Join us for this replay from the archives and learn more about preventing the ill effects of aging...   Is it safe for seniors to perform high intensity strength training? The question is actually “is it safe for them not to?” Brian Cygan and Amy Hudson discuss the science behind strength training and why high intensity, whole effort exercise is one of the best ways to prevent the ill effects of aging, even if you are afraid of your joint pain or heart issues holding you back. A number of...
Published 06/19/24
Published 06/19/24
Join us for this replay from the archives and learn more about getting toned and lean, rather than bulky...   Brian Cygan and Amy Hudson break down the science of strength training and discuss why you don’t have to worry about getting bulky from exercise, and why strength training is the most effective way to get that toned, lean body you always wanted. Will two 20-minute workouts a week help someone get toned? According to the scientific definition, toneness refers to the level of...
Published 06/12/24
Join us for this replay from the archives and learn more about exercise for athletes vs the average person...   Is strength training enough for longevity and quality of life? That’s the question Brian and Dr. James Fisher explore in the final episode of the What About Cardio? series. Learn about the difference between how athletes and the average person train and why achieving high levels of sports performance and everyday fitness are not accomplished the same way. Can strength training...
Published 06/05/24
Join us for this replay from the archives and learn more about staying strong as you age...   In part 2 of this series with Dr. James Fisher, Brian and James discuss the downsides of cardio and why so many people can’t seem to resist binging after cardio exercise. Learn why cardio is important and useful when done right, and how it can lead to even worse health outcomes if not done properly. While improving heart health is great, it’s not everyone’s goal when exercising or doing cardio....
Published 05/29/24
Join us for this replay from the archives and learn more about strength training versus traditional cardio...   Dr. James Fisher answers the question once and for all, do we really need to do exercises like running, cycling, and swimming to improve our cardio? Find out the truth about cardio exercises and cardiovascular health and why you should get off the treadmill and start doing resistance training right now. The fundamental question is “What is cardio?” Even people who have seen the...
Published 05/22/24
Join us for this replay from the archives and learn more about how this smart workout program can work for anyone!   Brian and Amy discuss the cutting edge technology that powers the Exercise Coach and makes it possible to deliver the world’s smartest 20-minute workout. Learn the secret to maximizing fitness results in the shortest time possible and how the Exerbotics technology makes exercise more fun and effective, while being more efficient at the same time. There are three things that...
Published 05/15/24
Join us for this replay from the archives and learn more about quality over quantity!   Learn about why systemic inflammation is known as the silent killer, why inflammation creates a vicious cycle that very few people escape as they get older, and how you can be one of the few who do. Brian Cygan and Amy Hudson reveal why muscle quality matters more than movement quantity and how strength training for 20 minutes at a time will transform your life, no matter how old you are. Muscle...
Published 05/08/24
Join us for this replay from the archives and learn more about starting and sticking with the right exercise program!   Brian and Amy dig into the top five reasons why people can’t begin or stick with the average fitness program and why those barriers don’t exist over at the Exercise Coach. Learn what’s holding you back from making strength training a regular part of your life and why the Exercise Coach paradigm may be right for you no matter how old you are or what fitness level you bring...
Published 05/01/24
Join us for this replay from the archives and learn more about our optimal exercise program...   Brian and Amy break down some of the most common misconceptions around exercise and reveal how Exercise Coach clients are getting maximal results from only a couple 20-minute workouts each week. Learn the three most important aspects of exercise and why you need to think about exercise completely differently if you want to achieve the health and fitness results you want. The manner in which we...
Published 04/24/24
Join us for this replay from the archives and learn more about our origin story...   Brian Cygan and Amy Hudson reveal the origin story of the Exercise Coach and the one book that completely changed the trajectory of Brian’s life by transforming his understanding of what strength training can do in your life and how quickly you can see results. Find out how the Exercise Coach is changing lives 20 minutes at a time. The goal of the Strength Changes Everything podcast is to inspire and...
Published 04/17/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about your energy systems and how effective strength training is in how they work...   Brian recently had a friend come into the Exercise Coach and he was shocked to find how quickly his heart rate went up after only 60 seconds of properly calibrated strength training exercise, despite being an avid runner. Discover how the three energy systems of the body work, and why high-intensity strength training is definitively the best way to...
