Published 12/09/21
Corey Wilson shares the experiences and insights he has collected as Superintendent of Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton Rouge (BREC), including how he used strategy to find resolution with city council members and make big decisions for the benefit of the greater Baton Rouge community.
Published 12/09/21
Pauls discusses how to brand your organization effectively through intentionality and storytelling.
Published 10/29/21
Paul talks with business professor Michael Useem about his new book, The Edge, in which Useem studies the decision-making of nine modern CEOs, as well as George Washington.
Published 09/03/21
Paul gathers with Becky Dunlap of the Let's Talk Parks podcast and Cort Jones of Open Space Radio to talk about podcasting in the parks and recreation field. The episode was created by Open Space radio and is being reposted on our channel. Let's Talk Parks: https://letstalkparks.com/ Open Space Radio: https://www.nrpa.org/blog/about-open-space-radio-podcast/
Published 08/06/21
Guest Mike Grandinetti shares insights about transformative leadership and how he teaches his students to stay relevant and innovative in a world that is always changing.
Published 06/26/21
Paul sits down with Martesha Brown to discuss community leadership and her journey leading in the non-for-profit parks and recreation field.
Published 06/11/21
Paul and guest Mary Beth O'Dell discuss how Mary Beth's leadership and cutting-edge programs at City of Kettering parks and recreation support the children and communities of Kettering, Ohio.
Published 05/25/21
Are you a Viking, or are you a farmer?
Published 05/07/21
Paul tackles questions on what products and services an organization should insource and outsource in order to support its mission and growth.
Published 04/27/21
Paul relates lessons shared in previous episodes to the wisdom shared in Sun Tzu's The Art of War, the first written document about strategic thinking, created 2500 years ago.Sources:Sun Tzu's The Art of War:...
Published 04/09/21
Paul discusses how to lead an organization in times of crisis.
Published 03/27/21
Pauls talks about the importance of the mission statement. He also focuses on the vision statement and the basic steps of strategic planning, as they are crucial to moving an organization forward.
Published 03/09/21
Paul sits down with Shonnda Smith to discuss how she transformed her organization through her leadership in only two years as director.
Published 02/24/21
Paul sits down with Congressman Don Beyer to discuss how he used strategy to be elected Lieutenant Governor of Virginia in 1989 without any experience as a politician.
Published 02/08/21
Paul discusses blue ocean strategy through the examples of Yellow Tail Wine, Cirque Du Soleil, Pirate's Cove Waterpark, and more.Sources:https://www.amazon.com/Blue-Ocean-Strategy-Uncontested-Competition/dp/1591396190
Published 01/23/21
Published 01/08/21
Paul talks about the four different types of organizational culture. Sources: https://www.amazon.com/Diagnosing-Changing-Organizational-Culture-Third/dp/0470650265
Published 12/23/20
Published 12/23/20
Paul and guest Tom O'Rourke discuss the key traits of a leader.
Published 12/23/20