#22 - Reprogram Your Subconscious So You Can Feel Genuinely Happier
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A step-by-step method for choosing the way you want to feel and accessing genuinely happier feelings. You can reprogram your subconscious in as little as 17 seconds. The biggest takeaways from this episode: Why you can't "just relax" or "calm down." A step-by-step method to experience the feelings you want to have. The control you do have over your subconscious feelings. A faster and easier to go from a low vibration to a high vibration.   Hey there, Thanks for being here today! Welcome to the Style With Intention podcast. Today's episode is all about wrangling your subconscious to give you the conscious experiences you want to have. Feelings of contentment, eagerness, optimism, and joy. Listen in today as I share everything I've learned about the way our subconscious deals with emotions and how you can take control and access the better emotions you want to feel. When we understand how something works - it's easier to manage. This is the science behind our feelings!  Our bonus content this week gives you the specific steps you can take to get into a better feeling state, so be sure to download the one-page worksheet which will teach you "How To Choose The Way You Want to Feel" by clicking HERE. As always, my goal is to make it quicker and easier for you to access more ease, joy, and intention in your life...because happy looks really, really good! Enjoy the show!     If you’re new to podcasts, check out our “Listening To Podcasts Cheat Sheet” for everything you need to know about downloading and listening to podcasts from your iPhone.   CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE   If you’d rather read, than listen, here’s the FULL TRANSCRIPT OF EPISODE #22 HOW TO REPROGRAM YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS SO YOU CAN FEEL GENUINELY HAPPIER Welcome to the Style With Intention podcast, where we talk about how to use your personal style choices as a tool to create a life you love. We believe choice is empowering, complacency is boring, and happy looks really, really good! I’m your host, Annie Kip, and  today I’m going to share with you a trick I discovered. It’s literally something you can do every single time you are starting to notice feelings that you don’t want to have. This it s way to literally re-program your subconscious - and it’s more than just “think your happy thoughts” and believe that everything will all be okay. That doesn’t work for me. And if you’ve been trying to just be positive, you have probably found that it doesn’t work for you either. I know how ridiculous it is to say that to someone who’s feeling down. Just saying the words doesn’t work - but I’ve found that this technique really works for me when I’m feeling down. We’ve talked on this podcast about energetic vibration - and how that is tied to what you experience in your conscious reality. When you’re in a low mood, you can get sort of stuck in that low energetic vibrational place. I know what it’s like to be in a low mood. When things are challenging with my kids, particularly, I found myself getting down and a little blue. I knew I should just get out and go for a walk to try to shake off the mood, but honestly, I didn’t feel like it. I was just sort of stuck in my blue mood and needed a way to get myself out of it that didn’t take a lot of effort. I also noticed that there were times in my life when I could feel the higher energetic vibration. Sometimes, it had to do with what was going on - like after a really great meeting with a client or spending a great weekend with the beau. But there were times when a good feeling would seem to materialize out of nowhere and I wanted more of that. I’d find myself smiling at a thought or sort of car-dancing when as Earth, Wind, and Fire song came on the radio. Yes, I’m a girl who still loves all of the 80’s R and B and disco - from Al Jerreau to Rick James to The Commodores.
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