#10 - Slaying Your Personal Dragons And Living Your Ideal Life
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  All the choices you make either bring you closer to your ideal life or keep you from it. You may have to go through difficult things to get there, endure setbacks, and you may even have to face dragons.   Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: How the “whispers” can help you dream up your ideal life. Why letting yourself dream feels risky even though not dreaming is riskier. The difference between whispers and dragons (hint: one doesn’t help you). How to stop feeling deprived. I’ll also share how I’m dealing with my own personal dragons.   Hey there! Thanks for joining me today! In this episode we are going to talk about “slaying your dragons.”   Yes, dragons. A dragon is anything that’s keeping you away from what you really want out of your ideal life, aka your castle (see what I’m doing here...).  Dragons can be small diversions that often seem like short-cuts -- or nagging things like self-doubt, bad habits - or even a not-so-happy relationship, depending on how they affect your life.  Dragons are totally different for everyone - and only you know what your dragons are. You’ll be dealing with dragons all your life, so you may as well learn how to make friends with them! Join me in learning how to sort through what your dragons are and how you can use the small, ordinary decisions you make every day to create a life you want to live. (Hint - you already have everything it takes to do this!). As always, my goal is to make it quicker and easier for you to access more ease, joy, and intention in your life...because happy looks really, really good!   Enjoy the show! BONUS CONTENT Be sure to download this bonus content - we're sharing "5 Simple Phrases" which will help you own your day - and, really, your whole life! These phrases will help you do things like...set limits politely and firmly, ask for what you want without being demanding, and take yourself out of the impossible job of trying to figure out what will make other people happy! When you have the right words to help you say what you want to say, when you need to say it, you have the power to take control and make your life more the way you want it to be! Click HERE to get the bonus content and we’ll send it out right away! ____________   If you’d rather read than listen, here's the FULL TRANSCRIPT OF EPISODE #10 - SLAY YOUR DRAGONS   Welcome to the Style With Intention podcast, where we talk about how to use your personal style choices as a tool to create a life you love.   We believe choice is empowering, complacency is boring, and happy looks really, really good!   I’m your host, Annie Kip, and this is our last episode of season 1. We’re going to talk about what is keeping you from getting what you want out of your life.   What would your ideal life feel like? What would it feel like? Have you ever taken the time to really put that thought together in detail?   It’s something that’s easy to put off. We get busy and we’re fairly happy. We figure we don’t have that much control anyway and we assume things will work out. There are kids and jobs and parents and spouses and laundry to do.   Thinking about what you really want from your life might even feel risky - what if you dream up something that seems out of reach. It might even seem self-indulgent and entitled to you. Or frivolous. But what if you never take the time to think about what you want?  Whose preferences are deciding what your life is like. Or, What if you like the direction you’re headed in, but you get derailed? What if you end up somewhere that isn’t where you wanted to be?   Especially if you feel like you’ve lost track of what you want - my suggestion is to start with imagining how you want to feel - by listening to the “whispers” - we talked about this in episode 2 - they are the small, quiet voices that tell you
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