#9 - Being Vulnerable And Showing A Little Bit Of Ugly
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  Trying to appear “perfect” might feel safer, but being vulnerable and showing your whole self - and not caring what other people think - will actually draw other people closer to you. It’s true!   Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: The role of a little bit of “ugly” (i.e. being vulnerable) in genuine attractiveness. (Hint: one doesn’t exist without the other.) The power of vulnerability in establishing connections. How we sometimes confuse authenticity with “ugly” (hey, we’re always our own toughest critic!). My experience with  deciding to show one part of myself that I worried was "ugly" and finding new confidence and ease.   Hey there! Thanks for tuning-in! Today I’m going to share a little secret with you: genuine attractiveness can’t exist without being vulnerable - and showing a little bit of what you might consider to be “ugly.” I’m using the word “ugly” loosely - to indicate all those parts of ourselves that we’d rather hide. You know, the parts you’d rather not have people know about - the parts even you don’t want to look at. They aren’t really ugly - but it may feel that way. It's really just feeling vulnerable. When we’re willing to show people our whole selves - it’s risky. What if we’re rejected? But not showing ourselves may even be riskier. Being vulnerable makes people attractive, because it makes them real. How close do you feel to that friend who never lets her imperfect, “ugly” side show?  I know I’m not clamoring to sit on the couch and pour my heart out (ugly cry and all) to Ms. Perfect, are you? Join me as we dig into the benefits of embracing vulnerability and showing people who we really are (hint: it’s what makes you truly beautiful!). As always, my goal is to make it quicker and easier for you to access more ease, joy, and intention in your life...because happy looks really, really good!  Enjoy the show! BONUS CONTENT Today’s bonus content is a checklist of 9 questions you can ask yourself when you’re deciding whether or not to share that part of you that you’ve been hiding...you know, the thing you consider your “little bit of ugly.” I’ve asked myself these very same questions many times (especially when I was deciding whether to let my hair go gray or not!) and I’ve learned new things about myself each time. The answers you give to these questions might surprise you too and will definitely help you think your “little bit of ugly” and maybe see it from a new perspective. Click HERE to get the bonus content and we’ll send it out right away! _____________   If you’d rather read than listen, here's the FULL TRANSCRIPT OF EPISODE #9 - A LITTLE BIT OF UGLY   Welcome to the Style With Intention podcast, where we talk about how to use your personal style as a tool to create a life you love.   We believe choice is empowering, complacency is boring, and happy looks really, really good!   I’m your host, Annie Kip and today we’re talking about something that doesn’t come up very often in my world - of style and interior design - and that is the value of “ugly.”   Yes, it's my job to identify what looks good, what makes people feel amazing, and to help you clarify your unique style - in a nutshell, I'm all about making things look really, really good - but I'm also here to tell you... Genuine attractiveness can’t exist without a little bit of ugly.   I know that might be counter-intuitive, but it’s true. Think about it - who do you feel safest with? The person who thinks you’re perfect -- or the person who knows all of your faults and weaknesses and loves you anyway. How about the girlfriend who only shares the stuff that’s great in her life - never any fights with her spouse, or frustrations with her kids, or problems at work - her life seems pretty perfect. How comfortable
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