#19 - How To Give Up The Struggle and Just Be
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Struggle and effort are not helping you get what you want. The faster, easier way to have what you really want is to get crystal clear about how it would feel to already have whatever it is that you want - and literally step into that feeling to bring the actual experience into your life. The biggest takeaways from this episode: How struggle and effort don't really help - and actually gets in your way. Why feelings matter more than actions. The difference between "being" and "doing." A faster and easier way to get what you really want than struggle.   Hey there, Thanks for being here today! Welcome to the Style With Intention podcast. Today's episode is all about giving up the struggle. Stopping the go, go, go of "doing" things to get where we want to go and have what we want to have. There's a faster, easier way - and that is "being." I share what this looks like in my own life and give specific examples that I'm sure you'll relate to. My personal experience with giving up struggle and getting into a really positive "being" state has been remarkable. It's just a whole lot easier. I find that I get more done, without noticing the time go by - and, I'm now noticing that, when I'm not in this state, everything feels like a slooooow slog. Listen in today for three questions you can ask yourself to more quickly get into the genuine feeling of already having what you want - so you can be in alignment with the experience of it and have this experience in your life. Our bonus content this week expands on those questions, so be sure to download it by clicking HERE. As always, my goal is to make it quicker and easier for you to access more ease, joy, and intention in your life...because happy looks really, really good! Enjoy the show!       If you’re new to podcasts, check out our “Listening To Podcasts Cheat Sheet” for everything you need to know about downloading and listening to podcasts from your iPhone.   CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE   If you’d rather read, than listen, here’s the FULL TRANSCRIPT OF EPISODE #19 HOW TO GIVE UP THE STRUGGLE AND JUST BE Welcome to the Style With Intention podcast, where we talk about how to use your personal style choices as a tool to create a life you love. We believe choice is empowering, complacency is boring, and happy looks really, really good!   I’m your host, Annie Kip, and I’m so glad you’re here today!   Today, we’re talking about how to stop the struggle - the feeling that you have to try really hard, and concentrate, and focus, and put all kinds of effort into getting what you want.   It could be struggle in your business - to get clients, or maybe you want to get a promotion or strike out on your own. Or maybe you just figure out your calling - you know what you’re good at.   It could be your relationship - you want it to be better, you want to talk it out, hash out the issues and be clear and understood once and for all. This is totally me - I used to think that if I could just get the beau to understand what I’m saying and what I mean and what I need - everything would be okay.   The conventional wisdom is that we have to work really hard to get what we want. We have to wait. We have to sacrifice. I’ve felt that way myself - and it doesn’t feel good. And the more I’m in that state of mind, the more it weighs on me and gets heavier and heavier. I hate feeling that way, so I came up with a plan and it involves 3 questions that I ask myself. I’m sharing those 3 questions today because these 3 questions will literally take you out of that heavy, sluggish, effortful feeling that you have when you’re struggling and plop you right into a state which is light and hopeful and exciting - and it’s much more likely to give you what you want.   It starts with this premise. That there’s a big difference between “being” in alignment with what we
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