#6 - How To Get The Good Sleep You Need
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  We all seem to complain about not getting good sleep. By the end of the day, we’re tired, achy, worn out and just need to rest - but we can't sleep. Here are some ideas to help! Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: Why sleep is EXTREMELY important to your happiness What happens if you don't get the sleep your body desperately needs The most important questions to ask yourself if you want a good night of sleep. My personal tips to help you find more restful nights (Spoiler Alert: you have to stop fighting and "make friends" with sleep).   Hey there! Thanks for listening today!  Today’s topic is something many people struggle with but it's vital to happiness - SLEEP.   It’s such a simple thing and something that I've struggled with in recent years. I know a lot of my friends are frustrated with not sleeping well too!  I know we have a lot more on our minds now than ever before, not to mention changing hormones, new jobs, etc. - so getting good sleep can make a big difference in our lives! There is no way around it. If you’re tired of not getting enough good, solid sleep, then I have some ideas that will be very interesting to you.  Download today’s bonus material by clicking below and you’ll be snoozing before you know it! In the Luxurious Sleep Guide I share my personal tips to help you find your way back to restful, REM-filled nights.  This guide also provides some tools to help you set yourself up for a successful night of deep, luxurious sleep! I recommend you download it right now and use it to follow along as you listen to the episode. As always, my goal is to make it quicker and easier for you to access more ease, joy, and intention in your life...because happy looks really, really good!   Enjoy the show! BONUS CONTENT  This week's bonus content is EPIC! We've pulled together all of our best tips and tricks for getting to sleep - and staying asleep! - into one handy package: The Luxurious Sleep Guide. There are so many ideas, resources, and techniques to help with sleep, that you're sure to find solutions to your biggest sleep frustrations. Download it now, so you'll have it the next time you're looking for some reading material in the middle of the night - you'll be glad you did! Wishing you sweet dreams! You can get the guide by clicking HERE and we’ll send it out right away! _________ LINKS MENTIONED IN EPISODE #6 https://www.tuck.com/thermoregulation/https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-13952/why-everyone-should-try-an-epsom-salt-bath.html https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-871-passionflower.aspx?activeingredientid=871 http://www.thealternativedaily.com/reasons-to-put-essential-oils-on-feet/ http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_drift/2015/11/30/does_sleepytime_tea_actually_help_you_fall_asleep.html   P.S. Remember, if you’re new to listening to podcasts, check out the free Podcast Cheat Sheet for everything you need to know about finding, downloading, listening on the go, and sharing podcasts. Click HERE to get it!   _________   In case you'd rather read than listen, here's the FULL TRANSCRIPT OF EPISODE #6 - HOW TO GET THE GOOD SLEEP YOU NEED Welcome to the Style With Intention podcast, where we talk about how to use your personal style as a tool to create a life you love.   We believe choice is empowering, complacency is boring, and happy looks really, really, good!   Welcome to the show! I’m your host, Annie Kip and today we’re talking about sleep - because if you don’t get good sleep, the quality of your life is going to be compromised. Period.   This is a subject that has comes up again and again whenever I talk with people. SLEEP! It’s a simple thing that makes a big difference in our lives - and is really frustrating when it doesn’t come to us as easily as it used to.   If you’re tired of not getting enough good, soli
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