Are you not having the love life of your dreams? With the rise of movies and television series over the last couple of decades, we have almost lost a sense of reality. We have genres such as comedy, romance and drama. Each of these almost always have a love story intertwined within the plot. These […]
Published 11/10/14
Published 11/10/14
Are you having trouble with communication? We all know that better communication leads to better relationships in all aspects of life. We have to learn how to communicate well with our bosses and coworkers at work. We do this so everything can run smoothly and efficiently. We have to learn to communicate effectively in school […]
Published 11/03/14
Have you fallen out of love? During our childhood we grow up learning about all the fairy tales full of princesses, princes and happy endings. We learn about Cinderella, the girl who was forced into servitude by her stepmother, who gets a night out at the royal ball and meets her Prince Charming and lives […]
Published 10/27/14
Can you say no to your spouse? The term “no” may be universal in almost every language, but the decision of saying no can sometimes prove to be more difficult than it may seem. It is hard to say no to your boss when they give you a large project with an unrealistic timeline. It […]
Published 10/20/14
In today’s society, we have more technology than we know what to do with. It is astounding to see how much we rely on it, too! In an average household, you may find a cell phone for each member of the family, a laptop and a couple of tablets. Essentially these are all types of […]
Published 10/13/14
In school you were always taught about the American Dream. You learned how people risked their lives to come to the United States of America to live out their dreams of happiness and freedom. Part of those dreams was and is to have a family and live a happy life. In today’s age, we are […]
Published 10/06/14
In today’s day and age we are all programmed to be independent. We go off to 4-year colleges to get our degrees. We then use those degrees to land ourselves a career to support us through life’s necessities. Being independent means that we don’t have to rely on anyone else to aid or support our […]
Published 09/29/14
Each and every one of us responds to stress differently. Some of us respond to stress by eating more than we usually do while others eat less than they are used to when they are stressed. Some of us exercise until they push themselves too far while others may stop their exercise regimens. Some use […]
Published 09/22/14
Having trouble understanding your partner? We all go through life trying to understand who we are and what we are meant to do. We have to learn how to differentiate our needs from our wants and truly discover who we are. It is difficult for us to do this for ourselves and even more challenging […]
Published 09/15/14
Are Your Relationship Expectations Realistic? We all have our own set of expectations in every aspect of life. We have a set of expectations when it comes to work. Whether it’s our tasks at work, work atmosphere, or job duties, we come into work with what we think will happen. When these expectations are not […]
Published 09/08/14
Does your addiction affect your loved ones? As the awareness of mental health issues has been expanded, the acceptance of addiction as a disease has also increased. When people talk about addictions, most assume either drug or alcohol addiction. However, there are many more types that are common. Exercise addiction, food addiction, computer addiction and […]
Published 09/01/14
Is your negative outlook affecting your relationship? With life’s many ups and downs, it can be hard to maintain a positive attitude every day. Whether it be at work or at home, bad days happen all the time. You may be struggling to get along with your boss, having difficulties meeting deadlines, or having to […]
Published 08/25/14
Are you repeating the same behavior patterns in your relationship that you did as a child? Every parent has their own way of parenting. Consequently, every person’s childhood is different from everyone else’s and can develop unique patterns. The way we are raised influences the way we do things later in life, whether it’s our study habits, […]
Published 08/18/14
Do you and your spouse have the same desires? Sometimes in life it is hard for us to understand or even acknowledge our needs and wants. Whether it be regarding our everyday needs, emotional needs, or health needs. When these needs are not met our lives may not feel as fulfilled as we want or […]
Published 08/11/14
Are you taking care of yourself in your relationship? They always say “you must love yourself before you can love someone else”. This appears to be true when talking about loving yourself emotionally and physically. But what about when it comes to understanding yourself. If you are not aware of your own emotional and physical wants and […]
Published 08/04/14
Is your relationship flat? Dull? Losing its luster? Are you bored? When things lack excitement in our lives, we tend to get bored with them very quickly and easily. We try to find the next, newest best thing. If our hair is flat, dull, and losing luster, we try a new conditioner or hairstyle. If […]
Published 07/28/14
Are you affected by infidelity in your marriage? Infidelity appears to be a hot trend in marriages these days. We are plagued with stories about our friends or family members subject to adultery and cheating in their relationships.  With social media constantly creating means of communication, we are continuously able to connect with others and […]
Published 07/21/14
Do you and your spouse know how to effectively keep the peace in your relationship? In our society we tend to try to keep the peace in many different settings in life. At work we attempt to keep the peace with bothersome coworkers and demanding bosses. At home we seek to keep the peace with […]
Published 07/14/14
Do you and your spouse have whole health? Health seems to be a hot topic in the world today. Whether it is mental health or physical health, there are always articles in numerous magazines and websites promoting ways to get in shape mentally and physically. We have articles on workout regimens, dietary plans and a […]
Published 06/30/14
Is your love going to last through life? Hardships can be found all throughout life. These hardships can be at work or at home. At work we have to deal with projects and deadlines that test your time-management skills. At home we have to deal with bills, cleaning and the people you live with. Being […]
Published 06/23/14
Is a life-threatening diagnosis endangering your relationship? Life-threatening diseases and illnesses, like cancer, are never easy to cope with in any circumstance. When these illnesses come into your life, you are faced with the possibility of not surviving the sickness. Not only are you dealing with the unknown, but you have the doctor’s visits and […]
Published 06/16/14
Is communication becoming an issue in your relationship? Communication seems to be an issue in any kind of setting these days. Whether it is communication at work, at home or in a relationship, there are always problems with communicating with one another. With the rise in technology and social media, communication is even more complicated […]
Published 06/09/14
Is your relationship being affected by social media? The world of social media is growing every day. It feels like every time a new website or app for your phone comes into existence, another follows right behind it. We now have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat among others that many people use every day. It […]
Published 05/26/14
Do you have a healthy relationship with your body and partner? As summer is approaching, we shed our winter layers for more skin bearing attire, which for some also means a time to get our bodies “in shape.” While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to lose the few pounds we put on over the winter, […]
Published 05/19/14