I never talked to my step father. Maybe I hated him when I was younger because I felt as if he took me away from my imprisoned father. At 14 I understood the truth and no longer held a grudge. I soon realized this man without speaking to me wanted to be in my life and turned out to be a friend I needed.
Published 05/04/20
I never talked to my step father. Maybe I hated him when I was younger because I felt as if he took me away from my imprisoned father. At 14 I understood the truth and no longer held a grudge. I soon realized this man without speaking to me wanted to be in my life and turned out to be a friend I needed.
Published 05/02/20
Trying to find a job with no experience is nearly impossible but with persistence and time anything is inevitable. Either you get what your after or luck intervenes. Learning how important our time is and how fast it is ticking away is a lesson we all need to learn. How can I accomplish more? Why am I waiting for this to do other things? Do I have to wait? What can I do differently? I learned that everything revolves around time management.
Published 04/24/20
Published 04/24/20
How I made money while having to care for my new born son. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/streetkid/support
Published 01/27/20
I teach you how I made $20 in less than 5 minutes! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/streetkid/support
Published 01/27/20
Going to prison my first time wasn’t easy and it changed my point of view. What you think you can get in trouble for and what you don’t. Everyone does bad things but it’s the unlucky ones that get caught. Was it unlucky or is it because I’m brown in a time when being brown is unlucky. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/streetkid/support
Published 12/12/19
My college experience turns out to be nothing but drinking drugs and violent moments. A hometown boy willing to help the little group of friends until the struggle becomes to real and the true selfishness of a person comes alive. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/streetkid/support
Published 12/11/19
The finally decided to go Arizona and confront my mom to tell her I got accepted into college. The only thing I was afraid of was she would not help me with the loans. Luckily she did help me but knew she was hurting me. As she tried using logic and reason to convince me otherwise I still chose to make the mistake of going to college. Rather she thought it was a mistake to go to college. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/streetkid/support
Published 12/11/19
I got tired of sneaking in through windows of girlfriends houses and asking my friends to spend the night. I decided after getting my first paycheck to buy a car. Thanks to the help of my stepfather I was able to buy a cheap fixer upper. My stepfather also taught me the most important lessons in life how to buy a car and how to go about fixing it. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/streetkid/support
Published 11/21/19
At my fifth interview for the week desperately needing a job. I hear the same question. Why this job? Why here? For the money duh! I found out experience does change a person for the better or sometimes for the worst. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/streetkid/support
Published 11/20/19
The day I left for college was the scariest day of my life. I decided to go see my mother before I left and she thought it was time for her to tell me her life story. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/streetkid/support
Published 09/25/19
A mentor influences your decision and makes you question your own beliefs. Luckily I had three mentors each with there own ideas and what they thought was best. I took the best parts of these men and they make up who I am today. (This Episode is longer than I wanted so I divided it into 3 segments, that way you can listen to it in parts or in full) --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/streetkid/support
Published 09/16/19
I was born on Christmas Day so I’ve always hated my birthday. Either nobody remembers or they remember but still only get me one gift. On my 14th birthday my mom gave me two gifts the first gift was money and the second was a lesson on life I would never forget.
Published 09/06/19
--- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/streetkid/support
Published 09/05/19
My first years of abuse lead me to be an angry young man. I started fighting my mother, students and pretty much causing problems for myself.
Published 07/26/19
As they say History repeats itself my mother also had a stepfather. My grandfather was an angry man, he was abusive and he also went to prison at a young age.
Published 07/19/19
Every Sunday I would see my Father In Prison. Ignorance is bliss.
Published 07/18/19
I speak about emotions and childhood traumas that could be effecting the way you think. I also want people to understand that one bad decision could ultimately take away everything from you.
Published 07/18/19
I go into detail on how I buy a car for less than $1000 sell it for $1000 down and take payments for $300-$400 a month. Warning: Keep the Title, make a second key. People say there is no way somebody would pay that price but then again that’s why they call it a market economy. As the saying goes one mans trash is another mans treasure.
Published 07/16/19
Down on my luck the whole year working for minimum wage and having barley enough to scrape by. My girlfriend finally has the courage to call me out and prove to her that I can make the money I always brag about making in the past.
Published 06/12/19
This is a blow over story, not really important. I lost everything, money, bills, apartment, and I move in with my mother. My girlfriend, future wife gets me through all of this. I’m trying to change who I am and I try to be as honest as I can be. Making money is not easy as a honest man. As I fall my girlfriend sticks by me and promises we will survive it together.
Published 06/12/19
I started getting bored with life and even though it’s hard for others to make money that wasn’t the case for me. After opening your mind to make real money life gets boring and you start taking more risks, and start making your life a game. After a while life hits me and I realize this is not a game but my real life and if I continue on this path I could risk my life!
Published 06/12/19
Life goes on whether or not your alive or dead. Nobody cares about you and will cover it up with excuses. Your family maybe the only real friendships you have but if your like me and have no family then you have nobody.
Published 06/12/19
I finally got into another apartment and I wasn’t going to lose this apartment like the last so I decided my backup plan to be a roommate. If anything was to happen to my cash flow I still had roommates to pay for the apartments. This was my first successful business and it made me a lot of money. Sadly good things don’t last forever.
Published 06/12/19