Do you know what it takes to make an effective apology? Nobody is perfect; we have all done something that requires a sincere apology towards another person. Whether it was borrowing something from a friend without asking, forgetting about plans made with your spouse, or lying to your loved ones we have all had to […]
Published 05/12/14
Do you have what it takes to overcome conflict in your relationship? Conflict is a part of everyday life. In literature we learn the different types of conflict which can be classified as “man versus man”, “man versus nature”, and “man versus self.”  Although we are taught about the varying types of conflict in school, […]
Published 05/05/14
Do you struggle with effective communication in your relationship? Advances in technology these days has allowed for several means of communication to be created and utilized. Back in the simpler days you had to talk to someone face to face or over the phone which allowed for more intimate conversations with each other. Today, we […]
Published 04/28/14
Do you have the skills to transform crises into connection in your relationship? Hollywood tends to portray marriages and relationships in such a harmonious way where communication, trust, and honesty are never an issue.. However, we are all aware that relationships are never perfect and take quite a bit of work from both partners to […]
Published 04/21/14
Do you have what it takes to handle the ups and downs of marriage? Have you ever wondered if you were marriage material? Before walking down the aisle, wedding vows symbolize the epitome of romance. However, once you’ve said ‘I do’, the words”till death do us part” sounds more like a punishment than a reward. […]
Published 04/14/14
Is your love life an erotic novel or abusive nightmare? The 50 Shades of Grey trilogy has steadily remained at the top of the New York Times bestseller list for several months. The risqué nature of the book that once started out as Twilight fan-fiction is catching the attention of men and women across the globe. Aptly […]
Published 04/07/14
Are your broken dreams affecting your relationship? From childhood to adulthood we have all had hopes and dreams for our futures. As children we dream of becoming presidents, police officers, astronauts, pilots, and firefighters. As we age into teenagers and young adults our dreams consist of going to college to get our degrees and travelling […]
Published 03/31/14
Could your relationship with your spouse benefit from having an Indian view on marriage? What is the difference in an Indian Marriage? Marriage is recognized all over the world as a union between two people. By being married you establish rights and obligations between each other, between you and your children, and between you and […]
Published 03/24/14
Do you and your spouse have different beliefs when it comes to parenting your child? Marriages require a delicate balance of values such as commitment, trust and honesty. This balance can prove to be difficult when trying to keep a marriage strong and healthy. When you decide to grow your family you not only have […]
Published 03/17/14
Have you become disconnected with your spouse after having children? Everyone always says that there’s never enough time in the day, especially after starting a family. Whether you have work deadlines, social commitments, or family responsibilities, we all wish there were more time in the day to complete all the tasks in our to-do list. […]
Published 03/10/14
Are money issues the number one problem in your marriage? Most people have had money issues at some point in their life. Whether it be from limited resources or trying to start a new business, we’ve all had to deal with the stress of financial adversities. Throw marriage into the mix and those adversities can […]
Published 03/03/14
Is your spouse’s eating disorder affecting your marriage? As a society we are growing more aware of mental illness and the effects it can have on an individual and their loved ones. We now observe National Mental Health Awareness Month in May each year to recognize and bring awareness about mental health disorders and the […]
Published 02/24/14
Is your anger obstructing your relationship? Whether we’ve been wronged, denied or offended, we have all been angered. However, the way we deal with our anger can vary. We may get defensive if we feel attacked or offended. Some may keep it inside until one little thing blows the top off and they finally let […]
Published 02/17/14
Are you and your spouse in tune with your true selves? Our twenties is the time for identifying who we are and what we want to do with the rest of our lives. We go to school to get our degrees and discover careers options that maximizes our talents and skills all the while finding […]
Published 02/10/14
Is your family dynamic under stress because of a teenagers drug abuse? Marriages require work from both spouses to strive and grow. When you add children to the mix the marriage becomes a family with more pressure to make things work. With career obligations, chaotic schedules, and responsibilities to your children, there’s not much room […]
Published 02/03/14
Does your relationship have what it takes to be with one another 24/7? Whether that thought thrills you to the max or chills you to the bone, we all know relationships are difficult and require a significant amount of work from both partners to maintain a working relationship when married. With hectic schedules, careers, and […]
Published 01/27/14
Do you know how to keep your relationship exciting? Are New Year’s Resolutions for couples a good idea? With the New Year comes new resolutions and new promises to ourselves to do better in the upcoming year. After the holiday meals and goodies we resolve to better our physical health by eating better, exercising more, […]
Published 01/20/14
Does your relationship have what it takes to deal with a medical illness? Relationships can be tricky; they require communication, honesty, and love to keep it alive and healthy. You recognize what each other need and want out of the relationship and out of each other. You begin to share life lessons with one another. […]
Published 01/13/14
SMART Resolutions: Do you have what it takes to better your relationship for the New Year? The New Year is a time for resolutions to create better habits for the upcoming year. After all the holiday feasting we resolve to better our physical well-being with a promise to eat better, exercise more, and cut out […]
Published 01/06/14
Does your relationship have what it takes to survive depression? As a society we are becoming more and more aware of mental health issues and its effects on our lifestyle. We now have Mental Health Awareness Month every May to build awareness for people with mental health issues, such as depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. […]
Published 12/30/13
Do you have what it takes to survive the holidays with your step-family and in-laws? The holiday season is a fun filled time for families to celebrate being together and sharing traditions with one another. The Christmas lights, carolers and smell of ham cooking in the kitchen is enough to send anyone into a blissful […]
Published 12/16/13
Is your marriage strong enough to survive holiday stress? In a perfect world, the holiday season is a time of celebration, family togetherness, and making memories that will last a lifetime. However, back in the real world, the “holiday season” is a two-month marathon testing the emotional, physical, and mental endurance of a marriage. Between […]
Published 12/09/13
Does your spouse have what it takes to fulfill your every wish and desire? While some things in life are considered essential, like food, water and shelter. Are you able to separate relationship wants v needs? As human beings, our unwavering desire for ‘more’ transforms what we need to survive into all the things we want […]
Published 12/02/13
How can your commitment to health affect your commitment to the one you love? Summertime is meant for lounging by the beach, enjoying the sun, and trying to avoid showing the entire world your every physical insecurity. Come autumn, the temperature drops, the leaves change, and everyone’s best friend, the over-sized sweater, makes its triumphant […]
Published 11/25/13
Movies are made for our entertainment, but are they the key to a real life Hollywood romance? Authors like Jane Austen were setting unrealistic expectations of romance and breaking hearts all over the globe as early as the 18th century. Should it come as a surprise that present day romantic comedies are continuing the standard? […]
Published 11/18/13