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Melanie Hill, Valerie Francis
Story Nerd
For novelists, memoirists and screenwriters who want to know how stories work so they can finish their manuscripts faster, and without frustration. Each week literary editors Valerie Francis and Melanie Hill explain the craft of storytelling using films as examples. The goal is simple: to learn from writers who have come before us...what worked well and what didn't work so well. If you want to spend more time writing your book/screenplay and less time studying story theory, this podcast is for you. "The only thing that matters, and that ever will matter, is the story. That's it." - Tom...
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Ratings & Reviews
5.0 stars from 83 ratings
Their analysis of movies is so informative and I learned something new with every podcast. I like that they have themes for the season that they’re looking at and their disagreements are entertaining.
VAB1953 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 02/29/24
Fabulous podcast
Love the analyses the presenters give. Lots of theory. Lots of way to learn how to improve writing. Seeing writing from a feminist view too!
momothedog via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 01/18/24
Great for Emerging Writers
I have studied story structure with Valerie and I credit her with getting me on track with my memoir. Each week, she and Melanie add to my knowledge in an entertaining way. The way they dissect films is quite impressive.
Kathmack via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 01/01/24
Recent Episodes
The marketing for this film highlights Judi Dench, but she's barely in it at all. As fans of hers, Melanie and I were disappointed. The movie is ok but it wasn't what we expected and that soured our experience of the story. Melanie still did a study of female archetypes and I still studied setups...
Published 05/15/24
Published 05/15/24
Does the nickname "baby" bother us? Why yes, yes it does. But we've got to admit, Dirty Dancing is an excellent example of the heroine's journey, as well as female archetypes and how women are presented in stories. It also happens to be, structurally, an excellent film. It's not a complex story,...
Published 05/08/24
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