The focus now is ACCOUNTABILITY.   No one is coming to save you. Your life is 100% your responsibility. At SP we believe in controlling what we can control - and we know that we are able to control a lot more than most people want to admit.   We know that blaming others, our genetics, or our current circumstances for all of our problems is a waste of time.  We seek ways that we can respond to - or improve our situation.  Even if those actions are small.  Even if it’s just re-framing the...
Published 03/20/24
Published 03/20/24
This week Miranda hops on to give some information about the Street Parking workouts and framework - to help you be as successful as possible with your workouts.  Some of this info is a bit different than other CrossFit based programming you may have used (or still use).  From the inception of SP, we have set out to create our own culture in certain aspects. Thank you for trusting us with your Fitness.  We hope you enjoy and that you find consistency in your fitness!  
Published 01/24/24
Molly and EC talk all things #800g Challenge!
Published 01/13/24
In our latest podcast episode, Miranda dives into 2 of Street Parking's core values that will be the driving message and mission for the community in 2024:  Growth Simple. Not Easy.  Over the next few weeks we will be hearing more about these - as well as the other values that our team is excited to share with you.
Published 01/09/24
Miranda sits down with EC Synkowski of OptimizeMe Nutrition, a company dedicated to making nutrition easy through B2B/B2C digital education products and corporate wellness programs. The mission of OptimizeMe Nutrition is to provide solutions for anyone to improve their weight, health, and overall wellbeing through sustainable diet methods. Thousands have used her #800gChallenge®, a diet free of restrictive rules, to eat healthily and have reported weight loss, increased energy, improved...
Published 12/19/23
In 2023 Street Parking has been on tour taking our fitness, our van, our team, and of course some gear and guaranteed good times around the U.S. to connect with the community at events, meetups and experiences In the Wild like we’ve never done before. Join Miranda and Kaitlin as they relive the energy and camaraderie that fuel our community. 
Published 11/20/23
Tune in and learn how we navigate the often over complicated fitness world with a fresh perspective, recognizing that while it may be simple, it's certainly not easy.   Remember, fitness doesn't have to be complicated – it just has to work. Join Miranda for this episode and start applying the simple not easy approach.
Published 10/18/23
A child in the Preschool Youth age range generally has the attention span, physical and cognitive and emotional growth, and motivation developed to start introducing fitness and wellness-specific activities. The Preschool Youth age is when kids start to learn how to take turns… but they generally want to be first and focus mostly on themselves and their little world. As they move through these preschool years, they become more willing and excited to try new tasks, are more motivated by...
Published 07/12/23
Summer is filled with fun, sun, travel, and many social functions. It's a time of year when it's hard to maintain consistency with your nutrition habits because of a lack of routine and more socializing opportunities. The habits you worked on so hard in the first part of the year start to slip away or get put entirely on the back burner until the fall.  But it doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing approach to your nutrition in the summer months. There are still plenty of simple habits you...
Published 06/26/23
Re-cap of the 30 hour event that Julian participated in as a part of this year’s Big Fish Foundation Fundraiser.   Every year BFF brings in Veterans across each branch of service and teams them up with athletes & celebrities to take on a 30 hour 'ordeal' together. During the 30-hour event teams perform tasks, physical challenges, and experience environmental & psychological stresses together.   Why? To showcase the values that enable anyone to persevere through hardship: •...
Published 06/19/23
It’s well known that Street Parking is committed to providing individuals with the tools they need to take control of their fitness. But since its inception, Street Parking has also been a trusted resource to many personal trainers, school/PE/sports coaches, and gym owners who are active Street Parking members themselves. Whether through following the daily program exclusively or getting a few ideas here and there to implement in ways that make sense for their clients and communities, we love...
Published 06/19/23
!! WARNING !! Before this podcast episode begins, we’re giving a quick content note. You’re going to be hearing from our member Leanne Britt who came to visit SPHQ to do this week’s Vault workout. Leanne has been a member since December of 2020. Some of you may recognize her name from the Members Only Facebook group and are familiar with her story which includes the loss of a child. We are deeply honored to be part of Leanne and her son Elijah’s story. Members who may be sensitive to the...
Published 06/14/23
*Check the MILESTONE CHART for general developmental milestones to help in your implementation of activities.    “You cannot make people learn. You can only provide the right conditions for learning to happen.” – Vince Gowmon   STAGE: Building and Development GENERAL AGE RANGE: 5-12 years old  *Keep in mind age is just a starting factor. Some kids may be less experienced, less mature, have different abilities, delays, etc. that would fall into this category when considering approach to...
Published 06/12/23
Street Parking gives its members access to tools to help you take control of your fitness every single day, from the Daily Workouts customizable for your equipment, time, and fitness level to the over fifty Extra Programs to add variety to your training. We are excited to share about a new program to add to your toolbox! Street Parking has collaborated with the co-founders of Between the Ears, Karianne and Bill Anthes, to make a very special program available to our members: The Sisyphus...
Published 05/31/23
Coaches Miranda, Julian, & Molly sit down and discuss the benefits and effectiveness of team workouts as well as sharing some stories from their own workouts.     For more from us: https://streetparking.com/
Published 05/23/23
If you haven’t read Part 1, go check that out first to learn more about the 3 Pillars, along with the previous tips and tricks. Picking up where we left off, let’s talk about 3 More Tips for Fitness Freedom and Meeting Your Child Where They Are At: CUSTOMIZING Just like ANY other Street Parking workout, customizing and fitness freedom is the name of the game when it comes to approaching kids' workouts. You do not HAVE to do any of the workouts as written, it’s all about making adjustments...
Published 05/19/23