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Dr. Greg Hamlin
Steps and Tools for Emotional Intelligence
What is emotional intelligence? How does emotional intelligence make you a better lover, leader, parent, or friend? What is mindfulness? How do you negotiate a win-win agreement? What is the easiest way to calm your stress symptoms at work? How do you speak to a narcissist? What is anxiety? What are the symptoms of depression? Psychologist and coach Greg Hamlin takes up questions like these and more. He offers skills, tools, and steps for less stress, more emotional intelligence, more satisfying relationships, along with greater well-being.
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Ratings & Reviews
4.5 stars from 34 ratings
Episode titles
I haven’t listened to this podcast yet but I just had to say, the episode titles are a mess. You have for example “Episode 4: How...” and “#5: 12 Ways...” and “07: How...” and many eps without numbers at all. You need to be more consistent with the naming and numbering of the episodes, otherwise...Read full review »
AJ76F via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 09/04/19
Very helpful advice. I really like Dr. Hamlin's down to Earth approach. Offers a lot of insight while at the same time never creeping over into condescension or a "know it all." And the episodes are quick. Bing bang boom. Straight to the point. Looking forward to more.
Jerseyferretti via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 12/22/16
Recent Episodes
More than 1 in 10 adults in the U.S. experiences a panic attack during any 12 month period.  Dr. Greg Hamlin uses a simple illustration that helps explain panic attacks to those who have never had them.  Panic attacks come in many awful varieties and yet rarely are they dangerous. This episode is...
Published 08/21/17
The research of Dr. John Gottman has spanned over 40 years and lays claim to the most scientific understanding of what makes couples happy together and what breaks them apart. In this episode Dr. Hamlin discusses Gottman's famous "Four Horsemen" as patterns of communication and how to use them...
Published 07/25/17
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