to teach you one specific strategy that you can implement today that averages 70.5% higher open rates and 152% higher click-through rates than traditional email newsletters that you may be sending weekly. This is serious stuff, so stay tuned… Resources mentioned in this episode: Apply to Factory45:...
Published 03/17/22
One of my favorite ways for fashion startups to launch is by pre-selling. This means you’re selling your product before you create any inventory. It also means your customers are paying for the product upfront so you have money in the bank to pay for production. One of the most popular pre-selling platforms for fashion brands is Kickstarter. And it’s the 3 Must-Do’s for a successful Kickstarter campaign that we’re talking about today. Resources mentioned in this episode: Workshop March...
Published 03/09/22
As someone who works with and mentors new entrepreneurs on a regular basis, I’m no stranger to panicked emails popping up in my inbox about the discovery of a competitor. As soon as we discover potential competition, our cortisol levels shoot through the roof and we imagine the worst-case scenario. In today’s episode, I’m talking about why competition is actually a good thing, even when it gives you a panic attack.  Resources mentioned in this episode: Workshop March 14-17th, request your...
Published 03/02/22
I want you to start thinking about the supply chain for your fashion brand -- while the marketing, audience building and business planning elements of creating your brand are important (and fun), your supply chain is what needs to come together to create your physical product. I recommend prioritizing your fabric search right now -- no matter where you are in the process. And I’m going to help you do that in today’s episode. Resources mentioned in this episode: The Fabric Sourcing Kit:...
Published 02/23/22
So, here’s a hot topic: Money. More specifically, how to start a business when you don’t have a lot of money. If you scour the internet, you can find enough stories of multi-millionaires who started from zero, eating chickpeas out of the can while sleeping on their friend’s futon. But there’s a less extreme version of this, and it’s far more common… so, in today’s episode we’re talking about how to know If you're ready to invest in your fashion brand. Resources mentioned in this...
Published 02/16/22
In this episode, I’m walking you through the first 3 steps you need to take to start your company. The best part is, each of these three steps will take no longer than an hour to do. (Actually, each one will probably take less than 30 minutes!) My goal here, and the goal of the Factory45 program, is to make “I don’t know where to start” obsolete. My goal is to show you that “knowing where to start” is a lot easier than you think. Ready? Resources mentioned in this episode: Free One Page...
Published 02/09/22
You already know that you need an Instagram account for your fashion brand. But with algorithms always changing, the growth, reach and engagement can feel pretty slow and disappointing… in this episode, I’m sharing three key strategies to grow your following as a fashion startup on Instagram. Resources mentioned in this episode: Book a call to learn more about launching your fashion brand with Factory45 https://bit.ly/SYSFBbookacall
Published 02/02/22
If you’re looking for eco-friendly fabrics for your sustainable fashion brand, then this is the episode for you. I’m going to share the pros and cons of six of my favorite eco-friendly fabrics. Resources mentioned in this episode: Free Supplier Email Templates:  https://factory45.lpages.co/supplier-email-templates-podcast/ Fabric Sourcing Kit: https://factory45.lpages.co/fabric-sourcing-kit-podcast/
Published 01/26/22
Today we are talking about a topic that is near and dear to my heart -- and it’s something that most new fashion founders generally avoid doing. In this episode, I’m sharing four ways to build an audience before you launch your fashion brand. Resources mentioned in this episode: Book a call to learn more about launching your fashion brand with Factory45 https://bit.ly/SYSFBbookacall
Published 01/19/22
In last week’s episode, I talked about entrepreneurship, resilience and the importance of getting comfortable with failure. I argued that resilience is a skill that can be practiced. I also argued that, for most of us, it’s a necessary reprogramming if we learned to avoid failure growing up. And in today’s episode, I want to take this a step further…   Resources mentioned in this episode: Dr. Brene Brown’s TED Talk, ‘Why Your Critics Aren’t The Ones Who Count’:...
Published 01/12/22
Back in 2010, I was starting a fashion brand that was sustainably and ethically made in the USA but at the time, I didn’t have any experience in fashion or manufacturing. I was a journalism major in college, my then-cofounder was a business major so when we were first starting out we followed the traditional business advice.... And in this episode, I want to make sure you don’t make the same mistake. Resources mentioned in this episode: Free One Page Business Plan Template: Text ‘biz...
Published 01/10/22
If you truly want to be an entrepreneur, then it virtually guarantees you will run into problems — in the beginning, it will probably be on a daily basis. But to reach any level of success, problems require problem solvers. There’s no way around it. In this episode, I’m talking about themain trait required of an entrepreneur.  Resources mentioned in this episode: Book a call to learn more about launching your fashion brand with Factory45 https://bit.ly/SYSFBbookacall
Published 01/05/22
 You want to start a sustainable fashion brand that’s ethically manufactured and eco-friendly, that’s why you’re here. The question is: Where do you start? What does it mean to be “sustainable” and what are some of the most important things you should keep in mind as you build your brand? That’s what I’m going to share with you in today’s episode. Resources mentioned in this episode: The Fabric Sourcing Kit: https://factory45.lpages.co/fabric-sourcing-kit-podcast/ Book a call to learn...
Published 01/05/22