Last podcast episode of the season! Can you believe it? To mark this special occasion, I’ve decided to put myself through the Style Shifter time machine and tell you my personal style evolution story. In the host’s shoes today you will hear Mitch, my partner and the Marketing Director of Wonder Wardrobe. I started like everyone, with fast fashion but my style today is full of outfits that I’ve curated over the years from sustainable brands. My seasonal capsule wardrobes are now full of the...
Published 11/24/23
Published 11/24/23
I'm thrilled to bring you a style talk that resonates with so many of us. Join me as I chat with Giulianna, a woman on a mission to harmonize her personal style with her seasonal color type. It's a journey of self-discovery, style evolution, and finding those perfect wardrobe pieces that feel just right. We're diving deep into the world of color coordination, fabric choices, and the magic of cuts that flatter. As a personal stylist, I'm here to share insights and tips that will revolutionize...
Published 11/16/23
Join me as I guide Hortense on a journey to embrace and evolve her romantic personal style. This heartfelt conversation will take you into the world of personal styling and help you discover how to find a personal fashion style that transcends trends and truly reflects your essence. From taking a personal fashion style quiz to exploring personal styling online, this episode is a treasure trove for anyone looking to add more femininity and romance into their outfits. 👉 If you want my styling...
Published 11/10/23
Join me in a heart-to-heart conversation on the Style Shifter Podcast, where we delve into the often misunderstood world of body dysmorphia and body image issues. In this episode, we explore how societal norms and clothing sizes can distort our perception of beauty. Along with my guest Émilie, we discuss how to achieve stylistic confidence with your own unique body by opting for tailored clothes, a book recommendation and other tips. Tune in for an empowering journey towards self-love and...
Published 11/02/23
Modern fashion has conditioned us that more clothes means more to wear. Still, what to do when you don’t know what to wear? You buy new clothes. Then how come you're drowning in clothes, yet paradoxically, you still have the 'nothing to wear' problem? Join me on our latest podcast episode as I chat with Style Shifter Biljana about the emotional rollercoaster behind our shopping habits. Dive deep into the world of closet decluttering with two practical exercises that will help you to buy less...
Published 10/26/23
Join me and my guest, Carina, as we uncover her journey with fashion, influenced by her upbringing, role as a parent, and desire to carve out her own style. Growing up wearing practical, used clothes, Carina discusses the contrast between her practical approach to clothing and her partner's focus on style. As she navigates motherhood, the lack of time for self-care, and personal development, Carina expresses a desire to develop her own style but struggles to find the time to invest in it. I...
Published 09/08/23
Join me and Julie into an exploration of the world of fashion for those that are looking to adapt their personal style after gaining weight. We chat about the challenges and joys of embracing changes in our bodies, and how style isn't just about the size tag. Whether you're into vintage vibes or a modern minimalist, there's a world of styling tips waiting for you. Gaining weight or losing weight comes with wardrobe changes and I'm going to show you how to navigate this new reality in today's...
Published 08/25/23
Kimberley's fashion journey is nothing short of inspiring! Once a lover of neutrals and dark shades, she's now embracing vibrant colors suited for her Color Type. As an aging Spring Color Type, Kimberley's transition to warmer and brighter colors is a testament to her evolving style. Dive into the conversation with Daria as they discuss the challenges of finding clothes in spring colors, the psychological aspects of style transformation, and the beauty of sustainable fashion. Kimberley is a...
Published 08/19/23
Embark on a deep dive into Rebekah's personal style evolution. Guided by Daria's insights, explore the balance between comfort and fashion, the role of societal expectations, and the art of choosing a wardrobe that truly resonates with personal style.  From the importance of the right fit to the allure of bold colors, uncover the secrets behind making fashion choices that empower and inspire. 👉 If you want my styling advice and would like to be a Guest on the Style Shifter Podcast fill in...
Published 08/11/23
Join us on the Style Shifter Podcast as we embark on a fashion journey with the fabulous Nora, a computer scientist with a passion for style but also a struggle with impulse shopping. In this enlightening episode, Daria unveils her step-by-step guide to help Nora reign in her shopping habits. Together, they explore sustainable fashion choices, capsule wardrobe magic, and the psychology of personal style. Nora opens up about her office attire needs, her best outfit, and what her future...
Published 08/04/23
Welcome to the Style Shifter Podcast, where fashion, style, and beauty secrets are revealed!  Join us for an exclusive sneak peek into our upcoming episode with the fabulous Nora, as she shares her shopping habits. Make sure to subscribe so you see her full story and how together we set up a plan that will help her control her shopping habits. Our future guests are women just like you who are trying to make the most out of their style and clothes. They will share their real-life experiences...
Published 07/28/23