#20 - Plan To Make Your Past Something To Smile About
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We're going to look at our lives from the perspective of our past - 20-30 years from now - and think about whether we are happy with how we lived. The biggest takeaways from this episode: Why it's never too late to make start making your past something to smile about. How trying to keep things the same can get in your way. Why age is a privilege. Questions to ask yourself about how you want to live.   Hey there, Thanks for being here today! Welcome to the Style With Intention podcast. In today's episode, we're going to look at our lives from the perspective of our past - 20-30 years from now - and think about whether we are happy with how we lived. Ever since I decided to get divorced (way back in 2003), I've been thinking about my life this way. I decided that I would like to look back, as an 80-year-old, and say to myself "well, THAT was an interesting ride!" rather than looking back and saying to myself, "wow, you were a really good compromiser!" Listen in today for the questions you can ask yourself to more quickly get into this frame of mind and think about whether you're living the way you want to live - and whether your life will be something that yoou look back on and smile about. As always, my goal is to make it quicker and easier for you to access more ease, joy, and intention in your life...because happy looks really, really good! Enjoy the show!         CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE   If you’d rather read, than listen, here’s the FULL TRANSCRIPT OF EPISODE #20 PLAN TO MAKE YOUR PAST SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT Welcome to the Style With Intention podcast, where we talk about how to use your personal style choices as a tool to create a life you love. We believe choice is empowering, complacency is boring, and happy looks really, really good! I’m your host, Annie Kip, and I’m so glad you’re here today! Today, we are stepping into the perspective of your future self and we’re looking at our past and deciding if we lived the way we wanted to live.   Time goes by so quickly - often we don’t want to look at the reality of that or our past - and that our days are whizzing by and they’re adding up into years. We don’t see ourselves as middle-aged - it just doesn’t feel like that! In fact, I hesitate to use that word when I’m titling an episode. Nobody wants to hear “middle-aged.”   Even me - I used to feel sorry for people whose kids had gone off to college. You know, I wondered - what they do all day? It just seemed sort of sad without the purpose of young kids and getting them off to school. Do they have anything to do? Are they drifting? I saw their wrinkly knees and their gray hair and I wondered - are they depressed? How could they let themselves go like that?   And now I know that age is just a number - right?   Well, the numbers don’t lie - 50 is half-way to 100. I resisted this fact for awhile. I put a lot of time and effort into holding onto the appearance of youth - and I was losing the battle!   You know one day I was commiserating with a friend about color oing our hair. There were reasons we felt we had to keep doing it: So other people wouldn’t think we looked old. So random men would think we were pretty - which we realized was really ridiculous, because we really only cared what our partners. Then we also thought we do it because we don’t want our kids to be embarrassed of us. It was ridiculous. It wasn’t who we wanted to be. It certainly wasn’t who I wanted to be. And literally after that conversation, I stopped coloring my hair. I considered it my 50th birthday present to myself.   We all do things that make us feel the way we used to feel.   Everyone has their own strategy - it could be hair coloring, it could be exercising, it could be flirtations, fast cars, designer clothes, competition, or distracting yourself. There are lots of perfectly acceptable wa
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