Published 04/10/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about myths involving fitness...   Brian and Amy explore a couple of articles talking about the impacts of weight loss vs. exercise on longevity, and discuss the myths surrounding losing weight and achieving optimal physical health. Learn why focusing on losing weight is the wrong goal, and why a proper strength training program is the best way to maintain fitness as we age.  There is a ton of information regarding health and fitness...
Published 04/03/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about dose-response and what it means for your fitness...   Learn how a little-known principle in exercise determines whether you get the fitness results you are looking for, or you just spend some time moving weights up and down at the gym. Find out why the dose-response to exercise is what you should really be paying attention to, and how it can guide you to easier fitness gains in a shorter amount of time. More exercise is not...
Published 03/27/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about how strength training should complement dieting for weight loss...   Dr. James Fisher answers the question “Why does muscle really matter for weight loss?” Find out why muscle mass should be a vital component of your weight loss strategy and why dieting without strength training is a recipe for long term disaster for your body.  There is a direct connection between your body’s muscle mass and its metabolic effectiveness, the...
Published 03/20/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about effective exercise for your lower back and what can surprisingly make lower back pain worse...   In part two of the interview with Dr. James Fisher, we explore what it takes to actually strengthen the lower back and why exercises like the deadlift are not effective in targeting your lower back muscles. Find out how some people can experience significant lower back strength gain in as little as ten weeks with only 15 total minutes...
Published 03/13/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about solving the problems causing lower back pain...   Brian Cygan and Dr. James Fisher discuss the origins of lower back pain and why the vast majority of Americans will experience some form of lower back pain in their lives. Learn about the root cause of lower back pain and why most treatments only deal with the symptoms and the pain instead of solving the problem, which often leads to even worse issues down the road. Fisher is an...
Published 03/06/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about the importance of muscle burn...   Amy Hudson and Brian Cygan explain why that feeling of your muscles burning is exactly what you want to feel every time you go to the gym. Learn why muscle burn is one of the best indications that you’re exercising at the right intensity and without it, you won’t get the fitness results you’re looking for. The intensity of an exercise is crucial to achieving the fitness results you want, and...
Published 02/28/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about life-changing advice and details about pre-diabetes...   Amy and Brian break down the science behind pre-diabetes and how strength training is the most efficient and effective way to escape the negative feedback loop of insulin resistance, systemic inflammation, and weight gain. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed as pre-diabetic, this information could change your life. Approximately 1 in 3 Americans are...
Published 02/21/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about the Exercise Coach's strong business model...   Amy and Jesse Hudson explore the reasons the Exercise Coach saw phenomenal growth over the past 18 months while other fitness brands struggled to stay open. Learn about the key differences in the business model that make the Exercise Coach a great franchise to open, and why the community of franchisees that support one another is the secret ingredient to franchise success. Jesse...
Published 02/14/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about misconceptions about machines and if free weights or machines are better...   Amy and Brian settle the age-old debate of which one is better: free weights or machines? Learn about some common misconceptions about machines that prevent people from getting the fitness results they want in the timeframe they want, and why free weights can lead to reduced strength gains and a higher risk of injury. Spoiler alert: You’re not going...
Published 02/07/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about how you can use more effort in less time...   Amy and Brian go into the science behind eccentric overload and why this little-understood movement is responsible for the incredible gains in strength Exercise Coach clients experience in their first six sessions. Find out what eccentric overload is and how to optimize your exercise so you can use more effort in less time, and see greater results. Eccentric training is well...
Published 01/31/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about the science and principles behind strength training...   Brian and Amy explore the scientific research that shows that strength training is the ultimate exercise for combatting the aging process, getting into the best shape of your life, and how those principles are applied to every workout session at the Exercise Coach. Over the past few months, Brian has been working on the Strength Changes Everything Scientific Support...
Published 01/24/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about the benefits of strength training in a fun manner...   In the midst of preparing for the upcoming National Exercise Coach Conference, Brian and Amy play a game of trying to name as many benefits of strength as they possibly can without repeating themselves. As you would expect of something as important to your long-term health and performance as strength training, the ensuing list is ridiculously long and comprehensive. With...
Published 01/17/24
Join us for this replay from the archives to learn more about what is accepted versus what is truth...   In part 2 of this interview, Brian Cygan and Dr. James Fisher discuss the science of strength and why the accepted wisdom of exercise may actually be causing more harm than good. Learn how many exercises you really need during a session, why “cardio” exercises aren’t necessary if you use the right level of effort, and how to keep yourself from getting injured by reducing the range of...
Published 01/10/24