#5 - 7-Step Bookend Routines For Morning and Evening
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  There have been the obvious benefits of adding bookend routines to my days - I'm actually doing what I want to do for myself! But, in addition to these things, I've experienced three specific benefits that have been a really pleasant surprise!   Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: How bookend routines can help you get done the things that matter to you! 3 specific benefits from bookend routines that I didn't expect. How feeling out of alignment is maybe a message you need to hear. Some morning and evening bookend routines you might want to add into your own life.   Hey there! Today we're going to talk about something that will help you sleep better, become more productive, and feel more at ease throughout your day.  What is this miraculous secret?  It’s the simple act of creating bookend routines.   While the thought of having to stick to a routine usually makes me feel restricted -- but the bookends I've set up for myself have actually been a great tool in my life. They've helped me carve out  space in my daily life to make sure that I get the things that really matter to me done -- rather than only getting the things done that happen to grab my attention in the moment. Does this sound good to you? Do you need a little inspiration?   You can check out my "7-Step Bookend Routines For Morning and Evening" to get started. These are my personal routines which you can use or tweak to suit your schedule. The beginning and end of your day set the rhythms of your daily life.  These are the times of day when we have the most control of our time. Do yourself a favor and put a little structure into your morning and evening to get the most out of them! As always, my goal is to make it quicker and easier for you to access more ease, joy, and intention in your life...because happy looks really, really good!   Enjoy the show!   If you'd like to find a little more time and space to feel better and fit in the things that matter to you - this bonus content is perfect for you! You can see the "7-Step Bookend Routines For Morning and Evening" that I've been working with and then create your own bookend routines which will work well for you. Taking back your days can be as simple as bookending your morning and evening routines! You can click HERE to download and we’ll send it out right away!   Links mentioned in Episode #4 http://health.usnews.com/health-news/blogs/eat-run/2013/12/17/take-aspirin-at-night-to-reap-its-health-and-beauty-benefits http://www.thealternativedaily.com/reasons-to-put-essential-oils-on-feet/ http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/04/19/healthiest.sleep.position/index.html http://www.bonappetit.com/story/best-sleepytime-tea-brands http://www.omvana.com/meditations/six-phases-meditation-by-vishen-lakhiani     In case you'd rather read than listen, here's the FULL TRANSCRIPT OF EPISODE #4 - HOW TO BOOKEND YOUR DAYS   Welcome to the Style With Intention podcast, where we talk about how to use your personal style as a tool to create a life you love.   We believe choice is empowering, complacency is boring, and happy looks really, really, good!   Hi there and welcome to the show. I’m your host, Annie Kip and today we’re talking about how to set yourself up for a good day by working on your morning and evening routines.   Today, I am going to share something I’m not good at. In fact, it’s something that I am a little embarrassed about.   Here I am, doing a podcast and sharing ideas and giving you suggestions, but I have to admit that I’m not proud of my record when it comes to follow-through on doing what I say I want to do.   I’m really good at coming up with new ideas and knowing the specific actions I want to take and writing it all down very carefully -- but consistently carrying these actions out? Not so much. Building good habits has never been my forte.   I w
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